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Erza found herself in the middle of a plaza, frantically looking for a restroom. She had been denied access to a few bathrooms due to the fact that she wasn't a patron and now, she was standing in the middle of a strange town, on the verge of pissing herself. Sadly for the mage, there were no shops open in this part of the town as she found out thanks to the "closed" signs that hung in the windows of the various stores lining the plaza.

 "This is no good, I have to find a bush or something..." Erza muttered to herself and sprinted away from the plaza. The armor she always wore didn't help her ability to run, but there wasn't far to go, as no more than a minute later, she found a large public park. Many children played in the grasslands of the green space and no privacy could be had if she was going to squat by one of the multiple bushes.

 The redhead sighed, ready to admit defeat, ready to do the unthinkable and piss herself, but luckily, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a stroller. The plastic baby's chair had a few spare diapers laying on the rack below the stroller's seat. The armor clad mage thought for a moment. Sure, they were baby sized diapers, but she could find a tree to hide behind and use the disposable garment as a makeshift sponge, it would soak up her urine and she could toss the infantile garment away once she was done.

 With a plan formulated, Erza sprung into action. She ran over to the stroller and stuck her hand beneath the stroller, fishing out a rectangle shaped piece of plastic. For just a brief second, she held it up, a victory of sorts, that's what the girl had billed it, but this victory didn't last. A firm hand grabbed her wrist, holding it tight. 

"What are you doing, young lady?!" A voice from behind Erza demanded.


'Shit! Literally caught red handed.' The armor clad girl lamented before she opened her mouth. "I was just going to borrow it!" As soon as the words had left her mouth, Erza mentally face palmed. 'That's literally the dumbest excuse ever.' 

"You were going to steal that diaper from me!" The mother spun Erza around, forcing the embarrassed mage to look her in the eye. 

"I-" Erza paused, closing her eyes in shame, unable to hold back the torrent any longer. The mother was about to press the diaper thief further, but noticed the odd expression plastered across the girl's face followed by a hissing noise coming from the girl. Looking down at the ground, between the redhead's legs, she saw the urine hit the ground with a continuing splash. This was outrageous behavior for a young adult! Erza finally opened her eyes and instantly found herself staring into the older woman's eyes, a look of shock and anger was evident. "I-. I didn't mean to! That's why I needed to take that diaper!" 

"You obviously need diapers if you can't find a toilet to use like a normal person your age." The mother scolded Erza. "This must be some kind of sick kink for you, peeing in public, huh?!" 

"No!" Erza shouted. "I tried to find a bathroom, but no one in town would let me use theirs!"

 "Sure." The mother said in a sarcastic tone which turned into absolute anger. "You come into my town, piss yourself in front of children and think you'll get a pass, like everything is okay?!" 

Before Ezra could reply, the angry woman's hand glowed bright yellow and the energy transferred from herself to Erza's body. In an instant, the magic spread through the mage's body. "There, now you can't use your magic to escape. You want to pee yourself? You want to steal diapers?" The woman barraged Erza with these pointed questions in an accusing tone. "Well, I think you need to learn a lesson!" 

Unbeknownst to the two women, the children frolicking about the park had ceased their play, drawn by the mother's yelling and gathered around, watching the argument with fascinated eyes. Some snickered to their friends, others pointed to the pool of urine underneath Erza, most knew that something bad was going to happen to the redhead in armor. "Unhand me and unseal my magic this instant!" 

"Oh, now you think you can bark orders at me?" The mother scoffed. "You're a naughty child who needs to be punished!" 

"What?!" Erza shrieked as she felt her body lift off of the ground. In the blink of an eye, her armor and skirt vanished, leaving her in a pair of matching white bra and panties. Well, almost matching, the once pristine panties had a light yellow stain across the bottom portion of them. Despite her state of dress, the redhead had bigger things to worry about, like the fact that she was being taken over to a near by bench. In the back of her mind, she noted that she was being followed by the group of curious children. 

The mother took her seat on the bench and ceased using her magic on Erza, causing the girl to fall across her lap. An annoyed sigh escaped from the woman's lips as she grabbed Erza with her left arm, casting a spell to make the girl weigh the same amount as a baby. Finally, the woman had Erza subdued and over her knee, plump bottom raised high while the redhead faced the ground. Exactly the position she wanted the petulant teenager in.

 "Stop this at once! You have no idea who your-" Erza was cut off as a hand smacked across her ass hard, causing her to whine loudly in protest. The older woman ignored the redhead's whines and cries for mercy. She administered the spanking in a harsh manner, each slap harder than the last, each hit in a rapid succession. It didn't take long for the panty clad girl to start wriggling, kicking and flailing out her arms in agony.

 "I'm going to make sure that butt of yours matches the color of your hair when I'm done with you!"

 Meanwhile, the kids were thoroughly enjoying the show, laughing openly, cracking jokes while most of them couldn't help but thank their lucky stars that they weren't in Erza's place. A few rude children had started chanting "baby" while pointing at her. Needless to say, once the spanking had ceased, Erza felt like she was a laughing stock.

 Unfortunately for our hero, the old woman didn't intend to let the mage go so easily. A flash of magic summoned forth an incredible sight: An adult sized baby diaper, complete with leak guards of light blue and dancing cartoon characters across the front of the disposable. "No, no, no!" Erza couldn't take anymore of this. "You spanked me! Aren't we even?!" 

"No, far from it. You wanted a diaper and you're going to get one that will fit you properly!" 

Erza redoubled her efforts to break free. However, she had no clue that this insane maternal force had rendered her practically weightless and thus, she couldn't get free of the woman's grasp. The stained white panties suddenly vanished, poofed away, and left our hero naked from the bra downwards. Of course, she tried to shield her privates from the growing crowd, but the crazy lady wouldn't let her.

 A couple mischievous children conjured up some laxative tablets and shot them right up Erza's ass. Either the mother didn't notice or she didn't care as she raised the girl from her lap and lowered her to the surface of the bench where the thick, pamper awaited the mage's plump, fire red ass. Erza could only wince in pain once her stinging flesh made contact with the crinkly padding.

 "Hold still, you overgrown brat!" The older woman demanded as she picked up a bottle of talcum powder and sprinkled the white dust across Erza's mound, covering her bright red pubic hairs in a layer of baby powder. Next, the woman tugged the disposable up into place, then she pulled the right wing of the garment taut, peeling the tape free and sticking it firmly onto the front of the diaper. This process was repeated with the other side of the diaper as the final pressing of the sticky adhesive tape completed the seal. "Stand up. I have to make sure that it's on right so you won't leak!" 

Erza slowly got to her feet and stood upon spread legs. She felt like her most intimate area was locked away from her, sealed in a prison of crinkly plastic as she stood there for the older woman to inspect her diaper. Every poke and prod made by the mother, only served to remind the mage of the bulky garment wrapped tightly around her crotch. Finally, an index finger was inserted into the leg band of the diaper. Erza shuddered while the strange lady's finger almost brushed against her pussy. "Can I go now?!" Erza asked, looking away from the other woman.

 "Sure, I think you've learned your lesson." A swift slap to the back of Erza's diapered ass served to make the redhead stumble away from the bench. 

However, the diapered mage didn't get very far from the mother, stopping dead in her tracks as a wave of cramps overwhelmed the girl. She clamped her butt tightly, steeling herself against the impending mess that churned in her stomach. Try as she might, there was no stopping the inevitable as few muffled farts startled the redhead and alerted the children that the real show was about to begin. 

"You gonna go poopy in your pampers, lady?!" A boy of about ten taunted her.

 "She's just a big baby!" Another kid called out. Erza tried to drown out the children, but another cramp hit her, almost knocking her to her knees. She paused, fearing the worst as an extra loud fart sounded off and a little bit of crap escaped into her thick diaper. A realization washed over her. 'I can't stop this!' Her mind screamed as her volatile bowel emptied their contents right into her babyish underwear. 

The once proud mage fell to her knees, brought down by her very full diaper. As she leaned forward, on her hunches, it kept coming, filling her diaper. She could feel the diaper grow heavier, weighing her down as she sat in her own mess. It was a terribly bizarre feeling, one she had a hard time processing as she felt the warm mush push forth against her sore skin. First it occupied the back of the diaper, enveloping her burning butt before spreading between her legs. Her diaper did an admirable job of containing her huge mess which continued to force the diaper to balloon outwards as she kept pushing. 

She could barely hear the jeering group of kids over her random farts, but she knew that they were teasing her, laughing at her due to the show she wss inadvertently putting on for them. 'Those damn brats did this! I would never mess my dia- SELF like this!' She lamented as the spectacle continued.

 Finally, it was over. The redhead sighed and used the palms of her hands to push herself up from the ground. It was at that moment she heard the clacking of high heels drawing closer, no doubt belonging to the mother who had put her into this situation in the first place. 

"What a mess you made." The older woman tsked down at the redhead. "You obviously need someone to keep an eye on you. Now, let's change this filthy diaper."



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