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Broooo how deep does it gooo? Another fantastic chapter with insane reveals and we got to see my boy Gon! :D



The bald guy in that Zoldyck family photo is Zeno's grandfather. Zigg's position in the family tree is unconfirmed but it is speculated that Zigg is that grandfather. *edited to remove an incorrect name


Another week, another great HxH chapter. More Ging antics and a very brief appearance of our favourite boy Gon. That end of chapter reveal and double page spread of the Dark Continent are incredible. "The Emperor's New Clothes" line is a reference to a short story which is commonly used as an idiom. I suggest reading the Wikipedia article if you're curious about the story and its meaning - it would be a bit longwinded to explain here. We have actually seen the girl who accompanied Netero on his trip to the Dark Continent before! If you recall back to the Election Arc episode 141, there is an old woman who places in the top 16 by the name of Linne Hors-d'oeuvre - who's introduced as a Double Star Gourmet Hunter and the oldest Association Hunter. The kana for her name is リンネ=オードブル, the romaji of which is Rinne/Linne Odoburu. It's not that her name was changed to Hors-d'oeuvre (meaning appetiser in French) for the English localisation, but more that Togashi converted the French/English loan word to Japanese resulting in オードブル. The name you see written in this chapter of the manga is Togashi's attempt at writing the character names in English which we can see in the original Japanese panel (https://imgur.com/XQxEV02). A bit of a strange quirk you may notice is Togashi's unusual romanisation of their names such as with Zaoldyeck and Audoble - you'll see it again in some of the later chapters end sketches, so don't be too thrown off by it. The week wait for the next chapter begins again!


The name Maha has only ever come up in the HxH databook which isn't considered canon due to details in it directly contradicting with the manga. Besides the name Maha though, yeah it's more than likely that the bald figure shown in the Zoldyck family chart is indeed Zigg. He is the only family member shown who would have been alive to accompany Netero to the Dark Continent, as well as Zeno mentioning his grandfather having fought Netero. Would be strange for Togashi to have shown us this Zoldyck family member for them to not be Zigg.