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Finally managed to get some videos up today, holy crap, I'm sorry guys!
I had the same problem for EP14 just like with S2 EP1 with the Crunchyroll black screen so I had to sync downloaded episode again and also people kept interrupting me during reactions, but it still ended up fine I hope. :D Thanks for patience and much love to everyone! ♥

HXH will be up a bit later as well!



There is a detail in ep 14 that's hard to notice. When Garfiel and Shima are talking in the cabin Shima mentions Subaru and Garfiel asks her "the dude that's covered in miasma?" as to confirm that Subaru is the one that smells like the witch. This reveals that it's Shima that can sense the witch's scent on Subaru, not Garfiel. This explains why Garfiel never mentions it in every loop when Subaru comes out of the Graveyard but as soon as we get to the next scenes with him he changed his whole attitude because he met with her and, apart from the first loop, she told him that Subaru is suspicious because of the smell.


Amazing reaction to amazing episodes!

Ayaar Timofeev

I like Otto and his older brother. Otto really did help Subaru, and his brother is just amazing here. I always feel uncomfortable watching private conversation with Subaru and Emilia 1:06:10 She didn't dodge the kiss

Ayaar Timofeev

1:18:00 Wow, I just checked Subaru's voice actor, and he is voicing my most favorite character in all the anime that I have watched - Senku. I swear, Yūsuke Kobayashi did a really good job. I didn't noticed till now that Subaru and Senku share the same VA Btw, good reaction, Marko. You got everything right, nothing to add

Money Gambler

Man with a good timing, Ram almost figured it out. Thanks for extra episode.