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This is exhilarating! I love the scene where Senku tells that he wants to become an astronaut, but not when he grows up but immediately lol His father sold his car in order to buy Senku all the gadgets and tools for him to become a scientist. There was a moment in the early flashback where Senku exploded something and his father was at the door PS. I agree with that Tsukasa has a point, but without science they will be stuck in stone age forever


Episode 4 is such an important episode, so much foreshadowing! Trust me when I say the story gets much more exhilarating especially when you meet my favorite character!

Ayaar Timofeev

Yep, you are right 27:12 “science levels the playing field for everyone” 34:33 "I'd say everyone". I like Senku’s way of thinking I would write the information that we have at the moment of episode 5 that might be useful for you: 1) Humanity's petrification happened around 3700 years ago. 2) When people get petrified they seem to stop thinking and their brains shut down, as Senku said, he was almost shutting down after around 800k seconds, but then his brain got used to it. So we can assume that most people after 3700 years got their brains shut down. 3) The only ones we know that got revived without the “miracle water” are Senku and Taiju, they both were continuously thinking throughout all 3700 years. 4) As it was stated multiple times so far: 36:18 “the small breaks are repaired when petrification is undone”. It was shown with Yuzuriha's foot and Senku's neck. And they are alive even though they have cracks on their body. 5) And there is an unknown girl with blonde hair 17:22. What do you think, Marko?


Not really much to add, thanks for the comment man and for making the key points we learned so far. As I said, the show keeps getting more and more interesting and Senku is really dope character so far.

Anne Leefdoor

Awesome Reaction! Here's some answers on things you mentioned! When Senku was still stone he could only think, not hear or see, so counting seconds instead of days was probably easier if he couldn't see if it was day or night. That Scene with Senku's father... It basically was him selling his car, and then surprising Senku had all that expensive science science equipment in his room. So basically; his father sold their car so he could buy his son the tools he needed for his goals. :) I love Senku's dad! About Senku Cracking his neck; I think the stone at the back of his neck bothered him so that's why he started doing it. Then, during that scene with Tsukasa he used that habit to draw Tsukasa's attention to his neck and give him the idea to attack there, but since Tsukasa had seen him doing it before it didn't seem unnatural. ^^ Tsukasa did really break Senku's neck the way he meant to (he definitely would have noticed if he had hit the stone part instead). The de-petrification process just fixed it. Senku really had to trust his friends a lot for this, because if they hadn't figured out what they had to do he really would have been dead.


Thanks for clarifying the confusion! :D Senku's dad is a real one for doing that, it was a simple scene and it went above my head for some reason. xD