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That was so bittersweet, such an unexpected episode, beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time...

EDIT: Idk what's happening with this episode, it doesn't let me play the video nor to re-upload it.
Here's the google drive link for episode: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WCDz6HeMLZDjWuw4gByOWuFDYKHXQgP8/view?usp=sharing





Another one of my favorite episodes.


This is THE episode that defines Re:Zero and makes it a god-tier show in my eyes. It's also the episode that singlehandedly changed how I view media--watching Subaru acknowledge his flaws in that stunning monologue really inspired me. And your reaction did not disappoint, I got emotional again watching this episode!! I will add to the conversation about Subaru's love for Emilia. First of all, I respect that you didn't go hard on Subaru like some people do. He loves Emilia. We know it, Rem knows it. Just because someone is nice and makes a confession doesn't just change how you feel about someone. The novel expanded upon Subaru's thoughts here--he knew he had to let Rem down now so she doesn't get hurt worse in the future. Besides that, I might challenge the comment that Subaru's affection for Emilia comes out of nowhere or is irrational. I do understand though, since so much screentime has been on Rem the past few episodes. But when you think about it, there's not much difference between what Rem feels for Subaru and what Subaru feels for Emilia. They each see the other as "their hero": Subaru saved Rem at a low point in her life, and she saw something in him that she lacked--the ability to look upon the future with a smile. Emilia saved Subaru at a low point in his life and he saw something in her that he lacked--the ability to help others without expecting anything in return. Subaru says he literally sees Emilia as an "angel", a shining figure that gives him hope. And don't forget they did have a lot of time to get to know each other in the mansion, so his affection had time to grow for her. Even if a lot of his actions towards her were self-posturing, I think there is still that admiration for her at the heart of it. That's my opinion and interpretation of what we've seen up to this point


Like you said in your discussion there were a lot of people who hated Subaru after this episode, so I'm so glad that you understand some of the reasons why he chose Emilia. It's not easy to change the person who you first fell in love with. Personally I think that the whole point of this episode was for Subaru to start loving him self a little.


Absolutely. Re:Zero at its core is about self-love


I'm glad you enjoyed man! About Subaru's love for Emilia. You have a good point, it was definitely more than just love at first sight, he sees her as his saviour and angel, she inspired him just like he did with Rem. He was also motivating himself in one of the episodes by saying "What would Emilia do now?" He truly likes her. I guess it's because of the screen time and all of Rem's sacrifices throughout different loops, seeing her suffer and laying down her life just made me attached to her character a lot, she's such a sweetheart. Besides we got her tragic backstory as well so there was a lot of focus on her. I'm guessing that we are gonna learn more about Emilia as well down the line, her whole existance is basically suffering based on what we saw already... Emilia is ofc very busy with the royal selection stuff and they did still spend a good amount of time together, but I knew it all along that he likes her over Rem, it didn't came as a big surprise, but it still felt kinda sad. Imagine now Emilia confessing to Subaru that she loves Rem! xD I forgot to mention that part about Subaru being straight up with her, that's really something that I respect as well, it's better to say it right away than to give false hope and potentially hurt her in the future. I was super glad that he acknowledged his flaws and can't wait to see my boy start getting some W's! :D


Well that’s that, you’ve just finished the prologue for Re:ZERO! While Subaru isn’t fully healed after this conversation with Rem, it was enough to stop him from giving up! This finally offers some upward mobility for Subaru mentally. However, Subaru’s development is not finished yet, not by a long shot. Emilia aswell will have her time to shine, significantly more than Rem. So please stay tuned! I would also like to add that there is an alternative if story where Subaru actually runs away with Rem and they start a family in Kararagi. Re:ZERO has many different routes that Subaru could have taken and gotten a different result in the story. The author releases a new if route every year on Subaru’s birthday depicting what would have happened if Subaru would have made different choices in the series! I would advise that you eventually check out Echidnut’s videos on the if routes and react to them. Especially the Sloth, Greed, Wrath, and Pride routes! They are well put together and bring even more depth to Re:ZERO.


I'm very excited to learn more about Emilia and to see Subaru's further development. This episode definitely felt like catalyst for Subaru's change! I'll eventually react to alternative routes, thanks for letting me know!


Amazing reaction. Honestly your Re:Zero reactions are the best I've seen. But I love Emilia.


Man, when you're binge watching it by yourself it's easy to not see how absolutely fucked up this show is. 10/10


Also Subaru doesn't deserve Rem. She's too good for him.


I'm so happy that you enjoy man, thank you! I love them all! xD But I guess Rem just got a lot of focus and she just too precious.

Money Gambler

This was the episode that sold me on Re:Zero. This episode was mostly carried by writing, voice acting, characters basically didn´t move from a single spot. The hate for Subaru and backlash after this episode and sending death threats to the author is just ridiculous. It made me realize that this show is almost always hated for stupid reasons and not because it is bad.


Holy shit :o Death threats? Wtf is this world we are living in... Rem is my favourite character and yet I fully accepted the outcome because Subaru is in love with Emilia and Rem is fine with that as long as Subaru is happy. I still felt heartbroken for her because she goes to insane lengths to help Subaru and she is so precious, but you can't force someone to love somebody else. It's better that he was straight up with her rather than giving her false hope, if he was about to reject her anyway, it's better this way.

Ayaar Timofeev

As JJL56 said. The author of Re Zero makes alternative routes called the IF series every 1st April (Subaru's birthday). And there is If Subaru and Rem. Honestly, for me this route is way better in terms of enjoyment+no stress, Subaru lives a relatively normal life with Rem. They have kids and live happily. There is no madness as is gonna be on the main route. About Echidnut, don't like his retells, as he constantly gives his opinion about the story, which I didn't want to hear, I wanted just to know the story. But there are no good alternatives, so yeah

Ayaar Timofeev

I don't dislike Subaru. But what he did there was rough and trash. Rem opened her whole chest and Subaru said like nah, whatever. But it's their business after all


I mean yeah, if they want no more sufffering I guess that works, but he would never be truly happy and we wouldn't have the story of Re:Zero. xD


It seems I can't watch the video in the post, can you please check this? I'm so looking forward to watch reaction of this episode!


I am so sorry and thank you for letting me know, I have no clue what happened, the episode just disappeared and it won't let me re-upload. :c Here's the google drive link, I just uploaded it there: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WCDz6HeMLZDjWuw4gByOWuFDYKHXQgP8/view?usp=sharing