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Hello guys! I hope you are doing great.
I'm not feeling very well today, I'm having some trouble with high blood pressure so I was thinking about doing final episode of S2 Vinland Saga tomorrow together with Re:Zero. I really love this series and want to feel good while watching the last ep so I apologize for not uploading it today, I hope that you understand and thank you for everything as always, I'm really sorry.


Jim Nasium

No way you should be watching the last EP of Vinland saga when you aren't feeling well. Feel better.


No worries! Take care!


Hope everything is well. I have high blood pressure, too. I know how some strange, uneasy things can happen with it.


It's better now, I had annoying headache and was feeling like I was about to faint, I have therapy for blood pressure, but it spiked yesterday for some reason.


Yeah, that feeling of fainting. Sometimes I can't sleep because it feels like I'm not falling into sleep, but I'm falling into unconsciousness. It scares me. Because to me, sometimes it feels like I won't wake up if I fall asleep. What me and you need to do is just get ourselves healthy.. but.. it's hard, yunno? I remember my doctor telling me that I would have to live with this for the rest of my life.. but I don't believe it. I believe it's just because I'm unhealthy and, as a result, I have high blood pressure. If I get myself to a normal weight I'm almost positive things will resolve themselves. The human body is hella resistant.


Dude, I'm not against doctors, but sometimes they talk out of their ass (some of them). Getting a healthy life style, diet and a bit more physical activities are for sure going to help, 100%. That feeling of fainting is one of the most horrible feelings ever, I feel you man. We can do this! We'll figure it out! :D