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Great start to the season! and yeah, the opening shows some inventions they haven't made yet, so yeah might wanna skip it for now, but the ending is fair game! one of my favorite tracks and the visuals are so Damm beautiful !

Ayaar Timofeev

The opening has 1 not a big spoiler. Other than it's good to watch Btw, it seems like nobody told you about Gen singing, so I would tell. In Dr stone there are quite a few parodies of popular memes from when it was written. So Gen's singing is a parody of the song Pen and Apple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct6BUPvE2sM, which was popular back in 2016. Another example would be the scene when Gen and Senku judge the not perfection of the Cotton candy, which was a meme back in 2017. There are probably quite a few different parodies of the memes, but I recognized only those two

Anne Leefdoor

Opening has heavy spoilers until about episode 5. After that, it’s pretty much fine👌