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I can't handle all this hype...


Antonio D.

It always cracks me up when you see Kurapika with the shovel to bury Uvo. The disrespect of having the shovel ready.


It's a bit of an off-topic but since you've done a JoJo reaction I wonder if you noticed the JoJo influence in HxH. Also I would say the all four of the guys count as main characters of the story.


Yeah, JoJo's inspiring every show in some way haha. I guess stands and nen are pretty similar, both are manifestation of one's soul and the fights are very situational instead of having simple power levels. That's some similarities that I noticed. Having more main characters is something I didn't really think about and is very interesting, I can totally see that now that we are focusing heavy on Kurapika, thanks for the comment man.


hey :D can u please keep updating the word document? sometimes i want to watch earlier episodes and have to scroll through all the feed in patreon. thats pretty annyoing :(


Yo man! What document exactly, for HxH or? All of the episodes of HxH are in document except for this one, but I'll return to posting on Streamable in few days and this one will be on document as well. Also no need to scroll through the feed, just click on the hunter x hunter tag at the top of the page, every series I'm watching has it's own tag.


kurapika so badass, he brought along a shovel to bury his corpse :D


I laughed way too hard when I saw a comment like that, I didn't even question the shovel haha, maybe he conjured it? xD


hahah :D


Hi, Marko! Time to binge York New and watch Grave of the Fireflies :)