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A new round of sobs poured forth from the large bassinet, catching both Mrs. Stadtfeld and Kallen's attention. The giantess happily cooed sweet nothings to Ms. Kōzuki as she bent down and gazed into the bassinet. After a few lines of baby talk, Mrs. Stadtfeld scooped up the bawling baby woman from underneath her armpits, and proceeded to give the tiny woman Eskimo kisses.

Kallen's jaw would've fallen off if it wasn't attached to her head, she was that shocked to actually see her own mother in such a state. To hear Mrs. Statdfeld claim that she had her biological mother as a baby wasn't as bad as actually seeing her own mother in this situation: clad in only a thick disposable diaper, imprisoned in this infantile nursery, forced to wear.... diapers. The gravity of the revelation was beyond all words that Kallen's vocabulary contained.

Kallen had fought the Britannia's tooth and nail, shed the blood of her enemies, watched her comrades die during attempts by the Royal Army to quell the insurrection, but she could never imagine seeing such a horrible sight as what she currently witnessed. To be denied your culture, forced to hide your nationality from your friends. Well, that was one thing, but to be broken down mentally and forced to abandon your freedom, to adopt the persona of an infant just to satisfy the sick desires of your captors. That simply was beyond comprehension to the young soldier as her body was enveloped by unbridled rage.

"What the fuck have you done to my mother?!" Kallen screamed out in pure anger.

For a brief instant, the sobs coming from her mother ceased, and Ms. Kōzuki turned her head to face her daughter. Kallen's eyes met her babified mother's gaze, a spark of intelligence flared within those sad eyes and, at that moment, for just an instant, Kallen knew that her mother was still in there.

The moment which the mother and daughter shared was ruined by Mrs. Statdfeld's utterance of outrage.

"I already told you, young lady. One more outburst like that and you'll lose your voice forever! Do you understand?"

Before Kallen could even nod, the dark haired baby woman clutched the blond giantess tightly and sobbed into her shoulder, practically begging her not to take her daughter's voice. Mrs. Statdfeld held Kallen's mother close, kissing her on the top of her head, right in between the adult infant's pigtails.

"I know, baby. I know. You don't like it when mommy gets mad, but you have no idea what has gotten into your sister today."

This only caused the sobbing to intensify.

"Shush, little baby, mommy knows what you need."

The giant blond held Kallen's mother with her left arm, cuddling the baby woman close as she used her now free right hand to free her bountiful breasts from the purple dress that could barely contain them.

A bit of vile threatened to spill from Kallen's throat, but she swallowed it back down, in disgust. 'There's no way she's going to do what I think she's doing to do.'

With skill honed through numerous occasions of feeding, the statuesque stepmother juggled Ms. Kōzuki until the women's lips were barely millimeters away from a very engorged nipple.

From behind the crib bars, Kallen heard the rhythmic suckling and sat in complete bewilderment as she watched her mother drink from Mrs. Stadtfeld's teat, suckling greedily. Even in this world her mother was such a pushover! 'Why did she not fight back? Did she already get punished for rebelling?' While Kallen struggled to justify why her mom was literally nursing from the woman who had stolen everything's from her, a few pats brought an enormous belch from the oversized infant in Mrs. Stadtfeld's arms.

"Aww, that's my girl. You were really hungry, weren't you?"

The blond giantess cooed down at her diaper clad adult baby, taking her back to the bassinet.

"Let's just put you back into your bed while I tend to your sister."

This statement could only mean one thing, the young, feisty soldier realized. 'She wants to breastfeed me!' Kallen grimaced, watching the giant woman closing in on her, each step Mrs. Stadtfeld took caused her breasts to jiggle. The young woman felt trapped in her wooden, infantile cage, frantically looking around for a way to escape, but there was no way out. Time slowed to almost a halt as Kallen turned to see her step mother stand before her, towering above her once more.

Mrs. Stadtfeld picked up the Captain of Squad Zero, carrying the young woman towards a chair near a window.

"I really need to get a more comfortable chair for this nursery,”

Her step mother said, sitting down in the old chair, setting Kallen on her lap with a sickening squelch, the overloaded diaper felt like a pillow that Kallen was sitting on. Well, a pillow filled with poop, the young woman realized with a shudder.

Poor Kallen had more pressing problems then the severely soiled disposable strapped to her waist because she was now face to breast so to speak, mere inches away from her step mother's bosom, nipple already leaking slightly. The young rebel had other plans, however. She tried in earnest to wriggle off of the giant's lap, but her pamper made that all but impossible since her butt and legs were practically sinking into the sandbag of crap that the diaper had become.

“No, you're not going anywhere." Mrs. Stadtfeld declared sternly. “I have no idea how you got here, but I know you're not my step daughter from this realm."

"Wait, you know I'm not supposed to be here?!"

"No, you're supposed to be here alright. All Eleven's do, but I knew as soon as you opened your mouth that you couldn't be MY Kallen. I had broken her a long time ago. However, I’ve been waiting for another Little to break and now I have you to bend to my will." Mrs. Stadtfeld cackled sinisterly.

"No! You know nothing of my will or what I've done to secure my freedom and the freedom of my country!"

Kallen declared, feeling a renewed sense of strenght fuel her resolve.

"I told you earlier, you are my little black sheep now, and you are going to behave whether you like it or not. If you refuse to be a good girl, I can make all sorts of hell for you to endure." The blond giantess stopped for a second. "However, I don't want to just take you to the doctors right off the bat. Where's the fun in that? No, I’ll spank you first, and then you'll suck my breasts, worshiping them like you worship the ideals of your lost culture. I bet it’ll hurt your pride a lot more than your ass."

“I will not give, I will not falter!" Kallen stated firmly, clad in only her putrid, overweight pamper.

In only a matter of seconds, Mrs. Stadtfeld manhandled the smaller woman face first over her lap, diapered ass buldging upwards. The giant frowned, knowing she couldn't just pull down the poop packed pamper and opted to spank the outside of the diaper instead.

Kallen was alloted just enough time to process her situation before her step mother gave her bulging bottom the first smack. The muck spread accross her firm cheeks, infiltrating every crevasse due to the force of the slap. As the spanking continued, it was quite obvious that Mrs. Stadtfeld was enjoying every moment of this punishment.

True to her word, Kallen didn’t cave, didn't fold. She was thoroughly disgusted and grossed out by the spanking, sure, but she had steeled herself for worse torture than this, for she knew that if she ever was captured, she would be physically tortured.

“Oh, yes. This is going to be a lot more fun than I ever could've imagined." Mrs. Stadtfeld grinned, gazing down at the brat across her lap. "Well, let's get you fed, and remember, if you so much as nibble on my teat, I'll rip your teeth out with my bare hands!"

Kallen knew that this psychotic bitch meant every word of her threat. She was repositioned, sat in front of the large breasts of her step mother again. The soldier knew that she didn't have much of a choice. After all, she had been forced to wear a dirty diaper, packed with her mother's feces and then spanked. Not only that, but she was basically the size of a toddler, compared to her step mother.

So, with a heavy heart and rage filled spirit, she forced herself to submit amd be pushed toward the giant woman’s bare breast. She opened her mouth, certain to keep her teeth away from the pink, engorged nipple as it entered her mouth.

All the young soldier could do was sit there, on her step mother's lap, her lips clamped around the enormous woman's nipple. It was awkward, it was degrading and, even though the young woman wanted to get this over with, she couldn't exactly bring herself to start sucking. Her pride prevented her from doing so.

Mrs. Stadtfeld sighed, slapping Kallen's thigh, telling her step daughter that it was time to start sucking.

Kallen inhaled deeply through her nose and then slowly started suckling, bringing out a few drops of milk which landed on her tongue. It was a strange, complex taste, warm and strangely sweet. The magenta haired woman wasn’t entirely sure of what she had expecting it to taste like.

A moan escaped from Mrs. Stadtfeld which repulsed Kallen to her very core. Still, she was a soldier, strengthened through war and this was just another battle for her to endure. She knew that she had the power to get through this, to get it over with as soon as humanly possible. Kallen started slurping on the nipple, trying to draw all of the milk out quickly, she was definitely surprised when the milk gushed into her mouth, like a geyser or spurting hose.

Mrs. Stadtfeld held her stepdaughter close, cradling the spitfire. Her large right hand cupped the back of the smaller woman's head as her left hand made it's way to the seat of Kallen's diaper, patting it rapidly, reminding the girl that her dirty disposable wasn't going to be changed anytime soon. Kallen's cheeks flushed even redder as she realized what this must look like: Her sucking from her step mother's tits, wearing only a blown out, hyper messed pamper.

Kallen squirmed, her diaper growing warm around her crotch. She tried in vain to stop pissing herself, but it just kept coming, cascading across the ever present mess which had already enveloped her loins. The smell coming from her diaper was absolutely repugnant, causing Kallen to gag as she breathed it in through her nostrils. Mrs. Stadtfeld pulled her away her tit, with a smile, straddling the slightly dazed girl across her knee as she refastened her bra, and buttoned up her shirt.

“Did the poor little baby get too much boobie milk?"

The giant cooed condescendingly at her step daughter while bouncing her leg against the bottom of Kallen's warm diaper. A few coughs told Mrs. Stadtfeld of what was about to happen. Quickly, the giant grabbed a washcloth, putting it over her shoulder, before she perched Kallen over the rag and slowly started patting the diapered woman's back until a little bit of spit up landed on the cloth.

"Shouldn't have drank so fast." Mrs. Stadtfeld smirked.

"Now, let's get you girls ready for your walk."

To Be Continued...
