Announcement Board! (10/3/2024) (Patreon)
General News: We have selected our first Patreon Exclusive! Congrats to the winner High School DxD. I know the week long process was a bit of a chore to get through but I feel like it's the best way to narrow down what people want. The next tournament will be much smoother because it will start as the exclusive show is close to ending so it'll be a smooth transition into the next exclusive show. Yall are still on the ground floor with me as I smooth out this Patreon so thank you!
High School DxD will begin dropping every Thurs-Sun. (Uncensorsed of course). We will be watching all four seasons to completion. If I ever get far ahead on recordings I might sometimes do 5 uploads a week or a double upload. With this show being so... "revealing", we've already hit a problem with the video hosting site streamable. I believe pornographic type content isn't allowed, so if it auto detects the show as that it will disable the video. I believe I already figured out how it auto detects, so "for now" it's fixed. Please comment on any post that says the video isn't active. If push comes to shove I can also use Google Drive for re-uploading.
MF Ghost will begin releasing new episodes again this upcoming Sunday. It will continue to be a FREE series on Patreon. I will try my best to get it recorded the day of it dropping, but it is only guaranteed to come out every Tuesday. I'm taking into account all the other shows I have to get to and life happening, so any sooner than Tuesday is too much to promise. If recorded on Sunday it will be dropping for the Kings and God Tiers first. Then free release Monday or guaranteed Tuesday.
Livestreams I'm working on doing livestreams again on my Twitch which in the daytime will be chill streams of more than likely talking & watching videos of whatever's on YouTube. I may use Patreon as the place to weekly drop a post where yall can spam youtube links of videos you think are worth watching. And during those day streams I'll try to fit in as many requests I can. Then those specific livestreams will be posted here on Patreon. This is a work in progress though as I learn how to better plan out fitting everything into my schedule.
Krew News: Sorry for the delay on exclusive shows. But from this point forward the Krew Tier is now just for exclusive content, all other content that was given in the meantime will stay open though. Thanks for supporting!
Kaptains News: Thanks for your patience, now that the exclusive is starting this tier will be having content drop everyday. I'll do my best to maintain all shows and keep yall a week ahead! Other than that it's nothing new here!
Kings News: I was on the fence about it before but Kings will be also getting the exclusive content immediately after a binge recording. I was only on the fence because I'm lazy and would rather schedule each recording for it's exact day instead of having to bulk upload then re-edit each video the day it's supposed to upload for everyone else lol just keeping it real. But yall will get it all immediately.
Gods News: I hope you are satisfied with me fellow Gods! But only new news here is if we start the whole Livestream YouTube watchlist thing, God Tier picks gets watched first and then we'll watch the other picks after that with whatever time we have left.