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This episode really did feel like a fewer dream. And the first time i watched it i just found it very odd to have an episode like this so close to the finale of the season. But then i thought: Euphy learning that Zero is actually Lelouch and them two bonding like this could actually be a very significant moment. Euphemia is an official Britannian princess after all and with her indiscriminate empathy for people that she has shown so far, she is currently the only person who could serve as a key figure when it comes to softening the fronts between the Japanese and Britannians. Which does bring a tiny bit of hope for a brighter future than what we would have to expect without her. But then again, this is Code Geass. Unpredictable to the max, so we will just have to wait and see. :D

Ayaar Timofeev

Good analysis. Not much to add. Great reaction, Marko