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A lone shinobi stood perched, spying on Hokage Tsunade's dwelling. The double bun haired girl smiled as she watching her target go to the kitchen. Tsunade filled a large mug with an amber colored liquid and was about to drink her beer when a ringing sound caught her attention. She knew that it was the Royal phone and quickly walked away from her drink.

This was her moment to strike, Tenten pulled back on the bow she had brought, steadying her arm and waited until Tsunade was on the other side of the room before releasing the tension on the bow. The short plastic dart left her bow, sailing through the air, speeding on a collision course with the mug of beer.


Within seconds, the plastic dart hit the golden ale, producing only a slight ripple before instantly dissolving into the beverage. Tenten remained calm and composed, even though she landed her shot, she couldn't get cocky. She didn't know if the chemical had enough punch to ensure the proper result. This was technically the easiest and most vulnerable part of her plan. After all, even if the contents of the dart worked, the hard part was still to come.

Tsunade returned from her phone call holding a camera in her hand. Tenten watched and could only wonder why the Hokage was setting up this large camcorder in her living room. 'Is she going to make an announcement? Maybe that's what the call was about?' After a few minutes of watching her target, an interesting idea soon formed in the young Ninja's mind. 'I'll definitely film this whole thing. That'd be perfect! No one will question me once they see this footage!'

Finally, Tsunade had the camera ready to film and licked her lips. The older woman looked towards the kitchen and noticed her frothy mug of beer sitting there, practically asking her if she wanted a drink. 'I shouldn't drink before this urgent broadcast, but no one will know. Not like a single drink has ever caused me to slur." Under normal circumstances, the highly skilled and well versed Hokage would've noticed that her drink had been poisoned with a potent herbal concoction. However, Tenten had done her homework and utilized a tasteless mixture of roots to knock out Tsunade's continence.

Tenten smiled as Tsunade tilted her head back, drinking the whole entire mug of golden ale down with a single long sip. Regardless of her abilities and strength, alcohol was certainly one of Tsunade's weaknesses and Tenten knew that would be the best weakness one could exploit. She sat back and waited for the show to begin.


"Citizens of Konohagakure! This is your Hokage speaking!"

Tsunade's voice could be heard booming across the village through the strategically placed speakers that stood a top various buildings and poles. Within the homes of all the villagers came the sight of the blond Hokage on their Television sets. Such interruptions and broadcasts were rare and, due to this, every citizen dared not touch their TV. They sat curious and eager to see what Tsunade, their supreme leader, had to say.


A bright red blush covered the fifty something year old woman's face as she realized that she had just farted on live television. Her natural response was to try to subtly talk over her anal eruptions, but her stomachs rumbling made it difficult. After a few seconds, the bubbling in her gut reached an apex. The blond could only clench her cheeks tightly, hoping that it was just a bad case of gas, as she struggled to hold it in.

A sense of dread washed over the powerful ninja as she felt a small drip of diarrhea escape from her tight, yet plump posterior. An intense feeling of vulnerability washed over her and she knew what was coming. However, she couldn't just allow herself to crap her pants. 'Not on live television! Not like this!' Tsunade tried to hop towards the camera, hopping from foot to foot wildly, trying to muster her strength and resolve to hold back the fetid wave and retain what remained of her dignity by turning off the camera.


Another gassy eruption left her ass, but this one was far more powerful than she anticipated. It literally knocked her to her knees, but her hand had hit the camera, ensuring that it lowered itself downwards, keeping the farting Hokage right in the center of the shot.

It started slowly, but swiftly. A potent fart caused the first mushy lump of poop to escape from the blond's tight sphincter.' Of all the days to wear a thong!' Tsunade could only mentally lament her choice of underwear as her thong did nothing to stop the force of the load. Instead, the material of the sexy thong split the lump of poop in half and allowed it to smear across both of her cheeks.

Tsunade knew that her pose looked dreadfully humiliating, but she held on to hope that her dark blue pants could hide the mess in her pants. 'I just got to stand up, and turn off the camera!'

However, a tremor shook her body, sending a cascade of piss squirting from her pussy and into her pants. She looked down in shame, seeing the twin trails of urine running down both of her legs. "Shit!"

"It definitely smells like it in here." Tenten smirked from behind the camera.

To Be Continued...




You might want to erase the diaper tag since there's no actual diapering in this one...