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Kallen watched as her bitch of a step mother walked away, feeling relieved as each moment that passed bridged the gap between them. Milly lazily blocked Kallen's field of vision, preventing her from gazing past her statuesque body. Still, the fact that her step mother was now out of sight, coupled with Milly pushing the pram towards the opposite direction, made Kallen lay back into the pram, finally she felt relaxed for the first time since awakening in this damned dimension. 'The more distance put between myself and that cruel woman, the better.'

A familiar, yet hyper voice broke the calm. The small Auburn haired woman started rapidly assaulting her ears with her rampant begging. She recognized the voice almost immediately,  it belonged to none other than Shirley, her friend from the Academy's Student Council.

"Milly!" The unseen redhead demanded over and over.

"What's the matter, spaz?" The tall blond smirked, looking down at the hyper little lady who waddled besides the pram.

"Wanna pway with Kawen!" The teenaged girl pouted.

"I know, I know." Milly smiled. "I'm sure she's just as eager as you are to have some fun. Her mommy said that she's been a bad girl this morning so I'm sure she's going to love playing with you."

"Yay!" Shirley cheered. "We gonna have so much fun!"

The diapered Captain of Squad Zero could only hope that the infantile minded doppelganger of Shirley was on a sugar high. She didn't exactly want to be babysitting her friend while she herself was babysat. Kallen turned to her mother and wondered if she should ask about Shirley. Obviously, this sort of thing happened often enough if Milly was being paid to watch the trio of diapered women.

Before Ms. Kōzuki could say anything, Milly had already spoken up, seemingly giving the magenta haired woman her answer.

"Now, Shirley, Mrs. Stadtfeld is going to be undergoing a very intensive procedure soon. And I need you to make sure that your little playmate is completely exhausted. Understand?"

"I won't let you down!" Shirley all too happily replied.

Ms. Kōzuki could see that her daughter was looking rather annoyed with the planned playdate that they both would be enduring soon.

Kallen sighed loudly,thinks 'No, that is out of the question. I have to use my time wisely, hopefully find a way to escape from these demented giants and go from there.'

Ms. Kōzuki reached out, running her hand through Kallen's hair, trying to convey to the diapered girl her sympathy. She never spoke in front of Milly and honestly didn't want the perverted babysitter to know that she still had her voice, least it be somehow used to demean her further. The diapered mother knew that Milly had a penchant for cruelty, much like Mrs. Stadtfeld. However, the cruelty displayed by the teen was on a different level. The young woman preferred to debase her charges by allowing them the pleasures of adulthood, but constantly would remind them of their infantile station in life.

Kallen looked at her mom, trying to figure out why she didn't say anything. It was odd, trying to read her mother's eyes, but she definitely detected a hint of sadness as the older woman looked away.

"We're home, sweeties!" Milly declared, lifting the front wheels of the pram up over the threshold, allowing the baby carriage entry into her family's manor. Luckily for the young babysitter, her mom and dad were away for the afternoon. She had the entire place to herself and knew that this allowed her total freedom to engage in her most cherished pastime: To be paid to fulfill her ultimate desire and extract sexual pleasure from the pathetic whimpers of horny little women. For Milly Ashford, there was nothing more sweeter than the feeling she derived from doing her job.

As soon as the Milly ceased pushing the pram into the foyer of the massive manor, her favorite charge started up again, begging as she always did when she wanted something that she felt she had been deprived of, much like a child.

"Millie, Millie!" The orange haired, diaper wearing woman whined. "Take Kallen upstairs. I wanna pway with Kallen!"

"In a moment, okay?" Milly stated in a slightly annoyed tone.

"No, now!" Shirley ordered, driven by her raw sexual lust to dare tempt her babysitter.

"You're really asking for a spanking, you realize that, don't you Shirley?" Milly smiled a sinister grin.

Shirley cowered beneath the leggy blond's strict gaze, knowing that she had really pushed her boundaries.

"That's what I thought." Milly remarked in an air of victory. "If it wasn't necessary for your little playmate to be worn out for her mother's procedure, I'd have you over my knees, spanked raw and screaming my name until you knew who owned you."

"Yes, Miss Ashford." Shirley replied in an obedient tone.

Kallen laid in the pram, finding it so hard to believe Milly's complete change of personality. One moment she was cheery and friendly, but as soon as they had entered the manor, she had become something else entirely. The stern statement that the towering blond had delivered to Shirley caused the Captain of Squad Zero's knees to grow weak as her loins quivered in rapt excitement. If Kallen didn’t knew any better, she was getting a bit turned on by how Milly lorded over the precocious, bratty baby woman. Needless to say, Kallen admired how Milly had shut down Shirley's outburst.

"That's much better." Milly cooed, ruffling Shirley's long orange locks of hair. "Watch the babies while I grab some candy for you little ladies."

"Yes, ma'am!"

With that said, Kallen heard Milly's heels clack against the marble floor as she left to go get candy. The solder wasted no time, she made her way to the edge of the large pram, putting her feet over the side of the basket like cradle of the stroller and dropped to the ground. It wasn't a very steep drop, as a matter of fact, it was only five feet, if that. However, Shirley still squawked out loud, in shock, she toddled to her friend.

"What're you doin?!"

Kallen stood bow legged, diaper driving her thighs apart in an almost comical fashion as she finally was able to get a look at her classmate. The young woman wore a large disposable diaper, much like Kallen's, and a pink t-shirt which barely came to her belly button. Otherwise, she looked like the exact same girl that Kallen went to the Academy with back in her home world.

"Trying to get out of here!"

"No, don't do that!" Shirley pleaded.

"Why not? My step mom is going to force me to undergo some hellacious procedure and you want me to play dolls with you or some shit" Kallen felt like she was wasting her time, but had to press Shirley.

"Because if you really want to escape, you have to wait for the right moment." Shirley explained. "I can help you."

Kallen wasn’t quite expecting such a logical response from an obviously obedient sycophant like Shirley. Ultimately, the girl was right. The doors were sealed and she had maybe a minute to flee from Milly if she chose to run at this point.

"Okay, but you better not be fucking with me." Kallen scowled.

To Be Continued...




My last comment on patreon for awhile: I love this! Hope to see dozens of new chapters when I come back in a few months. See ya space cowboy!