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Watch "JOJO PART 6 EPISODES 31-33 FULL REACTION!" on Streamable.



Crazy how both kira and diavolo always kept saying luck and fate is always on thier side but they are nothing compare to pucci After that wild backstory I feel like pucci intentions or what sets him on this path was this question that he asked before meeting dio ” why people must suffer and have misfortune and sadness in their lives” his stand can be used literally for good if he hasn’t been effected by that tragedy,like helping people mourn the death of thier loved ones by giving them thier memories to cherish ,suitable for a priest ironic But it’s all comes to destiny and fate like what rikiel said , he was fated to meet dio and lose his sister Great stuff from araki ,never thought he would go this hard on these themes honestly


The beginning scene of ep 33 is what solidifies Jolyne to be my absolute favorite JoJo personally Her hesitations and feel of lost and dread that the situation might be out of hand and it’s too late is something that makes her human more than any protagonist we’ve seen so far from JoJo, Not to mention we saw her growth first hand , she didn’t have the perfect stand nor a fighting experience like the others but yet she came a long way from ep1 with her resolve to save her father and stop pucci No matter how much she encounteres pucci and he wins she still keeps pushing forward It’s insane to me how people back in 2002 disliked her because she’s a female protagonist ,I’m just glad araki kept delivering and didn’t went with what’s trending Srry long rant lol


It's crazy to think that people hated her... Jolyne is so dope, and yeah you are right, it really feels like she literally doesn't know what to do and is scared but she keeps on pushing.