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Hello everyone! ^_^

Due to an increased workload at my full time job, i have been left with less and less time to work on daily sets and that in turn means that i have to stay up very late at night to be able to finish them.

This has affected my health to an extent so i need to make a change before it gets worse.

From now on i will rest 2 days a week instead of just Sundays.

The release schedule will be as follows:

Monday - Normal release

Tuesday - Normal release

Wednesday - Normal release

Thursday - Normal release

Friday - Character poll only (Like today)

Saturday - Normal release

Sunday - No post (Rest day)

Hope you guys can understand and sorry for the inconvenience.

Regarding tiers (Fan support +)

When i released the new Fan support + tier i was hoping to have more time to work on sets, however, due to the increased full time job workload i have not been able to deliver on that promise and i deeply apologize for that.

The contents of this tier will be available to everyone in the coming week.

I will also change the Fan support + tier to just be an alternative tier for those who wish to support me a bit more but it will have the same content as the normal tier.

This does not mean that i will stop making WIP and more variations for the sets but they will be opened to everyone when they drop. Once i have a bit more time to make the content it will be released.

If you have any questions about these changes, please let me know so i can answers your questions! ^_^



Ah, and (as I told you privately) regarding additional rest day, I think that it isn't necessary to fix "day of week" forcibly (although it's scheduled as Fridays for the meantime...), please adjust the day flexibly according to your health condition or your full-time job's load!!😅💕
