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So some of you may know my anime channel was taken away yesterday... All the Naruto videos got strikes and it was terminated immediately. 

Well, today I got this email and this channel was taken away too... 

It's frustrating and I have to figure out what my next steps are... Thank you all for being patient with me this week... I may just post here for now until everything gets sorted, but I'm sorry to say I don't think I'll be doing anime unless it's over on Twitch




Ohh NOOOOO!!! dang it.. thats bad.. There goes MiA S2 as well😒☹.. and its not even from ViZ Media😡😡. Allright no more anime then☹, unless on Twitch.. Time for me to get something els then (Which is a pitty, but cant do nothing about it) Ray.


Sorry to hear they went to such extremes right off the bat, especially after you went through the effort to split the accounts. I'm sure you'll be able to get it all back up and running eventually, it's just a question of how much work it'll take. However you want to address it, I'm sure you'll pull it off!