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An extra long story for an extra generous pledge from Mephy. I hope you enjoy!

Tsunade Senju opened her front door and stumbled into her home. She hiccuped as she turned around to close her door. After fumbling with the lock on the door, her brown eyes spotted a lone bottle of Sake sitting on the table, beckoning her for just one last sip.

"Jus a lil nighcap."

She slurred as she made her way toward the bottle. Her cheeks were hot as she lifted the bottle and took a hearty swig, guzzling the entire contents of the bottle.

"How did I get here?" A voice came from behind the blond.

The blond quickly spun around to face the intruder and was met with quite the picture of beauty. A well endowed woman in a black robe, typical of the Shinigami, stood directly in front of her. Her wavy, long strawberry blond hair, framed her angelic, blushing face. Tsunade noted that her unwanted house guest had quite the curvaceous figure; her most distinctive feature being her very large breasts that made the blond feel a bit insecure.

"What are you doing, trespassing in my house?!" Tsunade demanded.

Rangiku stared at the angry, big breasted woman in front of her. One minute, she had been in a bar, drinking random strangers under the table and now, she was face to face with this person. She spotted a blue mark on the blond's forehead as she was trying to figure out what happened to her. After a momentary pause, Rangiku saw that the blond had assumed a ninja stance, her grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves pulled tight against her massive bosom which was held by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matched her pants.

"I mean you no trouble!" Rangiku stated.

"Then you should have never entered my house." Tsunade replied. "Now, I'll give you one chance to leave if you tell me what clan sent you here and what your mission is."

"My name is Matsumoto Rangiku and I'm the Lieutenant of the tenth Division of the Gotei thirteen, serving under Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya. My primary mission is to hunt for Hollows."

"Gotei thirteen? I've never heard of your clan."

Tsunade straightened her posture, taking a more relaxed stance, but still she was cautious, ready for anything.

"We're not exactly a clan. More of a government organization. Regardless of that, my night out was going just fine until I magically appeared here. One moment I had just drank a geezer under the table and he was going to cover my tab. Now, I don't even know where I am."

"You sure you can handle your liquor little girl?" Tsunade smirked. "I think you just got a bit too drunk and walked into the wrong house."

"I am willing to bet that I can drink a lot more than you ever could, grandma." Rangiku smirked.

"Grandma!?" Tsunade barked. "I'm not a day over 30!"

"Good for you, I'm over a hundred and have more than three times the experience handling my drink as you."

'One. Hundred. Years. Old?' Tsunade was already pretty sure of the fact that this woman was wasted, but this bold claim practically made up her mind. 'No one knows the technique I use for hiding my age. Even if she did somehow master it, she doesn't have a seal on her forehead.'

"Okay, it's obviously that you're shit faced, but I'll give you credit, you're not slurring at all. Maybe you can handle your booze."

"Let's make a little wager. If you out drink me, I'll buy you a month's supply of Sake. But if I win, you have to let me stay the night since I have no where to go at this late hour."

Tsunade thought about the offer for a moment. 'It's like taking candy from a drunk baby.'

"Deal, but you won't win." The blond grinned.

"I like your confidence." Rangiku smiled.

"What's your name?"

"Lady Tsunade Senju, the fifth Hokage and, not that you'll remember, but you're in my village called Konohagakure."

The two women took their seats on opposite sides of a low standing table. Tsunade placed a bottle of Sake on the table and proceeded to pour two cups of the pungent drink. After setting the small saucers down on the table, the two big breasted women stared each other down, as if daring the other to give up before even starting.

Tsunade made the first move, taking her drink to her mouth in an extremely fast motion, drinking it in under a second, and slammed down her saucer in an overly dramatic manner.

Rangiku responded by taking her saucer and drinking it down, tilting her head back to do so. This position exposed even more of her already ample cleavage to Tsunade who found herself marveling at the big boobs. Rangiku locked eyes with Tsunade, smiling.

"Like what you see?"

Rangiku brought her hands under her tits and cupped her massive melons, jiggling them gently, but playfully.

"Where else was I supposed to look?" Tsunade replied, pouring herself another serving of Sake and pounding it down her throat.

"It's alright. I don't mind. Most women are jealous of my massive melons." Rangiku winked.

"I'm not. As you can see, I'm not exactly small either. Besides, it's your turn to drink."

"My favorite sentence."

Rangiku refilled her saucer and happily drank it.

The contest went on for a while like this, their conversation growing more friendly after each drink. As empty bottles began to collect on the table, bags of adult sized diapers started to materialize out of thin air around the two drunken women. Tsunade took noticed of them since they were directly behind Rangiku who stood up suddenly.

"And wher da ya tink you're goin?" Tsunade slurred.

"Gotta go to da baffroom." Rangiku replied, shifting about urgently.

"If ya lev da table, ya lose da contess." The blond declared with a grin.

"I dun wanna pish myself!" Rangiku shot back.

"How bout ya put on one of thos." Tsunade pointed to one of the bags of large, adult sized diapers.

"Wat?!" Rangiku's blush actually burned brighter across her cheeks than her drunken hue.

"Why do ya ebin hab thos...tings?"

"Tey jus appeared, lik you did." Tsunade smirked.

"I am a grown woman, nod a babie!" Rangiku declared as clearly as she could.

"Okay, pee in ya pants ten, but I am nod clennin it up!"

Rangiku shuffled in place, realizing that she didn't have much of a choice. It was either **** herself and sit in a soaking wet diaper, until she beat Tsunade, or potentially end up passed out drunk, in a pee soaked robe, losing to this woman. A rational part of Rangiku's mind told her that it really didn't matter if she wore a diaper. After all, she reasoned, they were just underwear. It didn't make her any less of a woman if she put them on. If anything, they'd give her an advantage over her opponent!

The strawberry haired woman knelt down, picking up a diaper from within the bag and pulled it out, causing the whole case to crinkle loudly. Still, she resolved herself to continue. Rangiku opened the plastic rectangle until it spread wide, revealing itself as an hour glass shape. She laid out the diaper onto the wooden floor and quickly pulled down her panties, stepping out of them and discarding them carelessly. With one hand on the front of the diaper and the other holding the back, she drew up the diaper, struggling to get her robe out of the way. Finally, after much fumbling with each of the four tapes, she was taped into the odd, infantile underwear.

Despite the bulk, she actually felt kind of sexy. Rangiku knew it was probably the inebriated state of her mind talking, but she did a little twirl, causing her robe to flutter up, revealing the thick bulk which encased her loins. Once she completed her rotation, she slapped her diapered ass, striking a pose.

"I mak dis look gud!"

Tsunade found herself laughing like a schoolgirl as she watched the front of her new friend's all white garment turn bright yellow. It was just too funny to see this very adult woman, not only wearing a diaper, but thoroughly soaking it like a baby.

"I tink ya need a change."

Rangiku couldn't help but blush, pushing her hand against her crotch, causing it to squelch. The sound was just so odd and babyish!

"Led meh finish mai dwink and I'll pud on a new diapur."

The fierce warrior sat on her butt with an audible squish and took another drink of the Sake. Both women had lost track of how much they had drank so far, but one thing was certain, they weren't about to throw in the towel.

Once Rangiku put down her saucer, she untaped her diaper right in front of Tsunade, each tape crackling loud, like thunder, as it was ripped from the sleek plastic of the diaper. The diaper dropped to the ground with a sickening tud and Rangiku stepped away from the sodden garment, happy to put on a new diaper.

"I bed ya can't mak a diapur lok gud."

Rangiku teased as she finished diapering herself. stood their in her new diaper.

"Heh, I bet I can and I won't ebin wed it lik you did."

The diapered Shinigami wasted no time throwing a diaper at Tsunade who caught it in midair. She stood up and was about to go to her room to change into it when her own words came rushing back to her, courtesy of Rangiku.

"Ya leav da table, ya lose." The strawberry blond stated in a playfully mocking tone.

With a sigh, she laid the disposable out and dropped her gray pants, along with her panties. She kicked her clothes drunkenly to the side and sat on top of the thick cushion like material of the diaper. In her drunken state, she could only marvel at how high her butt was sitting off of the floor due to the bulk of her oversized pamper. However, she didn't have long to think about it since it was her turn to drink. The Hokage laid back and pulled the right wing of her diaper into place, fiddling with the tapes, and followed suit with the other wing. Once the remaining two tapes were pressed into place, sealing her lower half into the absurdly large disposable, she sat back up.

"Dere, happy?"

Tsunade gestured to her diaper as she sat with her legs stretched out in front of her, showing off, not only the diaper, but her open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels.

"Ya lok cute, buut nod as cute as meh!" Rangiku winked.

Tsunade ignored the childish slurring woman in front of her and reached for her saucer which had turned into a sippy cup. Unbeknownst to either woman, this was not the only thing to appear since they donned their diapers. A whole slew of powders, baby clothes and even a few baby toys laid sprawled out behind Rangiku as well as larger bags of diapers that had adult women modeling their oversized pampers on the cover of the packaging.

Despite these changes to their surroundings, the oblivious women pressed on with their drinking game, each lady growing even more inebriated as they went through sippy cup after sippy cup, discarding them to the side as a new cup would quickly take its place on the table. Even though the toddler style drinking cups made slamming down their Sake harder, the women barely noticed, opting instead to finish the contents entirely before setting down the cup and telling the other that it was now their turn. Had the two ladies realized how ridiculous they looked, sitting in adult diapers, trying to out drink the other while their heads were tilted back, nursing the sippy cups like actual toddlers, they may have called it quits, but they were simply too wasted to contemplate that anything was out of the ordinary. To both women, everything was perfectly fine.

After about five more sippy cups, Rangiku felt her second diaper growing close to bursting. She took her turn to reach out and grab for the pack of diapers closest to her. Rangiku was so preoccupied with trying to wrestle the now larger disposables from the new bag that she didn't even notice that the packaging featured the bright, smiling face of Orihime Inoue kneeling on the front of it, her legs spread wide by an enormous diaper.

While Rangiku was trying to free her new change of disposable underwear, Tsunade found herself staring at the boxum teen's image, finding it both beautiful and rather odd that such a mature girl would be plastered on the side of a bag of diapers. She admired the girl's long, waist-length, orange hair which framed her slender form, allowing the ridiculous disposable to stand out even more due to the fact this girl was naked. The only thing that stood out more than the pamper, which was so tightly wrapped around Orihime's waist, was the girl's large breasts.

"Dis dam ting won open!" Rangiku pouted, dropping the pack beside her.

"Heh, ya can't eben open a pack of dipurs." The drunken Hokage taunted.

"I dun see ya doin it." Rangiku shot back.

"Wen I git it open, ya gotta play wiff toes baby toys." Tsunade stated firmly, pointing to the rattle and toy key set next to Rangiku.

"If ya dunt, ten ya gotta dwess lika baby." Rangiku declared.

"Yer on!"

The blond turned around with a crinkle and leaned forward, grabbing for the package nearest her. She hesitated when she saw a familiar face emblazoned on the side of the pampers. It was none other than Ino Yamanaka! Somewhere deep in her mind, the Hokage found it improbable that one of her village's best and brightest was reduced to a drooling adult infant, modeling diapers, but in her inebriated state she quickly silenced such doubts, allowing her to marvel at the woman on the bag. Ino's light blue eyes shined from behind her long platinum blonde bangs that framed the right side of her face as she sucked on a big purple pacifier that was prominently situated between her drool covered lips. The blond woman was on all fours, probably crawling towards something when the picture was taken, Tsunade thought as she tried to tear open the top of the plastic bag.

"Dis isn't esay!" Tsunade frowned and gave up.

"I gotsa idea!" The strawberry blond stated as she clumsily rose to her feet and withdrew her trusted sword.

"Toss id at meh!" Rangiku commanded.

Without questioning her intoxicated drinking partner, Tsunade lifted the large bag of diapers above her head and threw them over to where Rangiku stood. Despite being wasted, the strawberry blond swung her sword fairly well and, when it made contact with the bag, it shredded the plastic wrapping, causing an explosion of diapers to suddenly rain down around the drunken women who could only giggle in response. Both soaking wet ladies, especially Tsunade, were happy to have access to a change of underwear as their adult diapers were about to leak.

A symphony of crinkles and crackling pierced the relative silence of the Hokage's house as the two drunks laid back and ripped their diapers open, revealing their glistening womanhood which unexplainably lacked any hair. However, neither woman took notice of the fact that their pussies had literally gone bald during the progression of their contest. What mattered most to both Tsunade and Rangiku was balling up their drenched diapers and putting on the even bigger disposables that laid out all around them.

"Hey!" Tsunade called out as she took off her grey, kimono-style blouse to make room for the larger diaper she was about to tape on. "Thes are bigger!"

The soul reaper was too busy lifting up her plump ass to respond, using much of her concentration to center her bottom on the hourglass shaped diaper beneath her.

"An dey are easier ta puton!"

Tsunade proclaimed in an ecstatic tone, similar to a kid who had learned to tie their shoes for the first time.

"Cuz dey gots only two taps, siwwy girl."

Rangiku replied, slurring heavily as she pulled her diaper up and taped each side together, sealing her moist privates into the even bulkier pillow like confines of her new enormous pamper.

Tsunade merely nodded and reached for her large glass baby bottle which stood on the table, filled with fresh Sake.

"Wait!" The big breasted soul reaper yelled. "Tats nod wight!"

The diapered Hokage looked at her baby bottle, dumbfounded by her new friend's outburst.

"Wats deh matta? I was jus gonna dwink my baba."

"Nod wiffout puttin on yer bonnet an bibs, baby girl."

Rangiku smirked, knowing that she had won for the first time since sitting down at the table. She wasted no time, clumsily handing the blond woman a bib and matching bonnet to wear.

"Oh, wight. I forgots."

Tsunade tied the frilly bonnet beneath her chin and then started on her bonnet. While the Hokage worked at putting on her new babyish accessories, Rangiku gazed longingly at the diapered blond. She was feeling a deep attraction building in both her heart and loins as she noted how good at cordinating her outfit Tsunade was. Her diaper, bib and bonnet all matched, which impressed the drunken soul reaper immensely. What really caught Rangiku's eye was how her new friend's breasts were tastefully obscured from view, the bib blocking Tsunade's cleavage, but allowing her nipples to be seen while her diaper sat just beneath the big orbs of flesh. 'Mmm, she really makes that look good.'

"Aren't cha hot in dat wobe?"

Tsunade asked, pulling Rangiku away from her lewd thoughts.

"Now tat ya mensioned id, I am feelin hot."

'But not as hot as you look.' Rangiku finished her sentence mentally as she stood up and took off her robe, unleashing her massive melons and giving the intoxicated Tsunade a generous view of her diaper.

"I betcha few so much betta now, huh?" Tsunade slurred.

"Yeh. A lot betta, but I tink I know how we can few eben mor betta."

Rangiku grinned as the gears in her lewd brain started to turn.


Tsunade arched an eyebrow, genuinely curious as to how she feel even better. The alcohol coursing through her blood, combined with the crinkling diaper between her legs, had her feeling very good indeed. In her inebriated mind, nothing could top this.

Rangiku could only laugh and walk over to where the Hokage was sitting on her padded butt. In a completely, obscene, sexual fashion Rangiku purred and leaned forward, allowing her big boobs to completely engulf Tsunade's face as she practically forced the leader of the Hidden Leaf village to motorboat her breasts.

"If ya wike tat, ten how you'd lik to pway a game, cute widdle Tsu-Chan?"

Rangiku purred, pulling back her tits and waiting for a response to come from her dazed and drooling drinking buddy.

"Dat was weally nice. Wanna do moar!"

Tsunade grinned an ear to ear smile like an idiot as her pussy was practically pouring precum into her pampers. She had never been this horny before in her life. All she wanted was for this strange, lecherous woman to make her mew like an animal in heat.

"Tats wad I thot. Let's git inda cwib and mak humpies!"

Rangiku led the way, crawling towards the oversized pink crib which inexplicably had appeared in the middle of the room. Tsunade wasn't far behind, watching Rangiku's padded ass rise and fall with each motion foward, threatening to mesmerize the diapered Hokage. She watched her friend climb up into the large crib and turn around, hanging her chest out once again, right in front of Tsunade's face.

"Cum git som milk."

Rangiku teased, jiggling her boobs slightly from her position on the edge of the crib mattress.

Tsunade giggled, reaching out for the swinging boobs like an infant trying to grab a set of toy keys. Rangiku smiled and grabbed Tsunade's hand, yanking her up into the crib which caused the two women to become entangled as the diapered Hokage landed on top of Rangiku.

The drunken blond stared down at her pinned partner, gazing at her pretty face before she rested her eyes on Rangiku's hazy light blue eyes. As this was happening, the Soul Reaper found herself fluttering her eyelashes, caught off guard by the sudden role reversal while Tsunade drank in Rangiku's sudden shyness.

Without hesitation, Tsunade brought her lips to Rangiku's pouty lips. The two diapered ladies started making out passionately while Rangiku's hands caressed and explored Tsunade's cleavage.

A sudden moan escaped from Tsunade due to the Soul Reaper's sensual touch. Her nipples were being teased ever so slightly thanks to the tips of Rangiku's finger nails brushing across them. As the sensation threatened to overwelm the pampered ninja, she broke off the tongue sucking and lowered her mouth to the side Rangiku's impressive bust where her lips clamped on her nipple. She sucked on it gently, taking time to lick around the nipple before teasing the tip until she resumed her sensual suckling of the entire nipple once more. In the midst of the impromtu breastfeeding session, Rangiku felt her blond lover slide her hand inside of the Soul Reaper's pampers. Now it was Rangiku's turn to moan as Tsunade's index finger massaged the Soul Reaper's clit while the ninja continued to suck on her ample breasts.

"Dat's gud. Wight der!" Rangiku list fully directed between her labored breaths. "Oh yush! Don top!"

However, when Tsunade felt Rangiku's vagina quiver and twitch around her index finger, she immediately yanked her hand out of the strawberry blond's pamper.

"Why didja top?" Rangiku pouted, on the verge of climax.

Tsunade grinned and got up on her knees, causing the twin sized crib to creak slightly.

"Cuz if you cum first, tan how wud I cum?" The diapered Hokage asked in a rather clear and coherent manner.

Rangiku responded by reaching down to the blond's diaper, cupping it and pushing the palm of her hand into Tsunade's soaked slit. Tsunade whimpered lightly, lowering herself on top of Rangiku which allowed their bare breasts to press against each other as they resumed making out.

After a few minutes of this, Tsunade's alcohol fueled lust took control and compelled her to push her teased sex into Rangiku's hand. This repeated bucking was almost enough to get her to orgasm. Rangiku noticed that her lover's pelvis was thrusting into her hand while the blond was starting to breath even heavier than before. Instinctively, the Soul Reaper withdrew her hand, waiting until the pampered ninja got the hint.

"I wanna cum." Tsunade whined.

Rangiku brought her finger to Tsunade's lips while making a slight sushing sound. Before Tsunade could respond, Rangiku brought her leg off of the crib mattress and pushed her thigh up into the Hokage's diaper, seductively moving it around the ninja's padded mound as the two women started to grind into each other.

Tsunade locked eyes with Rangiku, realizing that she was involuntarily pushing her padded pussy against the Soul Reaper's undulating thigh. She gasped, as her mind was enveloped by a fog of arousal while the two warriors worked in unison to achieve orgasm.

The grunting and moaning pair of diapered women were going to town and the crib mattress beneath their glistening bodies squeaked repeatedly in response. As they neared orgasm, Tsunade widened her thighs in an effort to press her thickly diapered slit into Rangiku's slick plastic covered crotch. Meanwhile, the Soul Reaper simultaneously brought her hands behind the grinding Tsunade until they cupped the diapered Hokage's perfectly padded ass, pulling her more tightly into the heaving embrace.

The plastic of their diapered pussies grinded together in harmony, each inebriated adult baby doing their best to wet their diaper in more ways than one as a symphony of crinkles and indescrible sounds filled the room around them. The crib bars rattled while the mattress continued to squeak and thump as it moved underneath the two big breasted baby women. Moans of pleasure randomly joined the chorus of lust while their disposables rubbed against one and another frantically, squishing together quickly and forcefully.

Tsunade was the first to cum, but only by a few seconds as Rangiku quickly joined her, each ecstatically screaming to the sky as their enormous pampers filled with cum. Their legs still were wrapped around each other, quivering and shaking in pleasure while their orgasms washed over them. Suddenly, pacifiers filled both women's mouth, silencing their screams of passion. Fully exhausted from the diapered sex, Tsuande and Rangiku collapsed into each other's arms, holding one and another closely before falling asleep.

The Hokage awoke the next morning holding her head, feeling the aftereffects of such a crazy night of drinking. She was no stranger to hangovers, but this one was the definetly the worst hangover she had in years. Suddenly, the events of the previous night came flooding back to her: the strange woman who had "magically" appeared in her home, the drinking contest she had foolhardy accepted and all the diapers she had soiled. Speaking of which, didn't it all end up leading to-....

Tsunade quickly sat up in her regular bed, scanning the room for any trace of the debauchery that had taken place before she had fallen asleep. Sighing, she felt relieved when she saw no used diapers or baby bottles filled with Sake littering her bedroom. She got out of bed and made her way into the living room, just to make sure that there was nothing out of the ordinary. The room looked like it had the night before she left it. Furniture undisturbed and the table right where she had left-. Her eye honed in on something that had no business being there; a large, adult sized baby bottle, half filled with Sake, that had red lipstick marks on the rubber nipple.

"It couldn't have been real, but if it was all a dream..." Tsunade paused to pick up the large glass bottle. "Where did this giant baby bottle come from?"

The End



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