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I've run into a few problems with VaM that I thought I'd share:

1) Characters loaded with a strange gold texture, instead of the skin texture you'd expect.  Reloading the scene resulted in the exact same gold textures.

2) One of my VR hands disappeared.  I could switch between the different hand settings, and most would show up, but one appeared almost corrupted and quickly disappeared any time I toggled to it.

3) Hair on my models would appear and almost instantly disappear to the scalp.  I could toggle the hair off/on in the Hair tab, and I would again see it for maybe 1/10th of a second, and then it would disappear again.

The solution to all these circumstances --->  Shutdown VaM and clear the cache.

To be fair, I'm not entirely sure if the hair solution was indeed a cache problem (perhaps just restarting VaM did the trick), but I'm fairly positive the other two were directly related to cache.  Either way, there are no downsides to removing the Cache directory except slowing down VaM load times (somewhat) until it re-caches your files.  However, it doesn't harm anything, can actually fix stuff, and is a good way to save on disk space.  The cache will continue to grow and grow if you don't manually clear it out occasionally.

To do that, (for example, if VaM is installed in C:\VaM), you'll want to delete the entire C:\VaM\Cache directory.  Don't worry, VaM will recreate the directory the next time it launches.

I hope this helps you from banging your head against a wall...



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