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Fgts Editing

Geto is such a tragic and complex character man, this episode is probably my favorite up to this point. Brace yourself the next arc is gonna be absolutely crazy

hara my

I sympathize with how you feel at 23:39 😢 Delicate description of Geto's fall to the dark side is too much pathetic. I can't wait for next!!


Now I can say how Geto was heavily based off Sensui from Yu Yu Hakasho, a character fighting for what he thinks is the good side, mentally breaking after seeing humans commit sins only demons could. Then questioning who is worth saving?


The direction in this ep was 11/10 I can’t believe 5 eps are enough for me to love Geto so much that it makes me very sad to see how everything went down 😞


These episodes were amazing. Completely changed the view of Geto in such a short amount of time. Also, I can totally see why Nanami went for the corpo life after witnessing all this shit lol


This episode fully solidifies this arc as not only Gojo but Geto's story, the clapping is a really nice way of indicating this as over the course of the episode they go from chaotic with no rhythm while Geto is undecided in his views of non-sorcerors, to a clear rhythm by the time he is on stage and has fully accepted his own decision to go about making a world for only jujutsu sorcerors, the claps themselves represent Geto's views on non-sorcerors and over the episode they take form just like Geto himself. The episode also properly introduces us to the fourth and final special grade along with Gojo, Geto, and Yuta and that is Yuki Tsukumo, one of my personal favorite characters in the series. A true free spirit, it's really unfortunate she appears at the absolute wrong time for Geto, obviously, she has no context as to what Geto is going through at this point and most importantly she gives Geto the reason to kill all non-sorcerors, completely by accident. Going back to the post-credits scene of ep4 the reason why Geto stops Gojo from killing all those people is because "there would be no point" This idea of there having to be a reason behind something is core to Geto's character going back to even the first episode of season 2 where he argues with Gojo who doesn't see the point in using veils, Geto, on the other hand, is against this because it keeps the masses calm thus lowering negative emotions and by extension the rate of cursed spirits being born. Geto is very much defined by this idea of everything having a purpose. A nice touch from that final scene of Geto on the stage: The guy he calls up on stage to make an example out of is named Sonoda and while I don't have any confirmation on this, the guy who took Riko's body from Toji in ep4 was also named Sonoda so I like to believe that Geto making an example out of him was one last act of compassion/vengeance for her despite the fact that she did not possess any jujutsu sorcery and therefore did not fit into his new world view, showing that while Geto has absolutely gone down the path of evil he still does have morals, twisted as they are. Your assessment of Haibara being very similar to Yuji is absolutely spot on and it's widely believed that the reason why Nanami took a shine to Yuji was because he reminded him of Haibara and that's also the reason why he wants to protect his innocence. Finally going to the end of the episode, it's quite hard to make out on first viewing but if you look closely at Gojo's eye as he looks up from his chair he actually has a bag under it showing that perhaps he was crying while reminiscing over the days he had with his only best friend, the times where he could be truly happy and not be burdened with the entire weight of Jujutsu society on his back. It really shows another layer to Gojo's character and a tiny moment of emotion that's not his usual cheerful and stoic self that we see throughout the entire time we spend with him in the present day. Once again great reaction, looking forward to seeing you react to the rest of this season, what you've got coming up is what many consider to be one of if not the best arc in modern shounen.


Great JJK episode and reaction yet again Marko. Also something that hasn't been brought up yet - the two girls Geto saved from the village are in JJK 0 as teenagers fighting alongside him and there is a brief flashback to their past during the movie which we see in full in this episode.


Thank you for uploading! I love the impressive style of this chapter. They are both realistic and mental landscapes. Actually, as Gojo was explaining his techniques, he had already noticed Geto's depression. He wanted to encourage Geto by acting cheerful. Gojo's voice actor said he was instructed to keep them in mind when performing. He talked about it on Juju Talk (podcast)😭


Hes about to meet another character soon thats voiced by the same VA as Gojo lol i cant wait


Thank you very much for the awesome comment. I can't believe there's even more little details that are making this episode even better like the stuff with Sonoda and Gojo's eye. I'm very exctied for the new arc!