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Awesome episode! Man, that Cola must have tasted like heaven lol Btw, ishi means stone or jewel in Japanese, so it's quite common to have a lastname that consist of it!


I've been waiting for this episode! I love when they create things so much! And that CLIFFHANGER! It's about to get insane!

Anne Leefdoor

I've made cola by that recipe before! ^^ The coloring was far too light but it tasted completely like cola! It was a lot of fun too! XD Senku didn't really experiment on the mouse. He did an autopsy (basically cutting it open to see what it died from), because it died in close proximity to Rury so he thought it might have caught the same bacteria. Can't wait till you find out why Ruri Knows about Senku. It's going to be amazing!


We did indeed dissect animals in science classes once you get to early high school (age 14-15), its quite common here at least where i grew up in the US. I also remember during middle school we dissected owl pellets which contain a bunch of mouse bones.


This episode is amazing no matter how many times I watch it! I'm also looking forward to your reactions to the next episode✨

Jim Nasium

What's coming up next will give you that One Piece feel lol. I can't wait.


That's weirdly interesting and gross at the same time haha, I bet those classes are unforgettable, I would probably start puking at some point. Thanks for sharing that man. :D


tomorrow is hunter hunter day my dudes :3