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In most complexes, office blocks etc, there are always those rooms that get forgotten.

Beyond a liminal space, they develop their own identity. Lost to time and their purpose forgotten, they create an unsettling energy.

This forgotten room is no different.

Our first vignette, a little open box. Will be reaching you soon.

It just needs a few finishing touches.



Jerome Johnson

In the heart of a bustling city, where glass towers stretched towards the sky and the hum of life never ceased, there stood a building—a relic from a time long past. Among its many floors and corridors, there was one room that had been forgotten. Tucked away in a corner of the building, the room lay hidden behind a door that blended seamlessly with the wall. For years, it had remained undisturbed, its purpose lost to the annals of time. The building's occupants, busy with their daily lives, passed by it without a second glance, unaware of the energy that pulsed within. Beyond the threshold of that forgotten room, reality seemed to warp. The air felt heavy, and shadows danced along the walls. Time moved differently there, flowing like a river whose course had long been forgotten. The room had developed its own identity, separate from the world outside—a world of silence and solitude, where the echoes of the past lingered like ghosts. Few dared to enter the room, for those who did spoke of strange occurrences—a feeling of being watched, objects moving of their own accord, and whispers that seemed to emanate from the very walls. Some claimed to have seen figures in the darkness, their forms shifting and changing like smoke. Despite its unsettling nature, the room held a certain allure—a mystery that drew people in, despite the fear that gnawed at the edges of their minds. Some sought to unravel its secrets, while others simply wished to experience the strange energy that permeated the space. And so, the forgotten room remained a hidden gem in the heart of the city, a testament to the passage of time and the mysteries that lay hidden just beyond the surface of our everyday lives.

Ashen Portfolio

Beautifully written! Loved it. Looks like you are more than ready for its release x It may even be with you all tonight x