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I always find it funny when Gon and Killua see Hisoka, if you watch there eyes they are looking at something slowly rising up on Hisoka 🤣🤣


Bisky not wanting to try any spells or cards was hilarious 😂 she is way too old for that shit lol That Hisoka scene was too much for me tbh, but I loved that sports were added into the mix!


Yeah Hisoka scene was too much definitely. I was excited for the sport challenges, I hope they will try it seriously with the new group!


Yeah so... It's not just "kinda" weird, Hisoka is LITERALLY s3xually interested in Gon in Killua... The show gave hints about that many times, and this episode is the last straw. lol


That's really fucked up... I genuinely thought that he is a battle junkie and that he gets turned on when he sees potential or strong person...