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Hi everyone! ^_^

It's time for the weekly character poll!

If you don't see your favorite character in the options please comment who would you like to see and i will add them for next week's poll!

The vote will end in 48 hours so be sure to vote before then ^_~



Sorry, I Love Emilia :3

Luke Benevides

There's just no winning (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ




Could I please request to add Ichika Nakamasa (Blue Archive) after than next character poll...? Although probably it may be difficult to prepare her AI LoRA because she had become playable character so recently, and it may be also difficult to take her winning in the poll (therefore she is one of candidates for my next commission)... And this might not be my business... but NP1-san, could you read Japanese and Chinese characters? Just in case... Hiro-san requests to add Mano Sakuragi (IDOLM@STER Shiny Colors) after than the poll as the reply above (although you might have already made it auto-translated). Thank you very much again for your consideration and confirmation in advance!


突然の返信・日本語にて大変失礼致します。 NP1さんが日本語を読める方か?確証がありませんでしたため、 キャラクター投票で、櫻木真乃の追加をご希望されている旨、一応 英語で補足させて頂いた者です。 (もし、余計なことをして、ご気分を害されていましたら、申し訳ございません) 今週の投票(非原神/崩壊キャラクター)にて、真乃がノミネートされていなかった様でしたので、こちら確認を取ってみたのですが、NP1さんの方では どうもAI生成が難しかったそうです…。 (キャラクター投票のスレッドを投稿された時点で、現地の月曜深夜でしたらしく、ご連絡が遅くなったそうですが) NP1さんご自身から別途 ご説明があるかと思いますけれども、念のため報告させて頂きます。 お力添えできず、重ねてお詫び申し上げます。