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The way they are increasing the threat of these ants in past few episodes is crazy. Right now I'm feeling like we won't be able to do anything even with the strongest hunters. Kite literally just started being one of the coolest characters in recent episodes and then I witness this...


Fgts Editing

When i first watched these episodes i had the same reaction as you, just completely in shock.. and this is just the beginning of the craziness


Crazy episodes.. The reveal of Neferpitou's power was one of the best scenes ever. The realization that we never had a chance really hit home the moment Neferpitou sensed them and Kite telling them to run. On another note, seeing Bisky again was superb,nice relief after what happened.


Thanks for the upload Marko! Excellent reaction as always, was excited/dreading this reaction for obviously reasons, Damn you Togashi for inserting the most wholesome scenes while they're in the center of hell!

Antonio D.

Been waiting for this set. Did not disappoint.


I'd say start watching the op when you're done watching episode 91!

Bruce Li

The fact Kite managed to deal some damage to Neferpitou with one arm was impressive, she also found the battle enjoyable and that says enough about how strong Kite is. I’d say he’s definitely about the same level with Hisoka Illumi Razor, and stronger than most troupe members. But Neferpitou is just too insanely strong man, rip.


You know what man, I really didn't realise that, thanks for the comment. I was too shocked to consider how the fight went down. His weapon was kinda odd as well and without one arm... It really sucks, but Neferpitou is crazy powerful without a doubt.


One of the things I truly love about this arc is that when you look from the chimera ants' perspective, they're just big babies that have no idea what's going on. Literally got born two weeks ago. Most of them rely on the Queen's orders because that's their mother and have never known anyone else. They're like small children who only fully trust their parents because they're the only adults in their lives and "adults are always right". A lot of "human rules" don't apply to them. They have no religion, no money, no culture, no justice system, no history, no morals. All they had known was hierarchy and food, obey and eat. That until Peggy found the concept of "names". And with names came individuality and with individuality came self-centeredness. We are literally witnessing a brand new society being born and no matter how messed up it is from our point of view, it's fascinating. After all, all they're doing is surviving. They can't go against their nature. Doing that means stopping being chimera ants. And in this small ant world they created they have their own dynamics and conversations and Togashi allows us to see everything. We are witnesses who can't do anything but watch as the food chain changes in the HxH universe. And we can't even say "it's bullsh!t" because it's just nature being nature. Who can oppose it? We could argue that the chimera ants are evil for eating humans, but that same logic could apply to humans who eat meat. The difference between us and them is that humans have the ability to decide for themselves if something is right or wrong based on their own principles because humans have a lot of things in their lives that shape the way they think like religion, law, morals, parents' influence, etc., but lacking all of these, the chimera ants have nothing to hold them back. They're hungry, they eat. They don't question the methods or the food itself. I'll end the comment on a positive note. I love Togashi.


It's really fascinating indeed, just the idea of another highly intelligent species appearing and seeing how humans react, I really like this arc a lot so far. It's a bit different than us eating animals I think. Animals don't know the concept of death nor they are equipped with the same level of intelligence. I'm not saying it's not cruel tho ofc. We can't really blame ants for reacting to their insticts, but someone trying to overtake humans on top of the food chain will be met with human resistance for sure. It's ironic how the more humans they consume they start killing just for the sports and hunting, so ultimately this is leading to humans vs humans in a weird way.