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Oh boy, you're in for a ride these next couple episodes.. Idk if you realized it but they mentioned that Corazon was mute because of a traumatic incident Btw there's been a new opening for a while, now that you've seen Corazon you can watch it :D Also perfect thumbnail XD

Ayaar Timofeev

My man Corazon is here. Also, remember my man Mjosgard? He was with Queen Otohime for like 7 days and he actually agreed to give Queen Otohime the authority to do what she wanted. He started questioning the Celestial dragon's status back when he crushed on Fishman Island. He didn't change immediately, but he for sure started questioning it. I don't dislike Celestial dragons. I always saw them as just scapegoats or like pseudo "highest authority". The typical Celestial dragon is just an ignorant brat. Even if they want to change, it seems that they can't do it easily. One of the reasons why was shown with Doflamingo's family. I feel like the World government obviously doesn't want to Celestial dragons to change and just keeps them "stupid" and ignorant, so they can control them easily and dispose them whenever they want. The main antagonists here, to me, were always Five Elders. By the way, there is a theory that the Five Elders are all immortal thanks to op-op fruit. What do you think, Marko? Overall, good reaction.


Wow, that's an interesting theory, I would never think about that. I mean there is somebody above them for sure, but I don't think that they are that "ignorant" in a sense that they don't know what they are doing, in fact I feel like they are very aware since they are also humans and they know hence how the other humans feel like slaves and all the other victims, they are just pieces of shit. :D