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Lusamine sat in her office and was in deep thought. She was contemplating the events that transpired during the last few weeks; the experiments, the sacrifices she had made to achieve her dream of a Pokemon utopia led by her. Was that really her dream or something that manifested itself through her possession by the Nihilego? Speaking of that, she had been clean of the Nihilego's venom for her second week since she was defeated in a great battle by a mere child from Alola. However, she also battled urges every single day that came from the rewiring of her brain. She knew that she'd been taunted by the venom that had once empowered her. Lusamine stood up from her desk and noticed something out of the corner of her eye; a red figure stood silently in the corner, who wore a seafoam green dress."Get out of my office right now or else you'll pay for your trespass!" "That's just the kind of attitude I expected from one of the most ruthless people who inhabit this world." The figure spoke out in an accusing tone. "Who are you to talk about me in that way? You know nothing about me!" Lusamine asserted firmly. "I know everything about you. I know that you're practically insane and run this Academy like a cult, how you've abused these innocent creatures to achieve your goals." "Ughmm" Lusamine tried to interrupt Mother Maiden, but the entity used her telepathy to silence the blond. "And I know how you've constantly neglected your children because they tried to stop you from becoming a monster." The red skinned woman paused. "As a matter of fact, I'm here because I have answered your daughter's prayers. She continually begs the gods for help every night to save you from yourself. So, here I am." "I've changed my ways!" The Academy President stated urgently. She knew that this was a deity who stood before and she needed to convince it that she had turned over a new leaf. "That's a good first step, but you've been altered by the Nihilego venom. You must be purified and returned to how you once were upon birth." "What do you mean by that!?" Lusamine worried about the implications of the entity's words. "Don't worry, I will not regress you, nor will I bestow upon you the gift of infantile bliss like I do with my other children. No, you shall be punished and humiliated until you have shown to me that you're ready to be a good person and mother." Mother Maiden explained to Lusamine. "No!" The blond yelled out. "I refuse to allow that!" She quickly pulled out her poke ball, but as she went to throw it, she found her arm unresponsive. "Silly girl. You think you can rebel against your new mommy?"" Mother Maiden chuckled. "What, what have you done to my body? I can't move it!" Lusamine cried out in anger. "I'm the Goddess of Motherhood. I can and will dictate how you behave both physically and mentally. This is a small display of my powers." "We have years of training ahead of us and, don't worry about your children, I'm going to raise you in my realm where time stands still. We'll have decades to train you to be a good girl and maybe a mother again." The Goddess grinned at Lusamine's displeasure as she opened a portal with her powers. The next thing Lusamine knew she was seated upon a large, plastic toddler's potty seat while completely naked. Actually, she realized it was worse than that. The once powerful President of the Aether Academy was wearing a large white disposable diaper. The Maiden started rubbing the blond woman's shoulders and encouraged the grown woman through gentle cooing. "Come on. Use the potty for mommy!" Lusamine held firm. 'No, I'm not wetting myself! I still have my mind intact.' She willed herself mentally to resist the magical woman who forced her into this humiliation. "I can read minds, you know and I have an eternity to spend waiting for you to wet that diaper. You can't win." Mother Maiden explained like a mother talking to a small child. The entity could easily force her new baby to wet herself with her powers, but she knew that wouldn't teach her humility like a good old fashioned "accident" would. Lusamine grunted and wished she had used the bathroom before this red skinned demon kidnapped her and trapped her in some kind of babyhood purgatory. She only lasted fifty minutes before the floodgates opened up and her diaper swelled. "That's a good girl. Now that's one diaper used out of your pack of twenty thousand." The entity laughed deeply as Lusamine hung her head in shame, drooling onto her breasts.



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