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Another interesting episode, it seems like things are always gravitating towards the same outcome but perhaps Subaru can change that just like when he called for help and Reinhard showed up.

I skipped the opening, I didn't know if it's spoiler free so please let me know guys if I can watch it.



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The OP shows few character designs but no real spoilers. It's as safe as an opening can be.

Money Gambler

Love your comments and discussion. Openings and endings are not spoilery in S1. They just show characters for the most part. If you want to skip endings you can, but don´t forget to check for after credit scenes, there are few later on.

Money Gambler

24:10 good point! Author recently revealed that he picks dictionaries and read them over and over again to find the right words.

Ayaar Timofeev

Yeah, his first death is important. It all starts after that. But it doesn't matter how he would have died he would still go back in time. It's just that this was his first death which is why they emphasize that scene. Edit: Well, actually after thinking a bit, that is a nice theory but gotta think more about it

Ayaar Timofeev

Subaru legit "spawn point". There are no rules like in Steins gate like inevitable certain death in a certain world line , but there is certain stuff like the following: Subaru can't choose his "spawn point" and he would return only if he is dead,also other stuff that would be revealed later

Money Gambler

!! spoilers!! "Subaru can´t choose his spawn point and he would return only if he is dead" Which is the mystery for audience when he wakes up in the bed in the mansion. We don´t know why it was activated. Subaru him self tries to find out by not going to sleep.


It’s best in general not to tell someone information that hasn’t been revealed in the show

Ayaar Timofeev

I thought Marko already knew, he already said multiple times about spawn points, and also Subaru literally call his ability Return by Death this episode. I don't get it, don't you watch Marko's reactions? Or I am really spoilered something here?


(SPOILER) What Money Gambler said. The fact that Subaru can’t control his spawn point or that there’s no inevitability like Steins Gate is supposed to be a mystery at this point


Subaru has one thing up on Okabe at this point—Okabe never had to die himself, but Subaru has to feel the physical agony of losing his own life each time… I stand by all the OPs and EDs for this show, not only are the tracks amazing but the visuals really help set the tone I think I said this before about Steins;Gate, but this is one of the reasons I’m attracted to time loop stories, they ask what I think is a really interesting question, which is, do people make choices based on their environment, or because that’s who they are? Is it “destiny” or choice? IRL oftentimes it’s both, but in my opinion people are at their best when they can make choices that transcend their environment. For example, Satella still stopped to help the kid in this timeline, which tells me that’s just a part of her character, that no matter what she will stop to help. Love it! Return by Death is also a great name for a power, just like Reading Steiner 😂


Yeah, their circumstances are different and Okabe didn't have the possibility to save people around him unless there is a drastic change like when we switched from Alpha to Beta world line. It looks like Subaru has more freedom when it comes to changing events now that I saw ep 3, but only him it seems. It's getting really interesting! Yeah, destiny or choice, I like that as well, these time loop stories are really interesting. Return by Death also reminded me of Reading Steiner haha.