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Another fantastic chapter! It's making me insanely hyped for the rest of the story!



Another great chapter, glad to hear rereading the previous chapter clarified everything. Ging showing how much of a badass he is and Kurapika speaking his first line since the Yorknew City Arc lol After Ging intimidates the headband guy, he looks around to address the leader of the group - logically, Ging is looking for the strongest one. Ging mistakes the doll-looking girl as the leader and Parriston corrects him saying that he is No. 2 to Beyond. Ging comments saying "so it's not a hierachy of strength" showing that by Ging's initial guess at strength, the doll-looking girl is the strongest in the group even over Parriston. Also, you can see the dark sinister aura surrounding her as Ging looks in her direction. Might have been difficult to notice since the manga is in black and white. Nen usage is also shown with the "VMMM" or "RMMM" sound effects if you hadn't already noticed. Looking forward to next week's chapter!


Thanks for explanation as always! So the doll girl is strongest in there, that's interesting, can't wait to see all these characters in action! :) I'm so happy we get to see more of Kurapika and Leorio, it's gonna be awesome for sure.


This fourth prince Tserriednich is gonna be one to look out for :D. Finally seing Kurapika again after the small scene in the last episode of the anime was also really nice!