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It's time to stifle the creativity of fanart artists even more. I had to delete several works from my page because I received this message in my email.

Copyrighters came to Patreon. So, don't be surprised that many of your favorite artists will be facing similar problems soon or even worse.

I'll figure something out to leave you the chance to follow the new artworks that will appear in the current term, but it's all regrettable.

As you can see, even posts with cropped teaser versions were deleted. Therefore, it is possible that the teasers will be published only on Discord server.

⚠️ I remind you that the artworks were removed only from the Patreon platform, and not from the Terms themselves. ⚠️

Thank you for your understanding and support! (。•́︿•̀。)

┃✿︰How connect to Discord ~ Read ꒰「 here 」 ꒱




That really sucks, i heard Nintendo doing this to some artists.


I have had another artist have this very issue. You may have to move to SubscribeStar and/or post your art previews to your Discord and keep Patreon only for funding.


What a bummer. Wish they would ease up.


Once again, Nintendo going out of their way to piss off their fanbase. I love their games, but absolutely despise their business practices.


Yup, I will look for another way to post it somewhere. The problem with SubscribeStar and Patreon is that both platforms don't like the same content being shared on two platforms at once (like twitch don't like multi-stream) :(

GT QcNumber1 Vézina

wow ok srly those bastard really are the worst to come on patreon to say hey this is copyrighted like come on nintendo fuck off ffs I wish they get reformed and be for friendly towards artists and creators


omfg how many sticks do their have up their ass*s at Nintendo? For a company dedicated to cultivating dedicated fanbases they sure put a hell of a lot of effort into pissing those same fans off.

pengin senshi

I'm not sure how successful other artists have been by referring to Nintendo properties under generic names, like "Star Lady" or "Water Gal" or something like that. Probably doesn't really stop Nintendo from inferring who they're supposed to be on context...


You might want to consider changing to a different service like subscribestar . adult


Was surprised you recently did Peach since a lot of creators sent out an email blast about this Nintendo thing a few months ago :(


First of all, I'm relieved that the current terms are safe; second, I'm concerned about Nintendo going out of their way to jeopardize your (and other artists') work. I've been a patreon for a few months and I really appreciate your style, so you could: Avoid posting previews concerning artworks related to that company; Post a preview with only the link to discord without names or images.


Sorry Axsens, just let us know what the plan is and what platform and we’ll be there to support! Oh yeah... fuck Nintendo and their scumbag business practices.


I wish I could say I was surprised when I read it was Nintendo, but I can’t. They are notorious for this sort of thing. They recently threw their weight and effectively shut down the Big House Smash Tournament which was going to be held online 2020. I simply don’t have a same level of starry-eyed admiration for them as a company as many others seem to have.


Ah that sucks , Whatever you decide to do I’ll still support you Axsens. 🥰 hope this doesn’t deter you from making similar art work.


That bad u, u I Am so sorry sensei!

Frank Leo

sorry to know of this

Roberto Treviño Gonzalez

I'm really not surprised about it, but what surprises me is that you did not know about that since Patreon made an official announcement months ago about Nintendo making copyright complaints into this platform. And as you mention, the bright side is the Terms rewards are still existing.


Not surprising at all, coming from Nintendo. They are the most violent company when it comes to fan arts. They at best tolerate free stuff (If it goes along their rules), but as soon as you want to get some money out of your work, they come down hard on you, with an army of lawyers just in case you want to defend yourself. It has always been a very bad company when it comes to community spirit. Ironic, coming from one which owe its entire success to this same community.


If this is going to work, it won't be for long anyway x__x


Thank you! Yup, I'll figure out how to do it for all of us


Yeah, I didn't know about it, unfortunately .. But they can't beat us (・`ω´・)


There is another company: Disney. I have a feeling that soon they will come here too (>﹏<)

Wittwe AB Grw

F Sad to see that copywriters has gotten so crazy. I mean if anything they should be happy that fanart exist to make new fans of the show. And as long as the kids can’t access the naughty fanart I don’t see anything wrong with it. It is good to hear though that it is still able to access it through the rewards thing gum road. And discord previous would be more than enough for my happiness. Can’t wait to get an invite to the Axsens discord server.


Thank you! You already can enter to the server, but you need to connect your discord account with patreon to get access to patreon role ^_~

Ryan Voeltner

Freaking Nintendo for ya. So annoying. Like bring their characters publicity, but they just want to be bitches.