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I was on a really tight schedule today so I didn't have enough time today to do JJK episode as well, I'm so sorry guys, I'll probably watch it if not tomorrow, during weekend for sure.



Dont worry marko you always go above and beyond for us, we can wait a few days!

Jim Nasium

Hey Marco, since You are caught up on JJK like everyone else, why don't you shift Dr Stone to Tuesdays and Weds so that you can focused on JJK on Thursday? I think that makes it much easier on you instead of struggling to put out Dr Stone & JJK on Thursdays


Dr Stone locations are epic, and the fact that most of them are based on real life places in Japan makes it so amazing. Cant wait for next episodes!

Anne Leefdoor

In episode 12, it was revealed that the priestess is the one who holds the knowledge of 100 stories. A position she inherited from her mother. So it’s pretty sure that Ruri is still from this time like the rest of her village.


I see, that would make total sense, I'm still curious about her reaction to Senku's name. Thanks for the comment!