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Watch "JOJO PART 6 EPISODES 13-15 FULL REACTION!" on Streamable.



survivor is the weakest stand even Dio said it’s useless but pucci could’ve never used it any better than this situation (trigger 10+ people which is 4 of them are stand users in an Isolated place)

Collin Lyons

I love Ermes SO MUCH. Episode 14 is one of my favorites in Stone Ocean. Such a great buildup for a really emotional payoff. Oh! And just for future reference in case you're interested in the stats... the Stand stats on the radar chart go like this: Power is at the top. Then clockwise: Speed, Range, Durability/Stamina, Precision, and finally Development Potential! Also a heads up: I think the platform you're watching on is using the dub subtitles for the subbed version. It's not really that big of a deal (I think the dub script is actually pretty good), more just something I found interesting since I would have expected them to just use the jp subs! Idk if all of the episodes have been like that, but I just noticed it for these three & figured I'd mention it The next few episodes are going to be great, looking forward to next week!


Thank you for chart explanation. I didn't know that I was watching with dub subs, thanks for pointing that out as well! Ermes is so cool and I really liked her backstory! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next, things are getting pretty heated! :D