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Jim Nasium

Oda pretty much left it up to the readers imagination on what Boa and her sisters went through so it should be apparent what happened to them when they were slaves and her hatred of men in general. That's why she was still testing Luffy right towards the end. As you can see Oda is tackling some pretty serious topics of racism, slavery and other themes like this one in Amazon Lily. Also you gotta love how Oda designed this world to where you remembered how the Gates of Justice and the 3 locations worked 150 episodes ago. And I love Luffy because he has what I call Emotional Intelligence to be aware of people's feelings to know what to do in certain moments that no one else would think of. Oh and the word you were looking for what they did to Boa sisters and Hachi is called "Branding"


Yeah, I had an idea, but felt so disguisting to talk about, regarding their past as slaves... Luffy just keeps reminding me that he is one of the best characters in anime. Branding is the word, thank you! :D