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 Lauren stepped out of her car and looked at her friend's house or, more correctly, her friend's mother's house. It had been over a week since the young woman of twenty four had heard from her friend. Typically, they exchanged phone calls frequently throughout the week, supplementing the gaps in between with texts about various subjects and what not. However, Abigail had stopped answering her phone and numerous texts were ignored during the last five days or so.

The girls used to work at the same office until Abigail had lost her job about a month ago and, while she was being a downer, for obvious reasons, she always maintained some semblance of contact with her best friend. This period of silence between the two unnerved the usually upbeat and confident young woman. Hell, she would've stopped by sooner, but a major project at the office had been dumped in her lap. Thankfully, Lauren had wrapped it up and used her first day off, in what seemed like forever, to check in on her friend. 

"She better be okay." The young lady in her small denim jacket and blue jeans muttered to herself as she walked up the driveway.
One thing stood out to Lauren: Abbigail's car no longer occupied the patch of pavement in front of the Tudor style household. 'Had she just up and moved? Maybe she was out looking for another job or cruising around, smoking a joint?' A multitude of possibilities rushed through the young professional's mind, but one slightly significant detail did go unnoticed: a large, pink carseat occupied the backseat of the black Mercedes Benz SUV.



An older Asian woman opened the door. This kind yet firm woman was none other than Mrs. Yoshikawa. Lauren knew the older lady well enough from her youthful days of playing with Abbigail and numerous nights filled with sleepovers. 

"Hello, Lauren!" She smiled and welcomed the petite girl in. "I wasn't expecting you to stop by."

"I decided to stop by and see if Abbigail was in. I haven't heard from her in over a week." Lauren stated, facing Mrs. Yoshikawa in the foyer, her back turned to the hallway which led to the living room.

"You sure picked a bad time to stop by." Mrs. Yoshikawa replied. 

"Why?!" Lauren exclaimed, noting the surprised look on the older woman's face, lowering her tone of voice as she continued her questioning. "What happened to Abigail?"

"Aside from a nasty dirty diaper this morning? Nothing." Mrs. Yoshikawa chuckled, walking away from the stunned girl by the door.

"Dirty diaper?" Lauren muttered, following behind the middle aged woman. "Is she sick?" 

"No, my little Abbie is just fine. See for yourself!" 

With that said, the two women entered the living room. Blankets were placed randomly, toys strewn about haphazardly and the remnants of a few empty baby bottles littered the carpeted floor. However, all of this paled in comparison to the main attraction of this infantile circus: Abbigail suspended in a giant baby swing, legs dangling due to the massive, plastic bulk between in her legs.

"Abbie, sweetie!" Mrs. Yoshikawa called out to the baby woman in the baby swing. "Your friend, Lauren is here!"

"Abigail!? What the hell are you- Is that a diaper?!" Lauren ran over to her friend, dodging the toys scattered about the floor as if they were landmines.

Abigail, or Abbie, grinned at her friend, like she was missing the punchline of a joke. "I'm a baby now." The diapered girl punctuated the statement with a nice spit bubble that instantly popped, sending spittle down her cute little chin.

"I see a twenty five year old pot head, wearing a diaper while seated in some kind of bondage swing!" Lauren stated bluntly.

"Look, it's better like this. No more stress, no more drama, no more icky jobs or boys. Just mommy and my binky." Abbigail reached her hand into her oversized pamper and plucked a pacifier from within the moist confines of it. Unbeknownst to Lauren, the glistening sheen on the bulb on the plastic teat was from her friend's pussy. The best part of her newfound babyhood was the way her diapers made her feel: constantly aroused!

"You're not going to put that in your mouth are you?

Abigail giggled, nodding like a naughty girl, pushing the wet oversized bulb into her mouth. Savoring the flavor of her womanly essence. She loved swirling the pacifier around in her mouth, her tongue encircling it and drawing it in past her lips repeatedly, suckling it for all it was worth. It felt great against the roof of her mouth and against the gaps that were starting to form in her once perfect smile.

"Look, you can't just give up being an adult." Lauren stared straight into Abigail's eyes, ready to make a passionate argument about the beauty of adulthood. However, she faltered, unable to really find anything worth arguing about. Her childhood was pretty great after all, but she knew of two things her lifelong friend couldn't live without. "What about weed? I don't know many two year olds that can smoke."

"Dun, needid." Abbie muttered behind her pacifier, a steady stream of drool starting to cascade down her chin.

"Fine, what about cock?" Lauren knew that Abigail couldn't last without a man in her life. The girl had been boy crazy since middle school. "What guy is going to want to fuck a twenty five year old girl who wears pissy pampers, huh?"

Abbie spat the pacifier right at Lauren's face, the hard plastic shield bouncing off the other girl's forehead.

"Oww, you bitch!" Lauren raised her hands up to the point of impact, rubbing the spot due to instinct. It honestly surprised her more than anything. 

"Pfffttt! Stop bothering me! I'm a baby now, got it?!"

"No! Not until you get out of that diaper and get out of, whatever the hell that thing is that you're bouncing around in."

"Mooommm!" Abbigail cried out. "I want milk!"

Mrs. Yoshikawa came walking over to her twenty five year old baby, lifting her up from the big baby swing, setting the topless adult onto her hip. "It's time for little Abbie's feeding, yes it is!" The woman in her late forties proclaimed in a tone of voice best reserved for toddlers.

Lauren could only marvel, in morbid fascination, at the display of strength displayed by Mrs. Yoshikawa. Abigail was no porker, but she was still a full grown woman, weighing in at about one twenty while her mother probably only weighed twenty pounds more than her. Regardless, of weight or size, the mother carried her adult baby daughter with ease. 

"Abigail, how is your mom so strong? Is she a weightlifter or something?" Lauren asked, feeling incredibly stupid by trying to justify how a middle-aged house wife could practically bench press her twenty five year old daughter.

"Don't be silly, Lauren. She's my mom." Abbie replied, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world as she was sat on her mother's lap. 

Her mother adjusted the girl's position until she was in just the right spot. Mrs. Yoshikawa rapidly unbuttoned her top, revealing her nursing bra, each nipple was purple, aching for relief and engorged while leaking milk. 

"Latch on, Abbie. Drain mommy dry." Mrs. Yoshikawa encouraged the twenty five year old.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Lauren said in a disgusted tone, standing about five feet away from the bizarre spectacle which assaulted her eyes.
Meanwhile, Abbie was in utter bliss, enraptured by the rich, creamy ambrosia flowing into her mouth with each suckling. She barely even noticed that what remained of her teeth had disappeared, receded into her gums, leaving them sore and aching for relief. Only the pain which her toothless maw emitted told the twenty five year old that something was wrong. Luckily, for Abbie, the milk slowly soothed her gums as well as withered her hair evenly. 

"Abigail! You have to stop!" Lauren screamed, but it was too late for her friend. 

Abigail was drunk on the infantile euphoria produced by her mother's magical breast milk. She paused her suckles for just the briefest of moments and looked at Lauren with a scowl.
"Imm twing ta dwink mai boobie milk! Gidda hew od of hew!" Abbie lisped in the most angry voice she could utter.

"Such a fussy baby, I think it's time for your nap." Mrs. Yoshikawa pulled Abigail from thr other breast and pushed a large pacifier into her mouth. She then proceeded to wrap her diapered adult newborn into a large fleece blanket. She slowly lifted the baby woman from her lap, carrying the pacifier suckling twenty five year old newborn, swaddled up in the pink blanket past Lauren and up the stairs. "Can you close the door on your way out? Thanks!"

The young, professional business woman was absolutely flabbergasted by the chain of events she had witnessed from within the Yoshikawa household. Unsure of whether this was a bad dream, drug trip or something more ethereal, she left out the front door as she was instructed. She didn't want to join Abigail and had to admit defeat. However, no matter how Abigail ended up like that, one thing was certainly crystal clear: she didn't want to be an adult anymore.



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