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[Hex Maniac and Parasol Lady to Florges and Shiinotic gijinkas]

[Comm for MrSatan4. Reference images, drawn by Kohdoku and owned by MrSatan4, used with permission: Hex, Parasol]

“Admit it, we’re lost.” Akari, a Parasol Lady, sighed defeatedly as she followed behind her navigator.

“Nono, it’s just through
 h-here! Yeah!” A Hex Maniac named Tasha pointed in an arbitrary direction.

“This’ll be the last time I take a ‘shortcut’ through the woods with you
” Akari muttered as she tried - and failed - to keep her libido at bay. Her eyes couldn’t stop wandering to Tasha’s alluring ass, which was tightly hugged by her dark dress. ‘I need relief so bad
’ She thought to herself.

“Shii Shiinotic!”


A pair of pokemon hopped out of the bushes at the sight of two potential trainers, rather eager to make new friends.

“Aww, hello there little guys!” Akari greeted, slowly dropping to one knee as she pulled a pokeball out of her raincoat.

“Heh heh, perfect
” Tasha grinned eerily as she pointed to a pokemon with each hand. “Time to see if my pokemon hypnosis hex works! I’ll make you mine~”

With a burst of sparks flying off her hands, a bright beam of light erupted from both of her index fingers and struck the two friendly pokemon! However, the light rays reflected off the startled little creatures, causing them to flee into the woods. Coincidentally, the magical beams of light each reflected back onto one of the trainers - one beam hit the shiinotic and rebounded onto Akari, while the other reflected from the florges back to Tasha.

The two rather curvy women were knocked off their feet by the hex-gone-wrong. The pair simply sat in stunned silence for a moment as they recollected themselves.

“What did you do that for!? You frightened them off!” Akari eventually exclaimed. “And n-now I feel weird

“Heh heh heh
 I guess that hex backfired
” The Hex Maniac twiddled her fingers awkwardly - while she could, at least; it didn’t take long for her to notice that some of her fingers were fusing together. “Huh?”

Akari, too, noticed an unusual change: neither of her hands were holding her parasol, yet she remained shaded from the midday sun cutting through the forest clearing. Moving her hands upward, she felt that her parasol was stuck to her head as if it had fused onto her body! “What the-!? Tasha, what did you do!?”

“N-nothing! It was just a tiny little hex
” Tasha tried to get to her feet, but stumbled forward and landed flat on her face. “Nnng, huh? M-my legs, too?” Pulling her dress up a bit, she confirmed that her legs were merging together! With the Parasol Lady’s help, she managed to stand upright again.

Akari tried to remove her hand from Tasha’s shoulder, but it wouldn’t budge. “Nnng, s-soft
” The sensation of touching such a hot woman did little to temper her mounting libido.

“Heh heh, I guess we’re kinda stuck together too

“Nnng! Wh-what’s happening!?” A sudden, inexplicable sensation hit Akari in the chest. Looking down, she noticed her right boob warp and wiggle of its own accord. It then began to seemingly translate across her body and onto her arm! “WHAT!?” As the bulge of fat slithered through her body, Akari failed to notice her skin getting paler and her nose melting away into nothingness. Her parasol’s hue subtly began to shift away from its natural orange towards a more purply colour.

Once the Parasol Lady’s boob fat reached her hand, it sloshed - for lack of a better word - from her body to Tasha’s, where it lingered for a moment before it dissolved into the ghost-type trainer’s body.

“Hee hee hee! That tickles!” Tasha giggled, then-


At that moment, Tasha’s already generous proportions were bolstered by a sudden burst of extra mass thanks to Akari’s unwilling donation. Her boobs and butt jiggled as they integrated the new body fat into them - a sight that Akari couldn’t peel her eyes away from. Her tight dress made subtle stretching noises as it strained to contain its busty inhabitant. It wasn’t a 1:1 transfer, either - Tasha seemingly gained more mass in her tits, hips, ass, and thighs than Akari had given up.

“Wha-what!? But that’s my boob! W-wait, stop, don’t go!” She shrieked as her left boob followed suit, migrating to where Akari’s hand met Tasha’s body. Using her other hand, she tried to squeeze the moving fat on her body and force it back to her chest, but it was no use. Just like before, her blob of breast fat melted into Tasha’s body, causing another-


Again, the Hex Maniac’s body stretched and warped as it assimilated more of Akari into herself. This time, however, her dress just couldn’t handle her expanding form - one after the other, Tasha’s massive tits sprung out from her dress. Her nipples were twice as big and twice as sensitive, aching to be fondled now that they were exposed to the warm spring air. “Heh heh heh, now this I could get used to~” Tasha mumbled approvingly.

“No! G-give it back! Nnng
” Akari pleaded, then lowered her quivering voice. “...but it is hot as fuck
 Mmm, s-so sexy, hrnng
” The Parasol Lady’s other hand subconsciously moved between her legs, needily rubbing the crotch of her panties as she stared at the gorgeous woman beside her. “Hehhh, hehhh, Nnng
” she panted, not noticing that her ass and leg fat was vacating her body too. “N-need
!” Akari’s soft, bubbly glutes wiggled as they slowly climbed up her back towards her arm, which was still firmly attached to her companion.

Despite her best efforts, Akari quickly realised that her frantic fingering was doing nothing to sate her libido - and even worse, she had lost sensitivity between her legs! Akari frantically lifted her raincoat to inspect her nether regions, only to find that her panties had merged with her skin! Where once was a cute little pussy covered in a tight pair of panties was now a completely featureless place where her legs met her torso. The lilac colour that once belonged to her panties slowly spread down her legs as her raincoat contracted to a more form-fitting shape.

“Aiee!! Tasha, DO SOMETHING!!”

“Heh heh heh heh~ Why would I do that, this feels too good~”

Akari glanced over to her companion and saw that Tasha’s dress had become a part of her body as well, except she still had a pussy! What was her dress mere moments ago was now her skin, revealing her adorable little pussy. Tasha’s hands - which now consisted of only three digits - had also begun to service herself, except with much greater success than Akari had.

“Why!? Why do you get to keep your figure and your pussy but not me!?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“You cast your curse or whatever, which goes horribly wrong and hits us, you STEAL my beautiful curves, and now you take away my vagina too!!” Akari cried in disbelief.

“Ehh?” Tasha cocked her head in genuine confusion. “I did what now?”

“You-! You-!!” Akari, too, was now having trouble recalling what it was she had actually done. “You did this to us! You did
 boobs, or something?”

“Heh, I do have big boobs~” Tasha said, just before another-


What was once Akari’s butt and thigh mass now belonged to Tasha. With the last of Akari’s curves transferred over, she was now rather thin and featureless. Tasha, meanwhile, boasted a figure of nearly inhumanly large proportions. And finally, Akari’s hand unstuck itself from Tasha’s shoulder, not that either of them noticed - or even remembered that it was stuck to begin with.

One thing that Akari did notice, however, was the sensation of warm sunlight on her head. Again she felt her head, and again she felt her parasol attached - though it felt a lot softer and squishier now than it did before. Beyond that, she could feel sensation from it as well! Little did she know that her parasol had been assimilated into her body and had become a cute purple mushroom cap made of muscle and fat - much like that of a shiinotic! Her vision suddenly flickered out for a moment, but quickly returned after her eyes warped into simple black ovals.

Tasha, meanwhile, no longer had legs, instead possessing a dark violet stem spanning from her torso to the ground. Her feet slowly flattened and extended backwards, growing into matching violet leaves - much like those of a florges! Her hair puffed up into a leafy mane sprinkled with bright purple stars. Her spirally violet eyes blinked in confusion as she suddenly had a difficult time remembering what it was she was doing here. Besides, the sensation of a light breeze flowing past her now-long, droopy ears and leaves was rather distracting.

“Nnng, so hard to think
 S-so horny
 But I can’t get relief!” Akari kept rubbing her crotch, faster and faster, harder and harder, but to no avail. “Rrrgh, why isn’t it helping! I-it’s just making me h-hornier

“Heh heh, so bouncy~” Tasha giggled as she saw her breasts reflected in a clear puddle. “Squishy, too! Ah-ahhhhh!!” She groped and squeezed her own boobs, quickly losing herself to their overwhelming sensitivity. “Ahhheheheh

Akari did as Tasha did, moving her hands to where her breasts should have been. Despite her burning desire to have assets like Tasha’s, all she felt was a flat, featureless chest. Rubbing where her nipples used to be, Akari found that she had lost all of her erogenous zones, not just the one between her legs. But despite all that, the former trainer found herself enjoying her new form! There was a strange excitement to being nullified, locked out of climax for the rest of her days. It was torturous, but invigorating at the same time! “G-god, I want to be touched so bad!” She muttered to herself. “I NEED to be touched! R-right? I think? Nnng, I don’t know what, but I feel like I’m forgetting something
 too hard to think, too horny

Tasha, meanwhile, couldn’t stop alternating between pressing her tits together and fingering her plump little pussy. “Heh heh heh! Squishy and bouncy! Mmm, maybe they’re big enough to hypnotise someone without even needing a hex
 Heh, now that would be something!”

“T-Tasha, what were we doing here? A-and why are we like this? W-wait
 were we always like this? We were trainers, right? What did you look like? What did I look like!?” Akari’s thin legs were wobbling from the sheer arousal that had built up inside her, like the pressure of coke mixing with mentos in a sealed bottle.

“Huh? How should I know? Wait, who are you?”

“I’m Akari, who are you!?”

“I’m Tasha! Mmm, I can’t remember
 What are we doing here?”

“I just asked you that! 
I think, right?”

By now, all either of them could recall were their names. Lost, helpless, and consumed by their libidos, the two pokemon gijinkas could do nothing except try to sate their mutual need for pleasure.

 We were finding friends?” Tasha wondered aloud.

Akari wasn’t sure if that was right, but it sounded like a good idea regardless. “D-do you want to be my girlfriend?” The shiinotic gijinka bit her lip as she studied Tasha’s sexy, transformed body.

“G-girlfriend!?” Tasha blushed as a nervous grin crossed her face. “Heh heh, y-yeah!”

“T-touch me! Everywhere! Nnng, I need to be touched! Please let me touch you, please touch me back! M-maybe that will satisfy me! Hee hee, y-yeah, that’ll do it!”

“You want to t-touch me!?” Tasha blushed again, flusteredly fiddling one of her leaves between her fingers. “You really w-want to touch me!? Like, really really!?”

“Yes! Oh god please!”

“Eheheheh, y-yes! Touch me! Touch me plea-” She was cut off when Akari lunged into her arms, knocking her over in her excitement.

“Nnng, your face belongs between my legs, gorgeous~”

“Ahh! Yes!! Sit on me, heh heh heh!!”

Tasha laid willingly on her back, inviting her new partner to top her. More than happy to oblige, Akari pressed her flat crotch to Tasha’s face as she got set in the 69 position. In a horny frenzy, Akari wrapped her arms around the former Hex Maniac’s wide hips and squeezed her plump ass as tight as she could, pulling her lover’s lower body against her face as hard as possible. She gripped Tasha’s head between her small thighs and frantically humped her with her null crotch.

“Ehhh! Y-yes!! Tighter! Harder! Heh heh heh, squeeze me!” Tasha squealed in delight, then got to work kissing the featureless lilac nether regions dominating her line of sight.

Akari fit snugly between Tasha’s giant tiddies as is, but Tasha went a step further and pressed them together in a tight sandwich around Akari’s thin body. The pressure exerted on her breasts caused her nipples to tingle in mild pain - but a good pain. The kind of ache someone gets from such wonderful energy spent in unison with their lover.

Using her chin to pleasure Tasha’s little clitoris, Akari enthusiastically made out with her lover’s soft labia lips in a series of wonderfully wet kisses. Feeling the florge-ified woman squirm in glee underneath her empowered her to take further control of her bottom.

“Nnng, you like this, don’t you~” Akari cooed after removing her dripping wet face from Tasha’s crotch.

“Yes! Yesyesyes!” Tasha managed to say despite the null crotch in her face.

“Then beg me for more! Make me feel every little bit of your desire!”

“Muh-more, please! I need this so bad! I n-need you, heh heh heh!” Tasha moaned lustfully.

“Mmm, there’s a good girl~”

Though she couldn’t climax, the feeling she got from knowing Tasha was enjoying herself was a special kind of bliss almost as good as coming - no, it was even better! Being locked in a torturous horny haze while domming a soft, busty, awkward sub felt better than any petit mort she had ever experienced before in her life.

Deciding to tease Tasha a bit, she moved her hands over her massive nipples - which, thankfully, were within arms reach due to Tasha’s inflated boobs - and oh-so gently pressed a finger to them.

“AH!! THERE! RIGHT THERE, PLEASE!” Tasha wailed.

“Mmm, you’ll have to submit to me if you want me to touch more~”

“I submit to you! Please control me! I’m yours!”

“‘I’m yours, Mistress’~”

“Yes Mistress! I-I’m yours, Mistress! Nnng, ahh!!”

“Good girl~” Akari smiled in satisfaction.

Returning her face to Tasha’s pussy, Akari slowly circled her girlfriend’s nipples with her index finger - lightly at first, but gradually applying more pressure. Deciding to tease her one last time, she gently pinched Tasha’s nips as she gave a soft love bite to her clitoris.

“AHH!! YES! M-MISTRESS, TAKE ME!! I’M SO CLOSE!! PLEASE, MISTRESS!!” Tasha’s voice echoed through the clearing in the woods.

To finish, Akari circled her tongue over the adorable little clit in her face as she carefully tightened her hold on Tasha’s sensitive nipples. She clamped Tasha’s head with her legs as hard as she possibly could and pressed against her face so tightly she could almost feel the smile on her partner’s face.

A series of squirts hit Akari’s forehead, signalling that she had pushed Tasha over the edge into a wonderful climax. “I’M COMING! MISTRESS, I’M COMING! HEH HEH HEH!!”

Hearing those words were music to her ears, filling her with a joy unparalleled even by sexual climax. Though her body had no erogenous zones, it was as if Akari’s entire being erupted in a surge of pleasurable energy that lasted for what seemed like ages.

Then, it finally came to an end. The gnawing libido died down - but not completely. The pair of girlfriends remained lying down together and drifted off into a lovely sleep under the afternoon sun. These were their lives, now, and they were overjoyed to share them with each other.


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