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I hate this episode... that was way too cruel, holy shit guys...


Ayaar Timofeev

I understand that you dislike this episode so much. When I first watched I didn't want to continue either, I thought this was so stupid, bro what the hell, we almost had peace, but that random Geass command felt like it was out of nowhere, and the timing when Lelouch accidentally used geass was had to be on "Kill all Japanese". But when I fully watched and rewatched I could see it was coming to this, Lelouch has been spamming his geass so often, he was using it so casually, without thinking. It's like the quote "With Great power, comes great responsibility"


"Don't wield borrowed power like it's your own". What Lelouch said to the aristocrat at the beginning of the episode turned out to be the whole episodes theme, as he himself abused the Geass like it was it's own power without being aware of the consequences. Previous quote is also very clearly referenced again just moments before the 'incident' when Lelouch told Euphy "I won't accept sympathy from you! I'll try and achieve it with my own power!". Just highlighting how a tragedy like this was unavoidable as a side effect of Lelouches own recklessness and hypocrisy. And he himself seems to acknowledge that, as the Japanese are brutally slaughtered right before his eyes, calling himself "not a messiah or savior" anymore and instead questioning whether he is the one who has to "bear this sin and try to atone for it". And atone for it he does! By using this tragedy caused by his own mistakes to propel himself forward for what he deems a greater good. Honestly, every time i watch this episode it crushes my heart. But watching it over and over again made me realize how well it is written. It is infuriating that something seemingly random and unpredictable like this ruined a serious effort backed by Euphys purest of intentions to make a leap towards a well deserved happier ending. But then again, the show makes subtly clear that with Lelouches methods there is no "easy" way out and that he cannot be part of a peaceful solution anymore. Also explains why the last episodes felt like a fewer dream because, in the end, they were just that.


Thanks for the comment man, nice connection to the aristocrat line, I didn't catch that. It's so damn well written despite being so tragic. Lelouch is definitely insanely interesting character to follow, it's 10/10 show so far.