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I love these two episodes for the exact questions that you raised. From here, and again throughout the rest of the series, you do see people asking QUESTIONS about the Clones. The movies never even commented on the morality of breeding a slave army (Which is exactly what the Clones are), so it was so refreshing to at least have a character TALK about it. I also loved the futility of it all, how it ends "right back where we started". A lot of Star Wars supplemental media from the mid-'00s (Video games, comics, etc.) treated the Republic vs. Separatist battle as if it had a point in and of itself. As if it mattered which side won. But since both are being ruled by the same people and the entire war is a charade, and because it's a Prequel story whose ending has already been written, in a way it DOESN'T matter. Win this battle or lose another, we know it's not going to end until suddenly the whole thing is wiped away in "Revenge of the Sith". So after all that, Grievous escaping is inevitable. Grievous's backstory was only ever told in supplemental material, it was never explained on-screen. There's two different backstories for him. One was created in the leadup to the release of "Revenge of the Sith", but then 5 years later when they made this series the writers weren't satisfied with that so they made up their own. The original backstory is that he was a soldier and warlord, and Dooku and Sidious wanted to use him to lead their armies. They sabotaged a shuttle he was on so it would crash and cripple him, and then offered to give him a new cyborg body if he would serve them. The second backstory is that he wanted to improve his fighting skills, but he wasn't Force Sensitive to be able to achieve everything a Jedi can, so he replaced more and more parts of his body. This is shown in the season one episode "The Lair of Grievous", where he has statues of himself in different stages of the transformation and proclaims that he "chose" what happened. In both stories he has a violent hatred against the Jedi, plus is envious of their Force powers, which is why he targets them now and uses their own lightsabers against them. That's also why he says he doesn't care about the politics of the war, since for him it's just a personal grudge against the Jedi (and ambition).

Frankie H

Nia, about your question about which clones are mentioned by name in the movie Episode III, I remember 2 named clones. First one was "Odd Ball" He was a pilot and he dies in the first 5 minutes of the movie. Next time he shows up I'll point him out. He's always doing pilot stuff. The other clone is Commander Cody who works with Kenobi in the cartoon. It's Cody that tries to order 66 Kenobi. Also those aren't Cut Lawquane's biological kids. I thought that too when I first saw this, but the war has only been going on for 1 or 2 years. Those kids are between 8 or 10. Cut must be a stepdad. However it's true humans and Twi'leks can have biological kids, so it's possible but in this case those are his step kids. Also remember the names of Rex's squad. Kix is the medic. Jesse has a big cog looking symbol on his helmet and also on his face which is actually the symbol of the Republic. Jesse is Rex's second in command I think. Hardcase was the third guy. So Jesse, Hardcase and Kix. You'll see them again.