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Plus Patreon reward drawing of Hippo Leonie!

[Direct sequel to Bernie’s Magic Practice. Double Anthro TF: Petra to elephant, Leonie to hippo. Contains aware and unaware transformations, body growth/expansion, and pregnancy]

Bernadetta’s big, sharky tail swished with each confident step she took through Garreg Mach Monastery. It felt so liberating now that she wasn’t plagued by fear every waking moment, and even better having Ingrid as her subby little cow girl.

Ingrid was currently sound asleep in Bernie’s bed after a long session of milking and other fun, but Bernadetta had grown hungry after such exertion, so she decided to head to the dining hall.

When she arrived, the shark lady discovered Petra and Leonie hanging out together and sharing a meal of their own. With her new magical abilities and custom transformation spell at her disposal, all Bernadetta could see when looking at the pair were two blank canvases ready to be turned into art.

“Ehehehe, I guess food can wait~” Bernie said under her breath. While she stood in the doorway, before being noticed, Bernadetta silently cast her strange, amalgamated spell on Leonie and Petra. Then, she stepped forward and made herself known. “Good evening, you two~”

“Oh, Bernadetta! You are looking… very unlike yourself?” Petra commented quizzically.

“Yeah, what’s up with the whole sea-creature get-up?” Leonie asked more directly.

“Who, me? Ehehehe, I’ve just had a bit of a glow-up~” Bernie gently cupped Leonie’s face in one hand, then flashed a big toothy grin. “Mmm, you must be hungry, aren’t you? Such a big, strong woman needs her sustenance, hmm?~”

Leonie’s cheeks flushed red in an instant. “Wh-what!?”

“And look at your big ol’ snoot! It’s so adorable!”

“M-my nose isn’t THAT big Bernadetta!” Leonie huffed.

To Petra’s shock, she noticed the orange-haired woman’s nose begin to swell up. “Um, Leonie, your nose is…”

“Huh? My nose is what, exactly?” Leonie snapped at her friend.

“Um… it is inflating…”

“That’s impossible! Are you two trying to pull a joke over me?” As Leonie spoke, her muscle mass started to gradually accumulate, bulging a bit into her light orange-and-yellow shirt.

“Ehehehe~” Bernie giggled. “We’ll have to find you a bigger chair to sit on, too… These ones here just won’t do~” She gestured to the dining hall’s furniture.

“Hey! What are you implying, shark-girl!?” Leonie pressed her index finger into Bernadetta’s chest.

“I’m complimenting you! Look at those luscious glutes you've gained recently~” Sharkadetta bit her lip lustfully.

“O-oh… Um, th-thanks, I guess…” Leonie blushed. Her nose had now swelled to larger than a tomato, was reshaping itself into a vaguely animalistic snout, and was also taking on a greyish hue. “W-wait, it’s not THAT noticeable, is it!?” She spun to look at her own rear, which was straining against her very tight boyshorts. “And what do you mean ‘recently’, I’m the same as ever!”

Once Leonie turned back to Bernie, Petra noticed a tiny, stubby grey tail poke a hole through her friend’s shorts. It wiggled a little as it settled into its new home just above Leonie’s incredible ass. Petra couldn’t help but let out a little giggle at the redhead’s obliviousness to her changing form, prompting Bernadetta to join in.

“What are you two laughing at!? Seriously, I don’t get it!” Leonie defiantly stomped her foot, which made a louder noise than it usually did. Her calves were expanding and her feet were ballooning out, straining the bounds of her well-worn boots. Tears formed in her boots’ ankles since her feet were really only growing wider. At the same time, fat was accumulating in her boobs at a steady pace, causing her to lean forward the slightest bit due to their newfound weight. A button even flew off her shirt, whistling by Bernie’s ear, but Leonie didn’t notice that either.

“I just think you’re a fun gal~” Bernie cooed, placing a hand on Leonie’s growing shoulder. She was already a bit shorter than Leonie, too - despite gaining quite a bit of height in her own transformation - and the redhead wasn’t done growing yet. “Big women are so hot, wouldn’t you say, Petra?~” She teased, shooting a grin and a wink at the heiress from Brigid.

“Y-yes! Large women are smoldering!!” Petra paused for a second. “...What I mean is, you are looking gorgeous, Leonie!”

Leonie’s ears subconsciously wiggled a bit, stretching as they rounded out to become more hippo-like. Her muzzle began to form several little dimples, and her big ol’ nostrils would occasionally flare as her face continued to stretch and distort. By now, it was obvious to Petra what Leonie was becoming, but she played along to see how long it would take her to notice the changes.

“Boop!” Bernie cheered as she lightly poked the redhead’s huge hippopotamus snout.

“H-hey!! This has gone on long enough, would you please just tell me what ‘s got you two acting so weird!?”

At that moment, all of Leonie’s clothes reached their breaking point as they were shredded in an instant, finally drawing attention to her own changes. Her huge body jiggled a bit now that it was free, revealing massive breasts, glutes, and thighs that were almost finished growing. Her skin was now entirely grey and rubbery, and her feet had flattened out into stubby hippo feet. Her height had well surpassed two meters by the time her transformation reached its conclusion. Though her muscles had doubled in size, they were less noticeable now that she had a little more fat to round off her very hippo-esque form. “By the goddess! I’m HUGE!” She shouted excitedly. “And I feel so strong! Hahaha!” Leonie’s tail flicked and her ears wiggled elatedly. “I feel like I could lift a horse! Come on, let’s go to the stables, I wanna try!”

“Please wait!” Petra said before Leonie could get very far. “I would like to be metamorphosing also!”

“Oh Petra…” Bernie purred. “I would never forget about you~” The shark lady gently placed her index finger between Petra’s eyes, gently sliding it along her skin to the tip of her nose. “Boop~”

“Hee hee, Bernadetta, that is tickling!”

“Do you like it when I touch you like this?” Bernie asked, eliciting an enthusiastic nod from the future queen of Brigid. “And do you like it when I whisper to you like this? So softly… So quietly?” Petra nodded again. Bernadetta’s face flashed her sharp, predatory teeth in a wide smile. “Of course… I wouldn’t want to speak too loudly and hurt your big, sensitive ears now, would I?~”

A shiver ran down Petra’s spine, knowing Bernie was subtly shaping her with words like she had with Leonie. She was going to have big ears! Petra was so excited, so many possibilities were running through her head! Would Bernadetta turn her into a lynx? A rabbit, maybe? Oh, perhaps a fox! Whatever it was, she couldn’t wait to find out!

“That’s it… just breathe for me~” Bernie cooed as she ran a finger around the edge of Petra’s growing ears. “Aaaall the way through your nose, then out through your mouth…”

Petra was glad for the reminder, noticing her breaths had grown shallow. With each inhale, she felt an inexplicably cavernous sensation of air ringing through her nose. She wiggled it a bit, causing her lengthening nose to graze against her soft lips. Petra let out a gasp, darting a hand to her face so she could feel… “A trunk! I am growing a trunk!”

Repeating the gesture she made moments ago, Sharkadetta placed her finger between Petra’s eyes and slid it down to the very tip of her nose. This time, there was a much longer nose for her index finger to travel across, and it was still growing!

“Petra, your face is…” Leonie breathed, mesmerised by the Brigid princess’ continuously changing form. “...so pretty… so… kissable…” The hippo lady returned to stand in front of Petra. She had to lean down, but not much since Petra was already growing pretty tall herself. Leonie’s big ol’ lips placed a tender kiss at the base of Petra’s soft trunk. “You’re… hehe, smoldering~” She couldn’t help but giggle as she returned Petra’s atypical compliment from before.

“Ahahaha! Leonie, you are very funny!” Petra laughed with a bit of a trumpety ring in her voice. “Also, I was greatly enjoying that kiss~”

“...I’d love to kiss you again some time, if you’d like~” Leonie whispered shyly.

“I will be holding you to that! Nnng, oh my, there is suddenly pressure in my lower back…”

“Shhh, it’s ok… Nothing will hurt, I promise…” Bernie lovingly reassured the expanding elephant woman. “I’m right here… Ehehehe, your tail is just too cute!”

Immediately, Petra tried to wiggle the addition to her tailbone, and was rewarded with another satisfying jolt along her spine as she moved her new tail for the first time. It was barely longer than Leonie’s tail at the moment, but was slowly stretching out. The first few violet hairs began to sprout from her tail’s tip, matching the luscious locks on her head. “Eeee!! I have a tail!” Petra squealed excitedly. Her tail wouldn’t stop wagging if she tried - not that she even wanted it to stop.

“You’re so precious when you’re excited, Petra!” Leonie said with an absolutely giant smile on her hippo face.

By now, Petra and Leonie were at eye level with each other, but Petra kept growing. Her trunk had grown so much that it was practically in her cleavage now!

“Steady now, a big lady like you wouldn’t want to lose her balance, hm?~” Sharkadetta said softly. “Mmm, you have such a soft, beautiful figure~” Bernie gently groped one of Petra’s little tiddies and kneaded it slowly, eliciting a series of gasps and moans from the transforming elephant girl. “That’s it… just relax and let Bernie take care of you~”

Looking down at her chest, Petra watched as her breasts started to inflate and strain against the violet fabric of her top. It was a bit difficult to focus with her trunk - which was now drooping down past her belly button - taking up more of her vision, though. Plus, when she tilted her head downwards, her big floppy ears were visible in her peripheral vision. The elephant lady looked at her hands, which had turned a greyish colour like her trunk and ears.

“Nnng, I think I am needing a seat…” Petra’s feet felt incredibly constricted now, but it was too late for her to slide them off; she had to wait for them to reach their breaking point, but that was taking longer than she expected. When she sat down, she yelped a little as she sat on her tail, and was quick to adjust herself.

“Easy, darling, it’s ok…” Bernadetta soothingly stroked the length of her friend’s trunk, eliciting soft, needy honks as she breathed through her new nose.

Unable to resist the adorable display before her, Leonie joined in and rubbed Petra’s new appendage too.

“Mmm, your touching is making my heart combust with passion!” Petra whimpered, leaning into the shark and hippo coddling her.

“Hee hee! Oh Petra, I’d love nothing more than to be passionate with you all the time~” Leonie whispered.

Brigid’s heiress gently curled her trunk around Leonie’s hand, giving a little squeeze. “I am feeling the same~” The weight of Petra’s hefty body made the dining chair creak underneath her. The silky outfit she was wearing had stretched to an almost unimaginable extent now, but finally it gave out in a spontaneous explosion of violet fabric, brown leather, and golden jewelry.

With her naked body now fully exposed, all could see her gorgeous curves, strong thick legs, and adorably pudgy tummy. Her feet had become much stubbier, much like Leonie’s, and were ready to hold her weight again now that they were free of their tight confines. When she left her seat, Petra was looking down at both other women; she was now standing at nearly two-hundred and sixteen centimeters tall.

“Hello down there! Hee hee hee!” Petra’s face had flushed warm as the gravity of her changes were setting in. She had an almost entirely new vantage point now, seeing the familiar dining hall in a whole new light.

The elephant’s excitement was palpable: her tail was wagging harder and faster; her ears were flapping happily as she idly tilted her head side to side; her trunk was outstretched and waving in the open air; and her big, bappy feet were fidgeting so much they were practically running in place!

“Ehehehe! You two are so adorably giddy, aren’t you?~” Bernie muttered softly. “You’re going to make such lovely mamas~”

Petra and Leonie froze for a moment as their faces flushed. The shark woman gently ran her fingers over Petra’s smooth tum, then did the same for Leonie’s. Neither of them knew Bernadetta had cast another silent spell.

“M-mamas!?” Petra broke the silence, her mouth stuck in a shocked ‘O’ shape.

“Well of course! I know it’s what you desire~” Bernadetta transitioned from lightly teasing Petra’s stomach to giving full, loving belly rubs. Noticing how much faster Petra’s tail was flicking back and forth now, the magical shark giggled under her breath. “Come sit down here, beautiful~” She gestured to the soft carpet in the center of the dining hall. “I promise I’ll be gentle~”

“Y-yes! Please, Bernadetta, please be making me a mama!!” Petra hopped up and down excitedly, causing a series of rather loud thuds each time she touched the ground. After a gentle nudge from Bernie, she went to lie on the floor. “O-oh, right!”

Bernadetta felt the elephant woman’s needy gaze set on her, silently begging for her love and attention. But to Petra’s confusion, she knelt down beside her.

“Um… B-Bernadetta, will you not be making me… p-pregnant?” Petra’s voice held a sliver of concern that she had misunderstood or jumped to conclusions.

“Ehehehehehe!” Bernie leaned-in to Petra’s huge ear and whispered. “I already have, love~”

Petra’s jaw dropped as her tail began to wildly thump against the floor. Her eyes shot to her tummy, which she quickly placed a transformed hand onto. “I am pregnant!?” She mouthed, and Bernie nodded. “I am pregnant!!” She said again, this time trumpeting the words for all to hear.

Leonie was quick to kneel next to Petra too, resting a hippofied hand on Petra’s tummy. “Oh my Goddess, Petra!! Congratulations!!” Her own short lil hippo tail was wagging fervently.

Before their very eyes, Petra’s belly began to push out and swell up. She felt a little pressure below her stomach, but it was a warm, welcome pressure that caused no discomfort. It was subtle at first, but after a few moments of simply feeling the progress, she was noticeably bigger under her belly button than she was before.

Sharkadetta leaned in and placed a soft peck on the Brigid heiress’ tum. Leonie followed suit with a big ol’ kiss with her huge, smooth hippo snoot.

“Hee hee hee, th-that is tickling me!” Petra squirmed a little with each sensitive touch from her lovers.

The trio continued to lay their hands on Petra’s bulging belly until it had swelled to its full size. In a matter of minutes, the elephant lady had reached the late stages of pregnancy.

Tears of joy ran down Petra’s face as she caressed her tummy. “I am going to be a mama!” She sniffled a bit, causing her trunk to compress like an accordion. After blowing her nose, she used her trunk to pet her big, round belly too.

“W-woah!” Leonie gasped as she felt a pressure form within herself, leaning back on the floor like Petra was.

“Ehehehe, your turn~” Bernie bit her lip.

Focus shifted to the hippo woman now. Petra scooted over next to Leonie so she could rest a hand on her lover’s tummy, and Bernie followed suit.

“My turn… *Huff…* My turn…” Leonie muttered breathlessly.

The trio all pet Leonie’s smooth, firm belly as she, too, began to speed through the stages of pregnancy. Petra used her trunk to pepper her lover with facsimile kisses, at first keeping to Leonie’s belly but soon migrating over her massive breasts, up her neck, and onto her big, lovable hippo face.

*Huff… Huff…* P-Petra, you give the- *Huff* -best kisses!”

“That is because you are deserving the best~” Petra giggled between trunk kisses.

The hippo’s pudgy cheeks blushed again. “So do you~”

When Leonie’s tum had grown to be as big as Petra’s, she slowly leaned up to place a kiss of her own at the base of Petra’s soft trunk, eliciting a soft lil flustered honk. “I love you Petra…”

“I am in love with you, too, Leonie…” Petra shifted even closer. “I would very much be liking to please you~” She wrapped her trunk around Leonie’s head, gently stroking it through her orange hair.

“Goddess, YES!” Leonie whimpered needily.

The newly-transformed women gently laid beside each other such that their heads were next to the other’s hips. Petra reached over with her trunk, placing it on Leonie’s adorable labia lips. Her pussy was already dripping with arousal, only made stronger by the trunk suckling and kissing and rubbing oh-so delicately.

“J-just like that! Yes!! Nnng, oh Petra!!”

Bernie shifted a bit. “Would you like me to help you where neither of you can reach, Petra?~” She offered.

“Y-yes please! Mmm…” Petra replied rather nasally considering her nose was hard at work at the moment.

Nuzzling her pointy shark snoot between Petra’s legs, Bernadetta rubbed the princess’ firm, aroused clitty with her nose as she placed tender kisses and love bites on her labia. Sharkadetta’s predatory instincts kicked in, pushing her to ravish her subby elephant.

Petra’s breathing became heavy and her knees went weak. Each exhale caused her trunk to trumpet ever so slightly, creating wonderful vibrations that sent Leonie into heat. Each shift and squirm fed each other’s pleasure, leading to a frenzy.

Bernie ate out her lover with an increased vigour, causing Petra to follow suit. Her trunk was soaking in Leonie’s natural lube and being squeezed between her squirming knees. Petra could tell she was squirting copious volumes of pussy juice too - thankfully, as a shark, Bernie had gills and could make do no matter how wet it got.

Both hippo and elephant were approaching climax now, writhing in ecstasy on the carpeted floor.

“I love you! I love you! I-I’m going to-!!” Leonie shrieked.

“I love you too! A-and so am I!!” Petra cried.

Together, they came in a tidal wave of arousing energy, grunting and trumpeting and moaning blissfully. After their pleasure faded away, the exhausted pair quickly dozed off right there on the floor.

“Ehehehe~” Sharkadetta giggled. “I may as well let them snooze here for a while… It’s not as if I could carry them to their beds anyway~”

After leaving both Petra and Leonie a gentle kiss, Bernie finally went to get herself that snack she wanted. That day had been tiring, but she knew she’d need her strength for all she had planned tomorrow~



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