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What a fantastic journey that was, 10/10 anime for me! These last 4 episodes were so freaking emotional and even near the end Togashi never stops surprising us with some insane twists like for example the scene with Kite being reborn and how the HxH world is just a tiny bit of a much bigger and scarier planet.
If you guys don't watch my discussion I'll ask here as well. Would you be down for me doing manga chapters readthrough and reactions? There will be show replacing HxH, but I'd still like to do at least 1 chapter per week since the chances for anime continuation are almost non existent.


肝哥 爆

oh yeah can't wait to see

Nikke Mau

Here we go, last ep of my favorite anime! Thanks for the great reaction to it!


Gosh I'll miss your HxH vids so so so much, thank you very much for the amazing journey, Marko. Really a life changing series. Gotta prepare myself some special snacks for this final set ♥


This was an amazing journey, thanks for all the videos! The ending made me start reading the manga aswell, so i would very much appreciate a manga readthrough. There is some incredible stuff that happens in the manga after the anime ending!

Lena graham

Please read the manga 😭

肝哥 爆

hey man don't watch both two hxh movie they aren't writing by togashi,and very terrible either. the only good thing in the movie is ost, which also used between chairman and ant king


"You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want." There will never be another anime like Hunter x Hunter. I am sure going to miss your reactions now that it's over - these have been the absolute highlight of my week since you dropped the first reaction almost a year ago. I would love to see your readthrough and reactions to the manga if you are already set on reading those. Chapter 339 is where the anime ends off at and I'd recommend reading the official translation at the VIZ/Shonen Jump site - it does require a subscription but it's definitely the best way to read the manga. Wrapping my comment up here despite how much I'd love to gush on about these incredible final 4 episodes haha Excited to see what the next anime will be and for your continuation into the manga!


I second this. The movies aren't canon and to top it off, are absolutely terrible.


I am glad you are willing to read the manga. Even though I love the manga, I always find it a bit challenging to recommend it to others because of the extensive amount of text, complexity of the story, and the hiatus. If possible, I want to see your reaction video of it. Thank you for reacting to this masterpiece! I've enjoyed your reaction the whole time.


I remember when Silva said that Something wasn't from this world, which makes me connect it with what Gin said about the outside world, so Something might be from there just like the Queen and that would explain why Something's power doesn't even seem like Nen but some misteryous macabre power And about the manga readthrough, I haven't read beyond where the anime ends yet, but I would be SO danm down to read it alongside you!! All friends of mine who are caught up to the manga like to compare the Dark Continent Expedition arc with the Chimera Ant arc in terms of greatness so yeah there's that... hahaha I also loved that you remebered about the swans and Spinner thing and I loved that picture of the gang that you put while our names are rolling ♥♥


Ohhh that's a pretty good theory about Something, I like that. Ging's explanation opened up the gate for so many cool possibilities! :)

Bruce Li

Yes, I would love to see you continue the journey in manga. There are about 60 something chapters in the manga after the story in the anime, and it would be a pretty fascinating read. HxH manga has lots of text though, togashi loves creating complex settings with intricate logic so he had to explain lots of things. But because of this, each manga chapter contains a lot of information. Also, your hxh reaction has been my fav! What a fantastic journey. Your comprehension skill is so much better than any other reactors I watched, I’m honestly super impressed how good you are at connecting dots and managed to understand almost everything first time watching.


Marko, something I just found out and thought I would share with you. Cheadle's voice actor also voices Tony Tony Chopper and Pikachu :D

Seiyiorah Macrain

"You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest." This quote really relates to me in real life now being an adult. It was a pleasure watching this masterpiece with you.


Thank you so much man, I really appreciate it! I guess I can read manga more carefully until I understand what's happening unlike with anime. Pausing the vid or going back can be annoying for some and with the manga I can do it with my pace, hopefully that's gonna be fun as well! :)


Thanks for all the reactions Marko! It was great to revisit HxH again after so many years. For me it was a perfect ending to the story. I haven't read the manga because I don't want want another game of thrones situation where the next and last books never come out xD It took me years to finally give up and stop waiting so revisiting it with HxH is out of the question for me :D I would be interested in a big review of the show though, like with tiers or just talking through your favourite moments/characters from the arc. Don't know if anyone else would like that?


Marko, how about a movie reaction before the next anime takes over?

Fgts Editing

Damn i cant believe its over, what an amazing journey with you Marko! Yeah definitly read the manga the stuff that happens in the next arc is amazing, i would definitly go for it :)

Michiel Devue

glad I caught up for this, this journey was wonderful, and not just because the show is amazing, you are excellent at expressing and explaining your viewpoint and emotions about the shows you watch, always makes it a treat to see a new video pop up


I didnt get to watch your reaction yet, gonna watch it with a hot meal later. But reading the description: YES, please read the manga! As a reaction or alone. Some of my most favorite scenes have not been adapted yet, including one of the best fights in all of HxH. Plus the coming Arcs, especially the current one have absolute amazing writing. Despite Togashi being sick and therefore only dropping a couple of chapters a year (at best), all of them have been absolutely peak! He is really cooking something up that is absolutely worth reading.