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✿ 1. Beginning

1.1. What is Patreon?

Watch the video ^^ > https://youtu.be/wH-IDF809fQ 

1.2. How can I become your patron?

  • Click on the button Become a Patron on the top left side of your screen
  • Select which rewards you would like
  • Press the Continue button
  • Enter your payment information
  • Wait until the first week of next month to receive your rewards! :3

1.3. What can I get on your patreon page?

Different things: wips, sketches, PSDs, hi-sizes, etc. More details on my main Patreon page ^^

1.4. Are these rewards exclusive?
Of course. They are not free and will only be made available to patrons. So please, don't distribute this content anywhere else 

I start tracking people who intend to share/sell/etc my terms (or part of them) without my consent, and I will take action against them without any previous notice


2.1. Will I receive all of your content?

You will only be receiving all rewards for the current terms that are active when you signed on as my patron.  Example:

  • January Term 1            01/01 - 01/15 (to receive it, you must join before 15th)
  • January Term 2            01/16 - 01/31 (to receive it, you must join before 31st

To receive all of them, you must join before the 15th and stay until the 7th of next month. Please read item 2.1.1  below for more information.

*Choose 2 times per month at your own risk, especially when you switch between tiers. I can't help you if you miss some terms because of this glitch.

If you still decided on this option, then make sure to set the monthly pledge limit to 2 pledges per month, not 1 pledge per month. Otherwise, you'll miss out on the 2nd term of the month. 

I will never post a "paid post" before the 15-16 or 30-31 of every month (except February lol), so you should have a few days to withdraw after you receive your rewards and not get charged for the extra term you don't want. 

Keep in mind I'm living in UTC+1 zone. Check and compare with your zone ~ UTC+1 

2.1.1. - The tiers say "(2 terms per month)" does that mean I will be charged x2 the price?


  • Tier Basic = 2$ 
  • Tier 1 = 14$
  • Tier 2 = 24 $
  • Tier 3 = 110$


You are Tier 1 (7$) patron.  Term 1 (January) will be a reward for Patrons during 1-15 of each month.  Term 2 will be a reward for Patrons during the 16 - 31 of each month.

▶︎ If you signed up between Jan 1st - 16th before the paid  post and stayed for the entire period

  • You will be charged 7$ on Feb 1st 
  • Your reward is Term 1 

▶︎ If you signed up between Jan 16th  - Jan 31st before the paid  post  and stayed for the entire period

  • You will be charged 7$ on Feb 1st  
  • Your reward is Term 2  

▶︎ If you signed up between Jan 1st - Jan 31st  before the paid post and stayed for the entire period

  • You will be charged 14$ on Feb 1st  
  • Your rewards are Term 1 and Term 2 

 ▶︎ If you signed up between  Jan 5th - Jan 10th and canceled your pledge during this period

  • You will not be charged on Feb 1st 
  • No rewards

 ▶︎ If you signed up between  Jan 18th - Jan 28th and canceled your pledge during this period

  • You will not be charged on Feb 1st 
  • No rewards

2.1.2. - Can I make a custom Tier?
No custom tiers, please.  Any custom tier will be considered as a donation without any rewards

2.2.1. - What is a "Paid post"?

A paid post performs the role of registration for a certain Term and forms a list of patrons who paid for this Term content. After that post, you will not be able to sign to the previous Term content (at least if you sign to Tier 3), and you're assigned for the next Term content.

2.2. I'm now your patron, why can't I access rewards? I can't see any links to download anything!

First of all, let me thank you for the support! I very much appreciate it! Patreon charges the money during the first week of each month (only if you signed up as my patron before I submit a “paid post”). You will receive a message from me on patreon with the links with rewards after all pledges get processed by patreon.

2.3. When will I receive your rewards?

Keep in mind this calendar that I made for you ^^

You will receive a message from me between 6-10th of each month with the download links

2.4. I missed a previous pack and I want to get rewards from this pack, but how? 

Right now I have 2 options to get the past full terms

  • 1 - Through Tier 3 x2 (55$)

In this case, you will get 2 past terms per supported term. 

  • 2 - Through Tier 2 (12$)

By getting the discount (of 55%) code for my Gumroad store, where you can purchase any  term

2.5. Where I can see your previous rewards? 

Patreon Rewards Archive

2.6. Your links are down, and for some (x) reasons, I missed my term. Is there any way I can get it? 

Of course. If you have been successfully charged just send me a message via Patreon with the number of the term you missed. It would be helpful too if you add a screenshot of your payment archive of that specific term/tier in your message. I will resend you the link. But not older than 3 months or 6 terms.  

2.7. I'm Tier 2-3, how I can get my additional term? 

Wait 'till your payment will be processed by Patreon between 1-5th of the next month, you will receive a message from me with the paid Term and then you will receive an additional message with the extra instructions to get the old pack. 

2.8. I think I supported Tier 1-3  for Term X and didn't get a message from you with my rewards.

  • Make sure your Patreon has processed your payment. If your payment has been processed after #Delivery post, you need PM me by yourself. 
  • Make sure that you are in the right tier rewards. If you're Tier Basic (1$) patron, you will not receive any message from me. 
  • Check please your Billing History to be sure if it was my mistake or not. 

After these steps, if you are completely sure that for some reasons you have not received the rewards, PM me about it ^_^

2.9. I'm thinking of learning how to draw from your videos. 

I really appreciate it! But remember, the video processes are not for learning (only tutorials that I create especially for this), they are only to demonstrate how I paint. And please keep in mind that Patreon is for supporting artists you like and the rewards are just bonuses from me as thanks, it's not an online educational course. I don't give you an education in art, it's up to you only. This applies to all other artists you support, except those who actually offer educational courses.

I'm not an art teacher and I don't do voiceover tutorials. If you can't learn from videos/video processes w/o audio explanation, try to find another artist, or find an art school.


3.1. When will my payment be processed?

All payments on patreon will be processed in the first week of each month.

3.2. What if my payment was declined?

You will be charged for the next term. But if you are interested in "declined" rewards, contact me for more information. Don't get me wrong, but is not my fault if Patreon for some reason declines your payments. 

3.3. I can get a refund?

Refunds are treated on a case-by-case basis. Depends on the situation, I can do a refund or not. Note that you are not paying for products but creator support. And the creator does not have to pay the refund fees for your mistakes.

Cases when I don't make refunds:

  • You have already received the reward
  • You asked me to do this after the 7-10th of the month

3.3.1 But I want a refund!

If you didn't get your rewards I can send you your supported terms, or I can give you a discount code (with the amount that you paid) for my gumroad. 


4.1. What program do you use for recording? 

A very simple program ScreenFlow

4.2. What program and tablet do you use for drawing? 

Photoshop CC19 and Wacom tablet

4.3. How I can make suggestions for fanart?

Find a tag #suggestions and make your suggestion on the last post.  


5.1. Why you have watermarks everywhere?!

Actually, I have watermarks on two sides only on my Creator Posts section, And one watermark on my steps. I always try to put them in a more comfortable place for you and me. The reason for this action is because some people don't respect copyrights and try to steal or sell them without my knowledge 

5.2. What means "Digimarc on"?

This means some of my files may contain an invisible mark for little protection of my artworks from possible leaks

5.3. How it will affect me?

If you are an honest patron, Digimarc will not affect you at all. Just join and enjoy it. But if you plan to publish my files on the forums, discord chats, or somewhere else for a broad audience, or sell my files, it could cause an everlasting ban on your account. 

I reserve the right not to refund the upcoming terms if I catch a leaker. This action is assessed by me as a small compensation for the damage. The leaker will be banned permanently and never refunded. Also, the complaint can be sent to Patreon support and to other artists as well.

Stealing someone else's content, you are fully responsible for it and responsible for the consequences.

5.3.1 How it will affect those who share your files online?

From the moment I catch you as a leaker, you will be immediately blocked without warning and appeals.

The Patreon system will also block your all payment/system data.

Your ID will be sent to the Patreon support for further blocking of the entire account and will be sent to other artists.

You will also lose access to all previously received rewards as compensation for financial and moral damages.

Think a few times before disrespecting someone else's work

5.4. Why did you decide to resort to such measures?

I understand the desire of pirates to get everything for free, but I also understand that I don't want to work for free and expose people who honestly become my patrons. Otherwise, what's the point for artists having a Patreon page if everybody can get all the stuff without paying even 1¢?

5.5. Why did you block me?

There can be  different reasons:

  • Self-advertisement, chain letters, and other kinds of spam 
  • Bad ethical behavior (insults/swearing/etc)
  • I caught you on unauthorized distribution of my files
  • Your payment has been flagged as fraud

This FAQ can be upgraded if I find other questions. If you have any problems/questions/etc contact me via message! 

Not in the comments under this post plz!



You probably get this question a lot: I missed the term with your NSFW Bowsette pieces, and I don't see them on your Gumroad. Is there still a way I can get these pieces? Thanks


Have a question about the video tutorials. Do they have a full body drawing?


It mentions that the only way to get a previous term is to switch to tier 3, but tier 3 doesn't show up as an option. Am not a new patron.


All tutorials that I made until now you can find here ~ <a href="https://www.patreon.com/axsens/posts?tag=tutorial">https://www.patreon.com/axsens/posts?tag=tutorial</a>


Axsens, I would like to become your patron but I would go crazy if I could not get your previous works. Please offer your works via gumroad or bring the tier 3 back.


Axens, I'd love to pay for some of your old terms, and I think a lot of people that like your art would like to do so too. Having an extra tier for that is great and all, but you made it limited, so you're losing out on money that me and many more are willing to pay :/. Why don't you set up a gumroad page with your past rewards? I believe that site is great for people to pay for specific work that you did in the past, it's a win-win really.


I immensely like and approve esp. of your p 5.4 and most of all the sentence "Otherwise, what's the point for artists having a Patreon page if everybody can get all the stuff without paying even 1¢?" With all sorts of content made available on the net, people have falsely adopted the idea that everything they see is free for the taking, ignoring the hard work that went into creating the content.


Is there somewhere we can go to request a commission or personal drawing request?