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On the outskirts of the city lay an old abandoned warehouse. Normally, such a place would not be the center of rumors or discussion as such places are typically left to decay and ignored by all, unless you were an entrepreneur or land developer. However, Andrew kept hearing stories about people going into the warehouse, exploring it to get YouTube views, but never returning from the building.

The young man made the hour drive out to the edge of town where the decrepit warehouse district stood, abused by time. There was talk of restoration and rezoning the area, but Andrew didn't see much evidence of that being put into action. After cruising the side streets, he finally found the address of the warehouse and pulled into the parking lot. Before he went into the building, he gathered up some things, packing a snack and some supplies into his backpack, just in case he needed them when he got inside the old industrial building.

Throwing his backpack over his shoulder, Andrew looked around the grounds of the distribution building, noticing a long, rusted chain link fence that was meant to prevent trespassers from getting inside the complex. Luckily, one of the the previous visitors had cut a big hole in the fence which made Andrew think about the rumors once again. Obviously, someone cut that hole, but did that person use it to leave or did they really vanish after they entered the building?

Curiosity ultimately got the better of the young man and he crouched down, going through the man made breach in the chain link fence. Once past the metallic barrier, Andrew stood up and surveyed the south side of the building. It looked fairly average and unassuming. A series of garage doors stood lined up, probably once used to unload and load goods before the warehouse went out of business. Near the roof was a row of glass windows, probably to provide natural light during the day, but they were utterly useless now since the sun had set, casting the area into a dimly lit darkness thanks to the street lights which barely provided any kind of light.

Andrew pulled out his flashlight, turning it on, as he neared a door. He grabbed the knob and tried to turn it, but it was no use, the door was locked. "Damn it." He muttered to himself.

Walking around the perimeter of the building wasn't exactly how the twenty year old expected to spend his evening of urban exploration. Still, it was kind of interesting to see the closed off property up close, but after ten minutes of walking, and numerous locked doors along the way, he was growing annoyed. He kicked a random scrap of junk as he continued to search for another door. Suddenly, a metallic sound rang out, catching his attention when the useless hunk of scrap hit something that sounded like it was made of metal. Andrew quickly shined his flashlight towards the source of the sound and found a ladder that was built into the side of the concrete wall. Following the ladder with his flashlight, he noticed that there was a window that was open where the ladder stopped.

"That must be how everyone else got in!"

Andrew put his compact flashlight in between his teeth, holding it in his mouth as a dog would with a bone. Now that his hands were free since his flashlight was clenched between his teeth, he started to climb up the side of the structure. He took his time, not wanted any of the old steps on the old, rusty ladder to break on him. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of climbing, Andrew had reached the window and slowly brought his legs over the threshold of the window. He tried to search for a solid surface to step onto with his foot, but he found none as his center of gravity shifted and he fell into the building!

Thankfully, he only had fallen about three feet, landing on a catwalk, but the force of the fall caused his flashlight to go flying out of his mouth and down towards the warehouse's ground floor. He could hear the flashlight hitting various objects as it fell, metal clinking around before he heard the sound of glass shattering. Andrew sighed, knowing that his flashlight was useless to him now.

Even though there was a wall of windows lining the catwalk, they weren't providing much light and Andrew felt like he was blind inside the massive structure. He could barely see his feet as he walked forward cautiously.

Nearly falling, Andrew caught himself when he came across an area of the walkway that seemed to be no longer there, but as he tested the surface, he found a step and realized that he had managed to find a staircase. The young man hoped that once he found his way down the stairs, he could get to a switch that would turn on the overhead lights.

Another five minutes passed as he gingerly made his way down the stairs, but it was better than falling if he took a wrong step. Finally, he stood on the ground of the warehouse and felt a bit more confident  since he was no longer standing, suspended in the air, on an old catwalk. Andrew held his arms out, feeling the wall, searching for a light switch or any button that would turn on the lights. He felt along the wall in the pitch black darkness, struggling to find anything resembling a switch. After a few minutes, he found a big circular button on the wall and pressed down on it, hoping that it'd illuminate the building and show him exactly where he was.

A series of of clicks could be heard as row after row of lights turned on. One by one, a new set of fluorescent lights came to life, illuminating a section of the facility. Each area looked different, but had an overall theme. A mechanical noise caught Andrew's attention as a continuous assembly line that ran the entire length of the warehouse building awoken with a shudder. Andrew watched the belt move forward on its own.

"What are all these machines and this conveyor belt for?"

Andrew wondered aloud. At least now he could see everything in the building, including where he was going as he started walking away from the button. While he made his way over to a row of doors, he failed to notice that a red laser beam was scanning him. Suddenly, a computerized voice came on.

*Subject's Name: Not Found*

"What?!" Andrew spun around, looking for the source of the voice.

*Scanning Subject's Gender: Male*

*Age of the Subject: One Years Old*

"Who are you talking about?" Andrew questioned, still looking around for the source of the voice.

Unbeknownst to Andrew, a pair of metallic tentacles slithered down from the rafters of the facility, capped off with gloves for hands. Andrew was grabbed from behind and hoisted off of the ground as he kicked and screamed in shock. The machine ignored his temper tantrum and proceeded to strip the struggling man of his clothing. His shirt was literally ripped from his body as two hands tugged at his pants, yanking them free. Next came his underwear  but not without a fight, Andrew grabbed the waistband of his boxers and held tight, hoping to at least keep the machine from stealing his last piece of clothing from him.

However, the machined hands were simply too powerful and won the impromptu tug of war. They quickly ripped his boxer shorts from his thighs when it over powered Andrew's attempt at keeping the shorts. Now that he was completely naked, he blushed and quickly realized that the snake like arms were taking him over to the conveyor belt.

Andrew's bare ass was first to touch the rubbery surface of the conveyor belt when the hands sat him atop it. The belt started up once more, carrying the naked man forward, pulling him deeper into the sectioned off area. Andrew could hear the machine turn on as wheels started to turn and pistons could be heard pounding away behind the walls of the machine.

Andrew tried to jump off of the conveyor belt, but the hands restrained him and held him in a seated position. He could only watch, perplexed by the whole situation as another tentacle of sorts emerged from the roof. With nowhere else to go, he took the opportunity to study the structure of the machines that had taken him prisoner.

A gloved hand sat at the end of a snakelike metal tube that slithered down. The hand at the end of the mechanical appendage stopped at his chest and reached out. It was so surreal, the gloves were four-fingered hands, covered by a giant white glove and looked like something out of a cartoon. Suddenly, the hands restraining his arms and legs let go, but before he could move a muscle, the hand he had been observing pushed on his chest, sending him falling onto his back. Andrew tried to sit up, tried to fight off the hands, but a set of shackles appeared on the belt, allowing the mechanical hands to clasp his hands to the belt, strapping his wrists in place at his sides while a secondary set of gloved hands restrained his ankles in the same manner. He was now trapped and at the mercy of this crazy warehouse as he was pulled into an entrance of sorts.

The young man found himself in an enclosed area that was poorly illuminated by the light at the end of the corridor. Andrew could tell that the walls surrounding him in this passage were made out of metal due to how they glistened by the exit of this odd room. The belt came to an unexpected stop, he grew increasingly nervous by the rumbling sounds coming from all around him.

A voice ordered him to shut his eyes, but curiosity got the better of the urban explorer. He kept his eyes open, watching a panel of red lights pop on above him. It was so odd watching them as they slowly worked their way up his body, starting at his feet. It was as if it was a scanner and he was some product waiting to be scanned. Once the lights came to his stomach, he clenched his eyes shut, hoping that his eye lids would keep his eyes safe from the impending laser.

In a matter of moments, the scan was finished and a voice told him to open his eyes. Andrew shook his head in shock as he could feel a cool sensation creep over his legs and much of his body. Once he emerged from the odd scanning room, he realized that every hair on his body, save for the hair on his head, had been removed by the crazy scanner. Staring at his crotch, now devoid of his once manly bush, he blushed, realizing that he now looked so much younger. It was odd to see how much difference a few hairs made.

“I’ve had enough of this!” Andrew yelled to whoever was controlling the machine. He figured that, due to the age of the warehouse, it must've had someone running the machinery, at least, he hoped that it was ran by someone and wasn't an automated process or else he was really screwed. He tried to pull on his restraints again, but it was no use, he was locked in place and figured that he had no other choice but to try to talk his way out of this whole nightmare.

"I appreciate the whole body wax and all, but you have to let me go." Andrew joked, hoping for a voice to say something through the speakers. After about a minute, Andrew finally threatened whoever ran the machine. "This can't be legal and you'll get in trouble! I'll sue you for false imprisonment!'

The machine ignored his threats and the assembly line offered no retort as it continued to carry him further along. A series of large porcelain tubs surrounded the man on all sides as he was brought to a new section of the line. Long, silver mechanical strands reached down from an opening in the ceiling and came for the squirming man on the belt. The gloves seized the man’s wrists while quickly undoing his shackles. Andrew found himself pulled him off of the belt.

As he was lifted into the air, he yelled out.


“Let me go!”


Andrew couldn't do much but scream as the tubs filled themselves with water while hands poured in boxes of detergent. It was quite an odd scene for him to witness, but Andrew realized that the machine intended to bathe him.

‘Maybe I can escape once they put me in the tub.'

The man was lowered into the large, Victorian style tub that was rather deep. As soon as the hands let go of him, Andrew tried to climb out of the tub. His feet slipped against the porcelain material of the basin as he tried to escape, but failed to get any traction as the bubbles and suds rose higher. After a few moments, the suds reached Andrew's shoulders and it dawned on him that bath time would not be his moment to flee.

“I guess, I should just sit back and enjoy a nice bath."

As if in response to his relaxed remark, a variety of mechanical arms surrounded him, some wielded scrubbing brushes and bars of soap while others had sponges or spinning loofas in their possession.

"Umm-" Andrew shuddered. "Please, be gentle."

The arms had other ideas as they went to work, hell bent on scrubbing and washing every inch of him. The hands dunked all manner of cleaning implements under the water and assaulted the young man. Andrew made odd noises as brushes scrubbed his submerged thighs. He tried to shoo away the hands that were washing his chest which prompted the gloved hands to seize his wrists, preventing him from fighting back or resisting his bubble bath. While the hands held up his arms, a new set of gloved hands used their loofas to work on his armpits. Andrew didn't realize just how ticklish he was until the loofas spun between his freshly shaven armpits, causing him to laugh out loud like an idiot. Despite his attempts at resisting, Andrew was at the mercy of the machine, and whoever operated it.

While Andrew was being washed, a segment of wall slid back, revealing a translucent glass which granted a sizable audience of women, both young and old, a view of his forced bathing. The ladies sat in their seats, some laughing while others cooed or admired Andrew's treatment in silence, all had a front row seat to enjoy his trip through the machine. One woman stood in front of them all, acting as a master of ceremonies.

"Ladies. As you see here, we have a mystery subject. Since this unscheduled bundle of joy has landed in our lap a tad bit earlier than we normally do our bidding, I suggest we enjoy the show."

"Will we still get to see Cody at nine?" An older woman asked from the back row of the audience.

"Of course!" The MC clarified. "Consider tonight a two for one experience."

While the women chuckled, Andrew found his head dunked into the soapy water only to be quickly yanked back up. This process continued for a few agonizing minutes as he was dunked again and again. The hands were preparing his hair to be washed and scrubbed. Andrew had no idea why the machine was washing him so roughly, he only focused on holding his breath while being yanked under repeatedly.

Once the machine ceased dunking him, Andrew couldn't help but gasp, struggling to catch his breath. While Andrew caught his breath, the scrubbing brushes were pulled up above the water, shaken off until they were free of soap and then dipped right back into the soapy basin. Once again, the brushes were covered in suds and ready to go. The hands grabbed Andrew's ankles and held them firmly above the water. The young man knew at that moment, that the brushes were going right for the soles of his feet. He steeled himself, knowing that this next bout of cleaning and scrubbing would be far more excruciatingly ticklish then the armpit scrubbing.

No matter how hard he had prepared for it,he couldn't help but laugh as the brushes were going over his heels and across his sensitive soles until they reached his toes. This went on for longer than Andrew had expected. After about a minute, his laughter had turned into hollering and crying tears. He begged for the hands to quit in between laughs. Ultimately, the laughter was an involuntary response, but he still felt shame for seemingly enjoying it

However, his shame and embarrassment were doubled when he caught a glimpse of the area inside the wall. From what Andrew could see, it looked to be occupied by a few dozen women that were watching his nude body being manhandled by this crazy assembly line. Instantly, his first action was to hide his exposed cock, covering it with his hands, but the machine denied him the ability to preserve what little dignity he had left. He could see the ringleader of sorts hold up a remote control before she tapped in a few commands.

Without warning, Andrew found himself violently jerked back underwater. His head was once more under the water, but unlike last time it stayed submerged, along with the rest of him. Meanwhile, the brushes and loofas sped into overdrive, rapidly going over every inch of his body as the brushes worked on his bottom. Andrew earnestly kicked and struggled, desperate to free himself as he did his best to hold his breath while the machine worked on him.

Finally, Andrew came to the surface of the bubble covered water. Once again, he was out of breath and tired from struggling. In the blink of an eye, a hand reached forward for Andrew's throat. Before the man knew what happened, his neck was grabbed and held firmly, ensuring that his head would be perfectly still as a generous helping of shampoo was squirted into his hair. He blushed as it dawned on him that the hands were going to wash his hair. The gloves worked the pink solution into a frothy lather, massaging it into his short hair. Andrew could feel his scalp and follicles come to life as the shampoo covered every hair on his head. It was truly an invigorating sensation.

Suddenly, the man's blond hair started to grow out until it reached his shoulders. Andrew could barely see through his long, almost drape like, bangs. His normal, short hair had become a long, wild crop of hair. A sudden blast of water interrupted his amazement, causing him to raise his arms to shield his eyes, but more water started to spray him from a group of nozzles that dangled from the ceiling.

A heartbeat later, the shampoo was completely washed out and the gloves prepped Andrew for the conditioner. The hands worked the silky, feminine scented conditioner into his long hair, gently massaging it into his scalp while simultaneously running their fingers  through his long locks of raven colored hair. After the machined hands finished applying the conditioner, they retreated, allowing a group of shower heads to blast him for a second time.

During the course of this crazy ordeal, the women present cheered and awwed at him, although poor Andrew could hear none of it over the high powered spurts of water, he knew all eyes were on him. However, unbeknownst to the man, the more obnoxious voices were already demanding that he be dressed in pink or other various feminine or infantile clothing.

Just then, a bell chimed repeatedly, signalling to the machine's that bath time was over. The sopping wet man was lifted from the bath and hoisted skyward. The women, some of which were holding Opera glasses and binoculars, stared at his body while others admired his luxurious, silky locks of blond hair.

After a good minute of being displayed, he found himself placed back on the belt. He could hear that the women in their bizarre room were truly enjoying the show. Their laughter and cat calls almost drowned out the industrial whine of spinning belts and grinding gears as the machinery was preparing for Andrew's next stop on the conveyor belt.

Out of nowhere the smell of baby powder assaulted Andrew's nostrils, overpowering the scent of oil and rubber. He tried not to breath in the aroma of infancy, but failed in that task as the conveyor belt slowed to a halt. A pair of hands held up an incredibly realistic replica of a baby's diaper, but it was in an adult size.

The young man was forced to his feet by the hands and he noticed that they ran the enormous disposable between his legs. He tried to squeeze his thighs shut in an effort to delay the inevitable, to keep that incredibly infantile diaper away from his manhood, but the hands slapped his legs, compelling him to comply.

Andrew felt an odd sensation as the diaper was pulled up, over his cock, and taped into place. The feeling of the thickness between his thighs was something so foreign to him and yet, it actually felt very good on his newly bare, baby smooth skin. The gloves poked and prodded the disposable diaper, testing the leak guards, causing them to randomly tickle against Andrew's inner thighs. Ultimately, the woman who was controlling the machine wanted the new adult baby to be as snugly diapered as he could be.

Finally, the hand patted the front of the plastic cover. At that moment, Andrew could plainly see the strange woman behind the glass partition. He noticed that she had stopped fiddling with the controls and took a step towards the window. It was obviously to Andrew that she was admiring the machine's work, probably loving the whole bizarre situation and the fact that she was in control, a key part of his transformation from adult to oversized baby. Andrew scowled, knowing that he could do nothing but dangle in the machine's grip while this crazy lady kept staring at him, obviously soaking in his complete humiliation while the crowd behind her cheered loudly.

"Now Ladies, you've had plenty of time to examine our new specimen." The woman holding the remote declared to her audience. "It is time to begin the bidding and only then will the winner decide this boy’s fate!"

Andrew could see and hear the group of excited women clamoring about, their status in society displayed by their perfectly tailored dresses and hair. While some were obviously a bit too excited to bid on him, the majority of the women present carried themselves with poise and grace. They were a varied group in appearance, some young, some old, but all were billionaires from all over the world and Andrew could only wonder how much he was "worth" to them.

"Since he's in such good condition, let's start the bidding at one million dollars!"

Andrew's jaw practically hit the floor when he saw this group of seemingly respectable women outbid each other. It was quite something to watch them battle over him like he was an expensive dress or prized gemstone. Bid after bid sent the total spiraling higher and higher until a young woman with black hair doubled the highest bid, announcing her bid of fifty million!

The operator of the machinery, turned auctioneer, slammed a gavel down on her podium.


Andrew couldn't help but admire the woman who had “bought” him. Her slender frame which contrasted with her large breasts caused his dick to tent out in his pink diaper. She was definitely sporting double D breasts underneath her expensive black evening dress.

"So, Lady Yorkshire, what do you want to do to this blank slate?" The auctioneer asked, drawing curious gazes from the other women present.

To Be Continued...

(There's two options, a normal diaper boy option and a sissy option. Choose the ending you prefer.)



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