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Watch "expanse3x3comp" on Streamable.



as far as the audio goes, the same old rule applies... more Nia (higher volume in this case) is more better. *weirdly it sounded better through headphones for me

Frankie H

I like how we see in this episode both the leader of Earth and Jules Piere Mao have these terrible guys whispering in their ears telling them to do terrible stuff. And Nia, about your question of what the leader of earth is called. The leader of Earth is called the Secretary-General of the UN. The leader of Mars is a Prime Minister. Finally, it's funny you noticed that Admiral Nguyen is always a jerk. Whenever he has had a line in the past 3 seasons like at the UN meetings he's always been a pro-war aggressive angry guy. He's always been that angry guy in the room so far.