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Tyler Owens

I love this show and am equally thankful for your reaction to it. It makes me feel so many things that are incredibly important to me personally, but have no one in my life to share that with (I live alone 3,000 miles from any family, don't have anyone close who would watch/enjoy it with me). I look forward to your reaction every week because you see what I do in this show and can in a small way to get to enjoy it alongside you, so many thanks 🥰🙏


Man, first of all, thank you so much for being here for so long, I'm very glad that you find my reactions enjoyable, it makes me very happy to see that I can help even if it's a tiny little bit! Living far away from family and friends must be incredibly difficult, much love bro and stay strong! :) 🙏


I really think Vinland saga season 2 is easily anime of this year. Absolute perfection Thorfinn is really the best main character I’ve seen in anime It’s just incredible how we came full circle on “I have no enemies“


Such an iconic moment that I've been waiting to see animated and they did it such justice and beyond! I'm glad you are enjoying this masterpiece Marko!

Money Gambler

The execution of the main themes in this show is brilliant. I remember one comment I read "from what episode will Thorfinn starts fighting?" this episode is a good answer to that.


Just epic. There is nothing more to say.

Максим Палагута

I think what happens after episode 20 is nonsense. Just getting hit and not responding will never win a fight. If my country had simply taken and surrendered to Russia, then not a single living person would have been here. Imagine for a moment that people with machine guns burst into your house, rape your wife and daughter, and you just look from the side. I would have looked at Torfin, how pacifism would have helped him.


I really understand your point, as someone who lost his home and the land that my ancestor cultivated for generations due to war, it's not easy to live through that... It seems crazy not to fight back and protect your home, family, land... The people storming the house with machine guns are not warriors, they are cowards, true warriors resist violence and do not seek it. You can't literally compare it to our world because yeah, someone like Thorfinn would probably get a bullet to his head and it would be over, what's important is message and ideology that we are seeing in this show, that war brings nothing but suffering and that we should avoid conflict as much as we can, there's no reason for bloodshed. Nobody is born with enemies... I think that's exactly why this show is so good, it's showing us how beautiful it would be if there was more people like Thorfinn who would always try to seek peace through conversation. He managed to make King Canute change his decision about taking the farm and saved many lives, only because he chose not to fight and took 100 hits. If he fought back, he would probably got jumped and killed.

Максим Палагута

But it seems to me that this is the author's mistake. Because King Knut couldn't change his mind because of a man who just didn't want to fight and decided to just run away :/ I understand what the author wants to say, but sometimes you need to fight, not run away. Imagine that you are standing in front of a king who seizes lands and kills people, in front of your eyes his army just killed a lot of people for nothing. And you go to the king, endure 100 blows to the face, and tell him that you don’t want to fight and decide to just run away ... What is the chance that the king will simply take and withdraw the troops that are ready to go to the last and have already begun to invade the lands ? As for me, this situation simply does not correspond to logic and goes more into a cartoon than a serious series. I'm already silent about what Floki told the king, about the fact that his people already want to heavily rob this village. And a simple withdrawal of troops without any result would lead to a banal rebellion. Here the author left out just a huge amount of facts and reduced it to just a conversation at the level of a low-rated anime. Just if the author wanted to speak out about how bad the war is, then he had to compare this with the real war that is now going on at the moment. I understand that the manga was written far before the war I'm in, but generally speaking, the end of the season does not look like a real war in any way) Trust me, I saw with my own eyes that talking alone will not convince your enemies not to kill or rape . Sometimes you need to pick up a sword, stand as a wall in front of your family and throw a sword into the eye of the king, so that his army of barbarians crumble and fall apart. And if you are a pacifist and try to talk to your enemies, you will be tied up, your relatives will be raped in front of your eyes, and then both you and them will be killed. And I do not take this out of thin air, if people from Europe and America have not yet understood what is happening here where I live, then once again I remind you who the barbarians are.


Again you are very correct with what you are saying, but I still think that scene of them talking was very powerul and the core message of the show still stands. It's exactly because it is Thorfinn and Canute that it worked out. Canute knew how Thorfinn was and was shocked to see his development, he called him a beautiful man and was wondering how could Vikings produce such a human like him. If it was someone else, I doubt that it would work out or that Thorfinn would even try with the same approach. It's two character journeys that had a lot of parallels coming together. It's just fantastic writing that allowed this scene to happen. Violence is bad, but I don't think Thorfinn wouldn't protect people dear to him, that sounds ridicilous. If he found himself in that situation he would probably fight without intent to kill just like how Thors beat up Askeladd's men on the ship, but the question is why fight? Why are those people attacking, raping, pillaging? It can't lead to anything good for whoever is leading such life. Thorfinn was one of those guys and he changed his ways, he doesn't want redemption, he wants to repent for his sins and I find that beautiful. I'm really sorry for what's happening in your country, I have friends from Ukraine and Russia as well and this whole conflict is extremely heatbreaking for me personally, I'm aware that people are dying every day and that horrible stuff is going on and I hope that hell stops asap. Our world is much more screwed up, humans are capable of commiting horrifying acts so yeah, Thorfinn's ideology in our world rn wouldn't hold on at all and his and Canute's dream stayed only a dream unfortunately, because we know that author is trying to be historically accurate as much as possible, so we know for a fact that wars didn't stop. Still, if we had more people like Thorfinn, world would be a much better place and that's a fact.