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Hey all!! SOOO this is what I'm thinking about with the posting schedule. Could I have picked an easier graphic to clearly show the schedule? Yes. But the colors were cute so let's go with this.

So until I can afford to pay editors to get more stuff out on youtube, I'm sticking to 1 movie, 1 anime and 1 show a week.

I'll be posting those a week or 2 ahead here on Patreon,

and then I will have full length reactions for other exclusive shows here that once I finish the season, I can start editing them down for the reaction highlights. 

So in addition to the youtube stuff, at the moment we will have:

Rings of Power, Firefly, Ms. Marvel, Stranger Things, and Spy Family.

I'll post Rings of Power on Tuesdays, Firefly on Fridays, Stranger Things on Saturdays, and Spy Family on Sundays. (Ms. Marvel Still needs a home)

I know the anime shows are lacking a bit right now... but once I get organized with the posting schedule I'll try to work on those. 

There is a running list of shows movies recommended everywhere that we keep on discord, and whenever a new show is about to end, I'll have pick about 5 or so to run a poll here on Patreon. When the show is done, I'll edit them regardless, and then Youtube can have a separate poll from the available edited shows to replace the shows/anime there when a series ends. 

Thanks for all your patience and feed back though, I couldn't do this without you guys!




Well.. this all look great Nia.. Dont dont feel bad, about the lacking of stuff. we all know. First: you have your boy to attent too to. Second: You got a regular job, outside of Patreon/Youtube as well. So.. like i said on Discord. " To i Forgot his/her name" you got a few balls to juggle around👍😉. So.. please, dont feel bad.. We are patient and just wait for stuff to fly by.. as always. ❤❤❤ Ray.