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Actually not that bad considering my previous experience with live-action anime movie!


Michiel Devue

They probably want to give coby and helmeppo actors a bit more screentime so they moved the training arc into this season. A leaked script also showed that smoker will be introduced in the first episode (if the leak is true) wich could be very interesting. I hope the general plot will be exciting for fans and non fans.


Can't lie, the graphics and pictures looks pretty good, but unfortunately the whole film industry has been doing a shitty job when it comes to anime/game adaptions. I am more worried about them going away from the original story and ruining an amazing story. Netflix already destroyed one of my favourite franchises, The Witcher. I just pray to all the gods that they don't do the same with One Piece. This sounded very negative, but it's just my experience. At least you have minimal expectations Marko, because I have none whatsoever 😂😭 PS. I erased DB evolution my mind a long time ago, now I have to do it again 😁

Michiel Devue

i think changing the original story a bit is the only way to make one piece work in live action, I'm worried they are gonna stick TOO close to the manga but at least they didnt stick a nose prostetic onto usop

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

Luffy’s dialogue is probably going to take some getting used to since he’s going to be slightly more articulate and less childlike based on the trailer which I think is the right move for live action. I also expect the dialogue to be a little clunky and awkward but as long as the main cast have a good chemistry I think they can make it work which I believe they will since the casting imo is actually really great, the toughest sell for me is Luffy but I really like what we’ve seen of him so far. I also like that Buggy is kind of scary lol which makes me wonder how many villains we’ll see? Obviously we will get all the east blue saga ones but i am pretty sure the scene where Zoro was fighting two swords style he was fighting against a Baroque Works agent (Mr7 I believe) so maybe we’ll get a glimpse of Crocodile? I could see them setting him up as a season 2 villain since I don’t think there’s enough episodes to cover the Alabasta saga in the first season (and maybe we’ll get to see our best girl Vivi 🙆‍♀️) I am actually really happy with this even if it turns out to be really bad at least you could tell that the people behind it genuinely tried to make it work which is all I am asking for.


I agree with you, Luffy's actor seems perfect look wise, but when it comes to dialogue, we will have to get used to it I guess. Judging from trailer, they really tried hard to make this work and I appreciate it, it's gonna be fun! :D


Haha sorry to bring back those nasty memories of DB Evolution. xD I wonder how will they pace the story and what changes will they make, it's gonna be interesting to see. The thing that is always giving me hope is that Oda is in on this as well.


Smoker in the first ep? Hell yeah! :D I'm also hoping for plot to be interesting, Oda is in on this series as well so that's giving me hope.

Jim Nasium

I feel like they're just certain adaptations that are just hard to pull off and definitely one piece is one of them. Now if you're doing something like Vinland Saga then that's a different story because it doesn't require much in terms of special effects or anything of that nature because we have seen shows similar to it like game of thrones to know that Vinland Saga would be possible for live action.


I 100% agree with you. One Piece sounds ridiculous to pull off as a live-action, but it seems decent from the trailer. I think it's good decision to not include prostetic nose for Usopp or curly eyebrows for Sanji when it comes to character designs, but yeah the devil fruit fight scenes and cgi creatures are going to be hard to do. I'm also interested to see how different plot will be.

Ayaar Timofeev

Yeah I don't like Luffy's personality changes as well, and why there is no unique details on characters like with Sanji's eyebrow or Usopp"s noose? But it's just a movie, so we don't have to watch it if don't like it anyway, so I guess we would see