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This episode was incredible! The contrast between Askeladd's and Thorfinn's revenges was beautifully portraited in that story. Not only by their way of taking revenge but also the contrast of their fathers Olaf and Thors.


I didn't watch to say much in my comment on your last Vinland Saga episode reaction because I didn't want to spoil this.. fight.. if you wanna call it that, lol. But now I can speak on it. I can't say all the emotions Askeladd was feeling when he killed Bjorn but there is one I can say for certain that he felt.. He was pissed. After having to do that to Bjorn he had to deal with Thorfinn. This immature teen who could think of nothing but getting revenge. I'm sure that at first the whole revenge thing amused Askeladd because knowing that Thors was his father he saw potential in Thorfinn, but now he's just over it. Thorfinn hasn't learned a damn thing and Askeladd bluntly pointed that out to him in this episode. To be honest, I don't think Askeladd has any respect for Thorfinn and I think the only reason Thorfinn is alive and Askeladd hasn't killed him is because he respected Thors. Even more than just wanting to use Thorfinn. That's just my theory though. And, I have to be honest, much like Askeladd I couldn't stand Thorfinn. Thorfinn's hate and wanting revenge against Askeladd made sense in the beginning, but then as the years went on and he got older, it became so childish to me. Like, to be so committed to revenge and hate that when he runs into Leif, he basically just screams at him about how he has to kill Askeladd. That when Leif brings up his mother and sister he doesn't give a fuck. I was just over it. But, after watching through the episodes more than once, I understand his character more. On the surface it seems very childish, but if you look deeper you can tell that it's taking it's toll on Thorfinn. This episode really made that clear where at the end he's having all these memories of the things he's done and he starts crying in frustration and anger. Last thing, I just wanted to say that I find that to be the beauty of this show. The fact that if you just take everything at face value you'll completely miss the deeper meaning of what the writer is trying to tell you. If you just look at Thorfinn as some bitter kid who just wants revenge.. you'll miss it. At first I wasn't feeling it because I was binge watching and not fully taking in the deeper things, but when I started re-watching episodes more and more I was like, "Holy fuck this show is next level." You're doing a great job of getting the fuller picture. It's awesome to see. Sorry for the long post.


Thank you for the comment man! I really appreciate it and it helps me to see Thorfinn's character better. Seeking revenge for that long is certainly worrying and especially because he feels so strongly about it still. Askeladd was very brutal in this episode but I think Thorfinn needed this, it's maybe werid to say this but Thorifnn's revenge came from the feelings of love, love for his father. But at the same time he is doing something that his father would not like, it's contradictory, I really can't wait to see what will Thorfinn do after this episode! :D