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Faye pushed open the twin doors and was greeted by the sight of a rather stylish office. Two armless, low-back leather chairs, black as the endless expanse of space stood in front of a contemporary, dumbbell shaped desk. Mrs. Reinhardt sat behind the flat screen monitor in a black leather chair, flanked by a wall of glass, showing off the skyline. She was a rather large woman, dressed in a black power suit.

Mrs. Reinhardt looked past her computer screen, gazing up at Faye, studying her rather inquisitively. Finally, her voice broke the awkward silence.

"Sit down, Ms. Valentine."

The scantily clad young women closed the doors behind her before she walked into the office proper, making sure to take big steps in an effort to show off as much of her legs as possible. 'My attempt at mesmerizing Mrs. Reinhardt is surely paying off'. Faye thought. 'The old bag can't take her eyes off of me.'

A brief moment later and Faye was seated in the armless chair in front of the media mogul. She brought her left leg up, slowly crossing it over her right, drawing out the process, giving the rotund woman a nice glimpse of her camel toe pushing out against her yellow booty shorts. 'I've got this bitch drinking me in'.

"Pardon me for staring, it's not every day that a young lady, like yourself, so boldly gets an audience with me by bullshiting her way into my office." Mrs. Reinhardt explained, waiting for the girl in skin tight clothes to make her move.

"Well, I'll cut straight to the point. I overheard that you had an opening that provides free board, on top of pay, for an attractive individual, such as myself." Faye explained before adding. "I'd be a fool not to seek that out."

"I see." The business woman paused.

Faye stared at the older woman, looking for an indication of where the conversation was going. She noted the woman's violet hair, which sat just above her shoulders, below her double chin, Faye noted that it was quite close to the color of her own hair. Had the woman not been a good two hundred pounds heavier than her, she might very well have passed for a relative. As this line of thought progressed, Faye felt a pang of depression stab at her, she couldn't even remember what her own mother looked like. 'Damn, Amnesia.'

"So, you've heard about the position, know what it requires, and you still sought me out?"

"Yes." Faye smiled.

"I see. If you want this job, lay down on the floor." Mrs. Reinhardt ordered.

"Umm, on the floor?" Faye blinked, not exactly expecting to do it here.

"Failure to comply means you forfeit the position, Ms. Valentine."

"I understand."

Faye stood up, and took a few steps away from the black leather chair she had been sitting in. Mrs. Reinhardt tried to hide her sense of disappointment as she watched what looked like the hottest street walker she'd ever seen, proceed to leave her office. When the tube top wearing girl stopped, dropping down to her knees before stretching out on to the floor, Mrs. Reinhardt did everything in her power not to grin like a fool. She then, quickly proceeded to go through one of the drawers of her desk, looking for just the right garment.

'Hell, I thought these rich types preferred their fancy, thousand count sheets and memory foam beds.' Faye lamented as she laid on the hard mahogany wood floor. Not only was it uncomfortable, but it was as bone chilling cold as a cloudless night in midwinter. Still, she laid there, waiting for this huge woman to initiate what would probably be the most awkward, unsatisfying sexual experience of her young life. An uncharacteristically loud crinkling cut the thick, tense silence of the office. Faye craned her head towards where her future "boss" was. 'What's she fiddling with over there?'

"Alright, sweetie. This might be a little big for you, but I'm sure it'll work just fine." Mrs. Reinhardt stated, the motherly tone returning to her voice.

From the hardwood floor, Faye watched the large lady make her way from behind her desk and over to where she laid. An obscured, folded rectangle of undetermined material was held to her chest, close to her heart, hidden by her large hand. The young woman lay confused, wondering what was going on. 'What hell is this woman droning on about? Is she holding some kind of plastic sheet?' Faye's face instantly turned sour. 'Great, she's a squirter.'

Mrs. Reinhardt knelt down, right in front of the pondering girl. This was always her favorite part; watching the woman who were ultimately cruel to her kink, try to figure out what was going to happen. Although, she was certain that she had heard Ms. Valentine say that she was familiar with what this 'job' entailed. Still, that didn't stop the large woman from sipping slowly off of the confused and sour expression her potential future charge wore.

Setting down the bulky plastic rectangle, Mrs. Reinhardt leaned forward, pulling off the white high healed shoes that Ms. Valentine wore. Next, she carefully pulled off each long, nylon stocking, sure not to rip any of the delicate material. Not only was this to preserve the integrity of the clothing, but Mrs. Reinhardt loved drawing out the process of undressing a sexy woman. Something about it gave her a rush, a sense of power and control inherently unique from running a media empire. This was personal, conquering a naked woman's body, by stripping off her clothes slowly, always was.

Faye crossed her arms behind her head, letting her potential employer, and money pot, take off her tube top. She saw a slight smile form on the fat lady's face when her breasts spilled out. They weren't exactly the largest breasts in the galaxy, but Faye knew she was blessed. Being at the age where they were still perky and didn't sag, definitely aided her efforts of getting into the pants of her targets.

Meaty fingers pried at the back of her skin tight hot pants. She could feel Mrs. Reinhardt struggling to pry them loose so, she reached down, to just above her pubic mound, and clicked a white button of sorts. It instantly granted the shorts a bit of slack which enabled the rotund woman the ability to pull off the yellow, ass hugging hip huggers.

'Now's the moment that'll make or break this girl.' Mrs. Reinhardt practically rolled the dice every time she did this. Just a few hours ago, the last girl had literally ran out of her office the very second that the diaper was unfurled. So, with great apprehension and also, a modicum of optimistic anticipation, the portly woman unfolded the massive disposable.

Faye waited for the glossy white sheet to get larger as Mrs. Reinhardt started to fiddle with the shiny rectangle. However, the square of plastic never got much larger than a mere hourglass shape. After a few moments of staring, a realization struck the girl who laid on the floor: 'That's a fucking diaper!'

An enormous, all plastic covered diaper sat clenched in between the fat fingers of her potential meal ticket. It looked far bigger than it had any business being and Faye felt her confidence waiver slightly. 'Why does she want me to wear that- thing?'

"Lift your legs, sweetheart." Mrs. Reinhardt ordered in that sickly sweet tone of voice that sounded so bizarre in an office.

Honestly, Faye felt compelled to leave, but she laid there, thinking over everything. 'Don't I really want to demean myself like this?' She lamented, but then a new thought popped up, almost justifying everything. 'No one will know if you let her put you into that thing. It's her private kink. If such a thing went public, it'd destroy her image.' Suddenly, the young women had an epiphany. I'd have all the leverage!'

With a smile, Faye lifted her toned ass off of the hard floor, allowing Mrs. Reinhardt full access. No sooner had she lifted her bottom up, the round woman was motioning for her to lay back down. She eased her butt back down, towards the ground, and felt a most unique sensation accompanied with a slight crinkle. It was very hard to describe, it was as if she was laying on a piece of carpet that had the texture of firm fluff.

A few more crinkles and crackles punctuated the tranquility of the office while Faye kept still, thinking that it couldn't possibly fit her. 'It surely wouldn't fit me. Probably would go up to my tits.'

After what seemed like eternity, the wings were wrapped around her hips, then, the tapes were pushed against the disposable, without a doubt, sealing her into the diaper. Faye felt her face grown warm, an unmistakable blush covered her face as she gently moved her hips, testing her mobility. She couldn't comprehend why it was so bulky as she wiggled her ass and legs slightly. After that, she had to see what it looked like. Lifting her back off of the floor and gazed downwards. The first thing she noticed was how, despite it looking absolutely humongous, it fit her like a glove. On top of that, it certainly lifted her thighs and ass up off of the ground by about an inch or two.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Reinhardt studied the diapered woman laying in front of the her. She loved how the girl's shapely legs poked out from the throughly thick and all encompassing oversized diaper. She reached out and patted the girl's crotch, making sure to check the tapes. Or so, she'd tell Ms. Valentine if the girl asked what she was doing. The plastic coated underwear crinkled magnificently as Mrs. Reinhardt prodded it, reveling in the fact that she had found yet another potential girl to diaper.

There had been a few before Ms. Valentine, but the media mogul had never pursued them. Never offered them an opportunity to be her diaper girl, full time. She had finally succumbed to her fantasy and decided that now was the time to spoil a beautiful young woman into a life of breasts and pampering.

"Okay, sweetie." Mrs. Reinhardt smiled. "Let's go see your new home!"

"I can't go outside like this!" Faye blurted out.

"It's okay, I've got a pair of hi tops and trench coat for you to wear." The large lady coed.

"I guess that'll work."

Not wasting another minute more, she slid a big, gaudy pink hi top sneaker onto Faye's foot. Quickly, she followed suit with the other foot and tied both shoes in record time. It was quite a contrast to the earlier undressing and diapering, that much was certain.

"Okay, we're going down to my car in the parking garage. No one will see anything, I assure you."

"Fine." Faye stood up, taking the trench coat offered to her from Mrs. Reinhardt. She slid her arms into the big khaki coat and did up the buttons on the front. The thing definitely covered her naked body and hid the fact that she was diapered from the world decently enough. Once finished, Faye looked at Mrs. Reinhardt.

"Lead the way."

To Be Continued...



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