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Oh boy another great episode stacked with valuable information, I'm glad we got to learn about the magic system a little bit as well. Subaru finally letting his pent-up feelings out will be helpful moving forward! :)



Watch "RE:ZERO EPISODE 8 FULL REACTION!" on Streamable.



You know the writing is good when a viewer who's paying attention can put the pieces together on their own, without being directly handed the answer, like you did with the shaman being in the village! Idk if you missed it, but Betty said that Satella also consumed half the world when she killed the other six witches. So, if nothing else, it's understandable why people despise her and give Emilia a hard time for looking like her. Kind of like how no one IRL would wear a mustache like a certain WWII dictator, just because the mere association is enough to make people upset Of course the lap pillow scene was amazing. The VAs in this show are brilliant. What you said about depression and anxiety is something I've thought about as well with the show, I have a feeling the author meant the black hand to be a metaphor for being afraid to vent your feelings to another person. I also like how "human" the characters feel in this show... they get a few minutes to just cry about something which feels really real to me


Satella consuming half of the world... I knew it that I forgot to mention something important. No wonder why she's despised, thanks for bringing that up, it makes sense. The lap scene was really nice, it was very realistic. The way Emilia was gently fondling (I hope that's the right word xD) him and was making sure that he was relaxed and ready to let it all out, it was like a therapy session.

James Klix

I am so stoked that you're reacting to this show and especially excited for a couple weeks from now. This show's plot grows exponentially as it goes on. You're catching a ton right off the bat, I can't speak for everyone, but it's refreshing to see a reactor rewatch certain scenes and reread dialog to fully understand. I checked my YouTube comments because I remember telling you that you'd like this show when you were reacting to AoT back in November 2021.

Ayaar Timofeev

9:03 That's rough. Imagine how Subaru will be lonely; at least Okabe had friends who could understand and help him. Nobody knows his ability, Subaru is alone

Money Gambler

Finally an episode where nothing bad happened. Great reaction as always.


I'm so happy that you enjoy man! November of 2021, wow that was a long time ago, but all the people who suggested me Re:Zero were certain that I would enjoy it and you were all right! This show definitely requires a lot of focus while still being so fast and things constantly happening on screen so sometimes I have to go back. :D


Yeah, it's very rough for Subaru. Both are suffering quite a lot. Okabe didn't have the ability to change things tho, so he kept experiencing his friends death over and over again no matter what he does and he felt responsible because of all the experiments done that got him into that mess...