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Hello guys, I hope you are all doing okay.
I wanted to let you know that I won't record a video today so it's gonna be two eps of JJK tomorrow instead. Having some problems with high blood pressure so I'm just gonna take it easy tonight, I apologize and thanks for understanding as always. ♥


Money Gambler

Hope you eat healthy and have enough exercise (: Take care


Take care. Diabetes is no joke, keep following what the doctors say and take it easy ❤️ As much as i love ur reactions health is top priority

Fgts Editing

Dont worry Marko, were happy as long as youre feeling better! ♥

João Pedro Brito (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-30 11:36:50 Take care <3
2023-08-29 14:23:01 Take care <3

Take care <3