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Hello guys!

Patreon is seriously cracking down nsfw creators this year. Now they are testing (or something) keywords system for every new post and I noticed that they don't like certain words associated with nsfw content. Every time this kind of alert POPs up while making the post. 

And I fear that in addition to such warnings, they will go further. Therefore, I decided to post all nsfw previews in Discord (you must have Patron role) since now.  

Thank you for your understanding! And I really sorry for this inconvenience, but I'm not the one making these decisions :(

ps: This only affects the rewards previews, not the rewards themselves

How enter to Discord server?
Use this invite link ~ Join 

How to get Patron role if you're already pledged? 

Go to My profile settings  > Apps > Click the option to “Connect” option next to Discord.

Also, you can read the official guide about roles here ~ Get my Discord role 



GT QcNumber1 Vézina

Well hope they don’t crack more. No wonder people are going with only fans now


Oh well. That doesnt sound good. As long your not forced to stop doing that stuff..😂🔥We all love your art. I even hyped it up so much, that 2 of my friends are your patreons as well 😁🔥keep going!


How i get the discord ip?


I just added in the post some steps of how to get access to it ^~


Well, they don't like us <_< Thank you very much for your kind words and support! ~❤️


Why would the crack down on NSFW? Not like people don't know what they signing up for.


That's disappointing. Perhaps it's time to start looking for alternative platforms to be safe.


I’m sorry you and other creators are being pressured like this. I’m personally disappointed in Patreon because this has traditionally struck me as a unique platform for creative expression and the increasing elements of censorship i’ve now heard from multiple creators here kinda saddens me. Please don’t let this discourage your creativity in any way. There are other platforms if necessary and you still have my support.


"Improvise. Adapt. Overcome." ...so we must 😤

Kevin Chen

question, does that mean rewards are all in discord or is gumroad still going to be open?


I have already found a couple of alternatives, now it remains to test them and understand how they work :(


Thank you very much for your kindness! I'm upset about this situation, too. We will survive!


This only affects the rewards previews, not the rewards themselves ^~

Frank Leo

This reminds me that, someone ( who claims to "know the insides" , without actual validations ) said last-year ... "Patreon will soon become a Tumblr 2.0" ( implying that ban of such artworks on Tumblr as reference ) . I do not know this is valid and factual but, just saying it reminds me of that.

Valla Valhalla

Even if the NSFW versions can't be posted here, it wouldn't be such of a problem. Everyone can understand the type of content which comes with the standard version, so that's not a problem in my point of view. Keep making great artworks, that's all that matters ❤️

The Tickling Master (K. C.)

I would like to point out that Only Fans doesn't appear to allow the downloading of pictures posted on their website...you have to screenshot it first. I try not to follow creators on Onlyfans for that particular reason.

Ryan Voeltner

This is so annoying. They give warnings about content. Clearly they are out of touch with community. You are doing art yet they give you crap, I bet you is the stupid "Cosplay Girls" who in fact are actually cam girls ruining it for artists like you. I hate this because I follow a lot on discord and only try to use at specific times and when I stream. Annoying to have to pop over there for follow ups.


I'm also very upset about this... Their system doesn't like almost any words related even indirectly to 18+ content =__=