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I saw a lot of suggestions for more flat color images and sequences in the retention poll posted last month, so I decided to start a follow up sequence for Shelly from Alpha Sapphire. Flat color, three pictures, to be completed some time after the monthly illustration goes up. In the meantime, I have some very rough sketches.

The idea is that Team Aqua wins and somehow ushers in their sea utopia golden age. I’m sure there’s an in game reason why that’s a bad idea, but for the sake of the sequence everything works out.

I haven’t decided how sequences will be chosen in the future, but hopefully this is a start.




Yeah I’ve just been struggling to find the time. Aiming for next weekend since it's a holiday and comms are almost done

Jester Hyorax

No worries take ur time no rush. Also thanks for the response I appreciate it.